My parents will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary
this coming August.....FIFTIETH!!!
Can you even wrap your mind around that???
They are becoming a rarity in this world and I have to say that I am so thankful for their love. Their love is what gave my brothers and myself the stable home that we had. Yes, they did argue....more than I even knew!!! Back then, parents would conceal that from the children. I think that's a generational thing. Because really, it's part of married life and I sometimes wish I was exposed to just a little of it to know that.
We had a very "leave it to Beaver" childhood.
morning always brought forgiveness and a new day.
Mom and dad left a big box of photos with me at Christmas for Brent to compile into a wonderful CD for us to play at the anniversary party. I've been going through them and just loving them!!!! So much life that has been lived and captured on film. Their love for one another, their family growing and as they grow older their grandchildren being born ~
it truly is beautiful!!!
They've had financial problems, trials and tribulations but their love has always been constant. With this being the month of love, I can't think of any two people that represent this more than my mom and dad...
I used to moan and groan when they would want to have "get-togethers" with family...but now...having four grown sons and almost five,
I FINALLY realize why!
Time is flying by so quickly ~
we must enjoy these precious moments together....
Thank you Don and Gloria!!!! You make me so proud to be your daughter ~
Thank you always for stopping by my blog,
and always for your precious comments!!!
Have a great Friday dear friends ~
hugs and love,
this coming August.....FIFTIETH!!!
Can you even wrap your mind around that???
They are becoming a rarity in this world and I have to say that I am so thankful for their love. Their love is what gave my brothers and myself the stable home that we had. Yes, they did argue....more than I even knew!!! Back then, parents would conceal that from the children. I think that's a generational thing. Because really, it's part of married life and I sometimes wish I was exposed to just a little of it to know that.
We had a very "leave it to Beaver" childhood.
morning always brought forgiveness and a new day.
Mom and dad left a big box of photos with me at Christmas for Brent to compile into a wonderful CD for us to play at the anniversary party. I've been going through them and just loving them!!!! So much life that has been lived and captured on film. Their love for one another, their family growing and as they grow older their grandchildren being born ~
it truly is beautiful!!!
They've had financial problems, trials and tribulations but their love has always been constant. With this being the month of love, I can't think of any two people that represent this more than my mom and dad...
I used to moan and groan when they would want to have "get-togethers" with family...but now...having four grown sons and almost five,
I FINALLY realize why!
Time is flying by so quickly ~
we must enjoy these precious moments together....
Thank you Don and Gloria!!!! You make me so proud to be your daughter ~
Thank you always for stopping by my blog,
and always for your precious comments!!!
Have a great Friday dear friends ~
hugs and love,
Very nice post about your parents!
Oh Dawn sweetie...
What a beautiful tribute to your Moma and Daddy. Congratulations to them on their upcoming 50th wedding anniversary. Such a special time for them both. (In july my parents will be celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary)
I find myself snapping photos of the kids and grandkids trying to capture those memories for them as well. Unbelievable how fast the time goes. You are so lucky to have been given the box of photos to go through. You can make copies, relive happy memories. What a treasure that they have these photos.
Thanks for sharing sweetie. Enjoy this special day with them. Don't forget to post photos of the lovely event.
Country hugs sweetie...Sherry
Dawn you are right...it is rare anymore that couples stay together that long.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THEM ...how fortunate for you to come from a stable home.
Like you... just LOVE OLD FAMILY PHOTO'S .
Dawn, It always amazes me when people post about their sweet childhood memory. I just read one today from:http://manya-mykitchenstories.blogspot.com
She is brand new to blogging. Take a peek- you might like her childhood story!!!
Congratulations to your parents! Fifty years of marriage is a rarity these days! I love that you shared their photos through the years.
How nice that you have a box of photos to go through....so many special memories! I'm sure the CD that Brent creates for them will be just wonderful. I'm wondering ~ what kind of special things will YOU be making for this happy celebration? I know you must have some special things in mind!
So happy to hear another happy love story, Dawn! My parents will be celebrating their 50th in June--can't believe it's 50 already! I'm also so grateful for the loving and stable home(--not perfect--just wonderful!) they gave us & the warm and loving parents they continue to be...we are certainly lucky girls, aren't we?!
What a beautiful couple! And what a beautiful daughter they produced, too. :-)
Just a wonderful post!
50 years! Wow! When my parents had their 50th I made her a wedding dress from my daughters wedding dress. She looked so precious and was happy as a new bride. All of the kids were there to celebrate along with 19 grandchildren and a few great grands. It was a beautiful, precious time togethe. My sis & I stood up with her and my brother with Daddy. They made it to celebrate their 63rd when we all came from around the US and we had a wonderful family time. Daddy was gone in three months so it was a precious memory for all. Congratulations for your parents!!!
Congratulations to you, you are so fortunate to have them both. Enjoy!!
Hi sweet,Dawn
what beautifull photoes of your mom and dad, and such a wonderfull day to come, celebrating their 50 years.
My parents did not reach that date, as my father died ,only 66 years old, from a lung desiece.
You are so lucky to still have them both, and being a part of this big and wonderfull family, that yourself have made even bigger,and with new generations to come.
And CONGRATULATIONS with your interwiew, to that great Stampington publication.Please tell us when it will be.
Wishing you a wonderfull friday sweet friend,
with love and hugs.
LOVE IT! Love the beautiful pictures and the love in your voice is sweet! My Parents are both gone so treasure every moment you have with them:) HUGS!
Dawn - when I was dating my husband his parents were celebrating their 25th....They are now celebrating their 50th in September, and then my husband and I are celebrating our 25th next year. Amazing how time flies. But what a wonderful thing it is to say you've kept a relationship going for 50 years. That says a lot about commitment.
What a wonderful, heart felt tribute to your parents. Happy 50th Anniversary to them.
great blog ...!!!
hugs mina
50 years is rare in these times. What a wonderful tribute to your parents. I'm sure they are so proud of their daughter.
Have a great weekend!
You are a lucky girl..my parents stayed together as well, but passed prior to thier 50th..but I know it would have been grand! Hug them and keep them close..and congrats to them for raising such an accomplished and generous daughter :-)
Hi Dawn,
Oh that was just such a beautiful, heart-felt post about your Mom and Dad's 50th. God Bless Them! I remember when my Mom and Dad had their 50th ~ I was so excited for them. Dad has passed now, and I am so glad that I made a fuss over their 50th anniversary. Your comment about understanding now why they wanted to have family get togethers ~ it all makes sense.
Blessings to you, my dear friend,
Dear Dawn,
This is a wonderful tribute to your Dad and Mom! Its such a blessing to me this morning to hear about your parents soon-to-be celebrating their 50th! You have a lovely family--the legacy that they are passing on is reflected in you and your beautiful blog!
With Love from the Cabin,
Claudia O.
What a sweet and loving tribute to your darling parents. I enjoyed looking at the photos. Love the posing in front of the wedding cake photo very much. Thanks for sharing, and early congratulations to them both.
Such a sweet post! Congrats to Mom & Dad on 50 years!!!! You are so blessed to have them both still with you. Time does fly. Your post made me think of Hubby & I... married when I was 16 & he was 20 just back from Vietnam. WOW ages ago. We're coming up on 40 years in October. It is a blessing when love endures! Enjoy those photos my sweet friend. Charlene
Congratulations to your parents, how wonderful!!
I am sure they are just as proud of you too!!
Margaret B
Lovely tribute of your parents, I, too, still have my parents and next year they will celebrate their 60th...Cherish the memories..
Now, you are the spitting image of your beautiful Mother!...so know that you are going to age beautifuly....
Congratulations to your parents! It is indeed a milestone. My parents had 53 years together, and our family was so blessed by those years. ::Jill
What a rock to have been raised on and what an example of "for better, for worse". In our throw away society, including marriages, it is so uplifting to hear of those who understood the vows they made. You are one fortunate woman to have such beautiful parents then and now. Congratulations to them on their upcoming anniversary and for raising such a wonderful, loving daughter. BTW...it's amazing how much you look like your mother...lucky YOU!
Dawn amor, what a beautiful couple your mama and papa make, I see so much of both of them in you and even in your children and bebe Clara...It is so beautiful to me when I see couples that have been married for so long, it tells me that love truly does endure all, you just have to give it time and a chance to know one another and love each other faults and all...people now adays that marry and then divorce 2 days later....I just wanna smack them and wouldn't it be awsome if they couldn't get married again till they understood what it really is to be married...not just a lets get married and if it doesn't work out in a few months we can get a divorce :) You and I have such wonderful examples to emulate :) Besos to you my sweet friend and thank you so much for your beautiful comment for Lorraine, I know she appreciates everyones thoughts at this time. Love you my sweet friend, Rose
Congratulations to your parents, Dawn! This year is our 45th! Yes, we're rare breeds! It gets better as one gets older. Truly. Hanging in through the tough times makes love stronger and the older I get the more I dread that one day one of us will lose the other....
Appreciate today! And those you love!
What a gorgeous couple...you can see the love they have for each other!!
Happy Anniversary to your parents. Yes, it is so amazing. My parents were able to have their 50th also....and a few after that. What a joy!
A hearty congrats to your parents on their 50th anniversary! What a wonderful and loving tribute. They have raised a wonderful daughter.
A loving post to your mom and dad... Many more wished for them.... Blessings
Dawn, it's amazing how as I get older and "wiser" that I have many of those "aha" moments and realize "oh, I get it now." I think it's just the circle of life.
Dawn , sweet remembrances -- Hold them tightly -
You are blessed -- Kathy - ga ♥
what a wonderful heritage!
Hearty congratulations to your parents! They've done well. Cute photos, too. (You must have people tell you often that you look like your mom.) Enjoy the preparations for the big celebration. It'll be a blast!
They are so inspiring! Cherish your wonderful memories; Sounds like it will be a wonderful occasion and very special! Special because of their union and how YOU will make their
day, unique! I can almost see your wheels cranking!
They are so cute together; I can see you in both of them!
Congratulations to your sweet Mum & Dad as they celebrate their 50th ♥
Dear Dawn,
Reading your lovely tribute to your parents upon their 50th. wedding Anniversary gave me goosebumps and so was pleased to read such lovely things about them and your family.
I wish all of you a Blessed weekend. Hugs Susan in Georgia.
happy wedding birthdays to your parents.So much love.I wish them a lot more
love and hugs
Marie from France
I love your beautiful blog and will be returning. Your tribute to your mother and father's love tugged at my heart strings.
Thank you for sharing.
How wonderful! Congratulations to your parents! I was so grateful that my parents, too, were able to celebrate their 50th together! Loved the photos--what a sweet couple!
I hope your parents have many more happy years together. They have given their children and grandchildren great role models to look up to!
What a blessing to have your parents celebrating 50 years of marriage this year! Such a lovely tribute post - you are a blessing to them too, Dawn!
I know what you mean about the family "get-togethers" - my father often said, "it might be the last time we're all together". We were so blessed that they were able to celebrate 70 (!) years of marriage since both my parents lived almost 97 years.
Enjoy this year of celebration and cherish your beautiful parents and all your family. I know you do.
Jane - Jacksonville
What a wonderful tribute to your parents. So rare and so beautiful to have been married so long. Congrats to your parents.
Oh this is one of the most beautiful posts I think I have read, ever. I adore the photos too. I think old family photos are more precious than gold.
Your parents are absolutely darling, know I see where you get it from. That is an amazing achievement in this day to be together 50 years. Life is hard, and sometimes ugly and some people just want to take the easy way and run when the going gets tough. They don't realize that everyone comes with their own beat up set of baggage and the grass is not greener. It is so much better to stay and work on what you have and the time you already have invested with a person. Your parents clearly understand that concept and have built a beautiful life together . They are true role models & inspiration for the rest of us. Congrats to them. Lisa
Gosh you look so much like your Mom, Happy Anniversary to them! 50 years is KEwl!!! Enjoy them,,have a big party!!
What a beautiful tribute to your parents Dawn. It is wonderful when couples survive the ups and downs of life together for so long - never easy that's for sure. Hope you'll remind us again when Aug, arrives so we can send them golden wishes!
What a lovely, lovely post, Dawn.
Thanks you for brightening my day!
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