I've been thinking about the items that I've been making and showing you on my blog. . . it truly is my bliss to create. And I must tell you how encouraging it is for me personally to show you what I've made and receive the sweetest comments from you all. Everyone has their one "thing" that they can do, that they're truly good at . . . that they enjoy.
Don't get me wrong, I love being an antique store owner. The friendships that I've made with Cindy, my business partner, and so many of the wonderful customers, are invaluable to me. Making things look pretty so when a customer sees it they are taken to another time or place, that's such a great feeling.
But I have to admit, creating something from a stack of papers and found objects or a piece of vintage fabric, has always been wonderful to me.
I want to share with you one of my most favorite books of all time. My favorites are not fiction, though. They are decorating or how-to books and boy, do I have a ton of them! This book is by the creators of Victoria Magazine: The Business of Bliss ~ How to Profit from Doing What You Love.

The women featured in this book are so very inspirational. The businesses they've created are truly amazing. I love to thumb through it and see all the successful women and read about them. They all are so very different but are following their own personal bliss.
You may not be able to devote yourself full-time to your bliss but you must try to make time for what truly makes you happy. This happiness will reflect in you and bubble over to everyone that surrounds you. Time is fleeting and we look up and another month has passed by us. So my thought for you today is to carve out time in your day to follow your bliss . . .