Our boys are truly our blessings in this life!!!
I've scanned a few photos that I've shared on Facebook
and I thought I would share them with you here as well!
Our second and third born, David and Brad! Only two years apart and VERY animated!!!
They were about four and two years old here...now?
30 years old and 28. REALLY?
A sweet photo of David at the beach when he was just a wee little one.
A precious photo of our fourth born, Chase...he looks like he's up to something!!!
He's now just about to turn 24 years old.
A sweet photo of Noah, our baby who is now 17 years old...he was only about two here!
This is a photo of our oldest son Brent who was a mere 1 3/4ths year old checking out
his new baby brother David...in 1984.
My goodness ~ Brent is 32 and now David is 30.
A precious photo of Brent when he was only about four ~
Chase, our fourth born is such a sweet angel here and only a teeny toddler!
David and Brad. Exactly two years apart to the day!!! Discussing The Night Before Christmas....
And here is a much more recent photo taken just a couple of years ago...
Our beautiful babies!!!
I hope you don't mind me sharing my sweet sons with you ~
I've been looking through old photos
and just can't believe how fast the time has gone by.
and just can't believe how fast the time has gone by.
Cherish the moments dear friends!!!!
A few scans for you from my sweet gifts from Lisa!!!!
Wishing you all a wonderful Friday and weekend!!!
hugs and love,