Showing posts with label free vintage image. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free vintage image. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Finding the beauty in each day ~

Sometimes our "real" days aren't really blog-worthy...
they are those days where you vacuum, do laundry,
feel a little under-the-weather but trudge on.
Because you love your family and have a things
you want to accomplish for that day.

But truthfully, these simple things are not something you'd
really want to share to inspire others on your blog!
So I dig around in my archives,
to find images I've shared in the past
that maybe you missed?

Here are a few, click to enlarge any and all to save
for your own personal use ~
I just love roses if you can't tell!!

I love blogging though, I can't help myself ~
You all are my inspiration, thank you so much for that!!!

Happy Thursday sweet friends,
hugs and love,

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

On my mind ~

First, I have to share the most beautiful image with you...
I love it so much!!!
I purchased it framed but took it out of the frame
just so I could scan it to share with you ~

I've been wanting to make an art doll.
As I sew lavender sachets...that are selling so wonderfully,
in the back of my mind I have a precious doll I want to create...

The other day I finally sketched her out
so I thought I would share her with you ~
she would be made of paper clay and I would so love
creating her sweet, simple clothes:

We'll see how long this takes to come to fruition but
just so you know...
she's on my mind!!!

Wishing you a very happy Tuesday precious friends ~
hugs and love,

Monday, March 4, 2013

Let's go junkin', shall we???

First, my sweet friends...I just have to tell you something.
As I went to create this post I noticed that I have posted
2100 POSTS!!!!!
I guess this one is 2101...
pretty neat, huh?
My land, I've been blogging a long time.

Anyway. I found some precious photographs and images Friday when I went junkin'
that I purchased just to share with you!
I've scanned them in....just click a few times to make sure
they are as large as possible and save them to your computer :)

My sweet friend Debby and I went to Griffin, GA and had a fun day exploring the town!
Our first stop was Gigi's Antique Griffin...
I took a few photos to share with you ~
I've had space in this antique mall before and have
always loved it!!!

I found some sweet little goodies at Antique Griffin...I always, always do!

Our next stop was a brand, spankin' new shop The Chicken House!
They are located at 324 E. Broad St., Suite 211 in Griffin....
They are a coffee goodness shop...
treasure shop...tea shop...and so much more.
The owners have totally transformed this old warehouse space into
an absolute dream ~ you've got to pay them a visit!!!
I wish them so much success ~

And in the very same building was another so, so new shop,
47th Ave. Antique Boutique

I so love their taste,
their displays and just the general atmosphere.
Well, just take a look at the pics below:

See the wonderful old paper cutter thingee below...
I drooled over that piece big time!!
The paint patina...and I've always wanted one in the studio ~
Oh well, maybe next time :)

We visited about three or four more shops that I just loved and
had the most fun together!!!
Tomorrow, I'll be sure to share my sweet finds with you ~

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and wish you a great week ahead!!!

Happy Monday precious friends,
hugs and love,

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Making a bit of progress!!!!

I'm still not finished but making great progress!!
I'm loving the look of fresh fallen snow and the glitter
adds such a beautiful, sparkly quality.

But I'm getting tired of the process as I'm painting the tops of each. and. every. limb!!!!
Oh well....the rewards will be beautiful I am sure, I can see it in my mind's eye...

I found tons more tags that I'd made to share with you too!!!
Here they are...a few tags, a few images:
(Click a few times so you can save the largest size)

I can't remember where I acquired these from....

Or these....

Today is my precious husband's birthday!!!!
He is my friend, my strength, the amazing father of our five sons
and my cherished soul mate....
I am so very thankful he chose me!!!
Happy Birthday sweet man ~

Wishing you a most wonderful Thursday dear friends,
hugs and love,


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