I had to show you what I received in the mail today! These beautiful Paris stamps by Cavallini that I have wanted forever but just never broke down to buy. Well, my Amazon Associates book store in my side bar shows my favorite books and if someone chooses to purchase one of the books I have listed, I get a little percentage. I just received my first gift certificate for 10.00 on Amazon.com and used it to go towards these lovelies! You can get a check too but I love books and also these stamps, so it was great to receive the gift certificate. I used them to make three bookmarks this evening and had the best fun doing it. So if you purchased a book through my little store, thank you so much!

Another Cavallini goodie, a small journal or idea book that I fell in love with. I want to keep it in my purse but it's such a danger zone I may have to make a little fabric pouch to protect it!

Also, today I met Karin (meadering travels of mindless thoughts) at The Plum Tree and she brought some of the neatest things in to sell. I'm sharing my room with her and already I'm so enjoying it. She's such a sweet soul and very creative too! She made the most wonderful chalkboard tags to sell and several other neat goodies. If you live in the area you'll have to drop by and see. Anyway, she brought me one of her handmade roses ~ made from coffee filters (instructions on Martha Stewart's site). Karin's are absolutely gorgeous to me! Plus she made me the most adorable tote bag. I love bags and she knew it! Thank you so very much, Karin, you know I love it all ~ I'm so glad to call you my friend.

Lastly, here's a project I'm beginning to put together for a sweet friend, Cindy of Wisteria Place . . . I just had to let you know I'm thinking of you Cindy!