I've made so many amazing friends over these past few years.
And the neat thing about having a blog, sharing so much and what you create
folks tend to get to know what you love, what you're attracted to and
simply more about you!
me on Facebook and said she just left a yard sale that had the most
amazingly old glass glitter that made her think of ME!
She left it behind but wanted to know,
"Did I want her to go back for it?"
I replied as fast as I could, "YES!!!"
The whole bundle was only 10 bucks!
But isn't it wonderful how we all get to know each other?
Knowing that someone would love this...
could use that in their artwork, etc.
I love blogging. I can't help it. I just do!
It's such a wonderful, supportive community ~
you all have lifted me
you have encouraged me
and you have always, always cheered me on!
Makes me cry and makes me wish I could meet you all in person!
Here's the wonderful glass glitter Julie mailed me ~
My camera is getting old and simply
can't capture how beautiful it is but
maybe you will get an idea?
Isn't it AMAZING???
To think of something beautiful to make
to use this goodness on....
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I've been trying to think up a few ideas
for our tiny speckled egg soaps!
Here's something that I came up with ~
I found this wonderful package of 25 white tulle circles at w-mart
and gathered three little eggs inside each circle
then used a few pieces of coordinating seam binding
to cinch each one up!
What beautiful party favors!!!
For showers, for luncheons, for bird lovers...etc.
And can't you just see the beautiful speckled ivory soap
gathered up with ribbon for wedding favors?
We're having a 20% OFF SALE on your entire purchase
for just a few weeks...just type in the coupon code "SUMMER"
when checking out if you should order any!!!
if you want to take a peek!
I hope you had a wonderful July 4th weekend!!!
We were covered in rain, rain AND MORE rain here in Georgia.
I do believe we have mosquitoes the size of small birds right now!!!
Wishing you a wonderful Monday dear friends,
hugs and love,