Showing posts with label free postcard images. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free postcard images. Show all posts

Friday, March 6, 2015

The sweetness in my life ~

Our boys are truly our blessings in this life!!!
I've scanned a few photos that I've shared on Facebook
and I thought I would share them with you here as well!

Our second and third born, David and Brad! Only two years apart and VERY animated!!!
They were about four and two years old
30 years old and 28. REALLY?

A sweet photo of David at the beach when he was just a wee little one.

A precious photo of our fourth born, Chase...he looks like he's up to something!!!
He's now just about to turn 24 years old.

A sweet photo of Noah, our baby who is now 17 years old...he was only about two here!

This is a photo of our oldest son Brent who was a mere 1 3/4ths year old checking out
his new baby brother 1984.
My goodness ~ Brent is 32 and now David is 30.

A precious photo of Brent when he was only about four ~

Chase, our fourth born is such a sweet angel here and only a teeny toddler!

David and Brad. Exactly two years apart to the day!!! Discussing The Night Before Christmas....

And here is a much more recent photo taken just a couple of years ago...
Our beautiful babies!!!

I hope you don't mind me sharing my sweet sons with you ~
I've been looking through old photos
and just can't believe how fast the time has gone by.
Cherish the moments dear friends!!!!

A few scans for you from my sweet gifts from Lisa!!!!

Wishing you all a wonderful Friday and weekend!!!
hugs and love,

Friday, March 14, 2014

Inklings of Spring ~

We've had several beautiful days as of late here in Georgia.
The temps have been mild and
buds are bursting open on most all of our flowering trees!

Then of course, in typical Georgia fashion,
this week we had a below freezing temperatures again
and fierce winds that were awful.

But it's coming.
Today is another beauty even though it's a little chilly!
I thought I would share a few "springish" images with you...
you know, to get you in the mood!!!

Wishing you a beautiful pre-spring weekend sweet friends!

hugs and love,

Monday, March 18, 2013

It's a new day ~

We had a busy weekend!!
My parents came for a quick visit...
then it seems we blinked and the weekend was over ~

I didn't get to work on my living room curtains
but did buy some new rods to hang them on.
Now to get them finished and hung!

I need to create a new piece of artwork too...
all the sewing has been fun
but I've just got to make something else soon!

A few oldies but goodies:

Wishing you a beautiful Monday my sweet friends!!!

hugs and love,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Progress and postcards ~

I've been a busy girl....not so much with creating but with moving furniture, spackling nail holes, painting first coats and all such as that! I haven't painted a room in several years now and boy I can sure tell it!!!

I'm not really sure if I like the color I chose...but it still needs another coat so I may change it a little on the next coat ~ we'll see. Paint colors are so very tricky....too much blue, too much green or too much red in a paint color can just ruin the look you're after. I really wanted a very neutral khaki and what I've ended up with is not that ~ so we'll see.

I've been wanting to give you a few more postcard images that I hope you love. Please save them to your own computer and use in your artwork, a sweet card or even to frame ~

Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday sweet friends,

xxoo, Dawn


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