Just a little glimpse at Fridays snowfall! We SO don't know what to do
when this white stuff falls from the sky....
when this white stuff falls from the sky....

Little Ellie looks like a dirty puppy against the fresh fallen snow!

OK. Now what do we do? :)
I've got to go places and DO THINGS!
Oh well....it's not like this happens very often,
we might as well enjoy it!
Wishing you a wonderful and cozy weekend ~
hugs and love,
I've got to go places and DO THINGS!
Oh well....it's not like this happens very often,
we might as well enjoy it!
Wishing you a wonderful and cozy weekend ~
hugs and love,
Hi Dawn,
Enjoy it! Build a snowman, have a snowball fight - quick, before it melts!
Love your blog,
Just drive with care... or stay in till it passes. Make hot chocolate or hot tea... read a good book... watch a wonderful old movie... or create a new piece of art. If there's enough, you could always go out and make a snow angel!
Nita Jo
You all are really getting the weather huh? I don't know what to tell ya. Last year we had it this year you guys. Mother nature is messing with us.
I hope this weather passes for you soon and we can all get on to spring. Gonna be a HOT SUMMER.
Dawn amor, you weren't kidding, that is alot of pretty white stuff :) It looks so beautiful though :)Ellie has her lil back foot up in the air like she isn't sure she wants to put it in the snow...poor thing...she like warm weather..bring her to Cali to visit...it was actually hot today...well if it keeps snowin like this and you can't go out...I say have Dennis make another picther of margaritas and save one for me :) stay warm! Besos, Rose
Hi Dawn! I guess, you thank your lucky stars that you live in Georgia where it doesn't happen every week! Your snow post makes me smile....your puppy must have had fun in it! We're expecting more here in the northeast on Monday night....and speaking for most of my family (except the snowboarder)...we have had enough!
Longing for spring!
:) Laura
Dawn, at least you are closer to the North and all the storms, try snowing in Texas, what is that? i will follow the girls advice and stay out of the roads. I spend the day crafting, completed 6 projects. The snow missed my town but it is soo cold. Thick socks, hot chocolate, good movies and crafting in between. Life is good. Happy Valentines. Blessings,Marta.
Dawn, Thank you so much for sharing pictures of the fresh fallen snow. Im in So Cal and hardly see hail let alone snow. Ive been searching many a blog for some pics, but only read about it, no pictures.
thanks again!
Yeah!!! You got it too! My Mom got the same in South Carolina and is so thrilled. We still have about all of our 10 inches in Texas and I am washing and drying snow clothes just as fast as the boys go through them! LOL!! I have even been putting on a layer of socks, a plastic grocery bag and then a pair of my husband's socks to seal their feet up from the wet! They think I am nuts! LOL!! Enjoy the lovely snow Dawn. Thanks for the house love:) We love it too:) Love, Jamie
Oh sweetie,
just now my husbond is trying to get rid of 3 meter high snowfall in our garden...you just enjoy your snow, knowing it is an exeption,--well lets hope that, I think too ,that mother nature is out of her normal road!!
Have a beautifull week-end sweet friend
love and many hugs Dorthe
Here in England we seem to have had one of the longest winters I've ever known and lots more snow than we can cope with too!
Take care when you're out and about.
Ohh, isn´t it lovely??? here in south of Sweden we have 50 cm all over, beautiful, put on warm socks and get out there ;-)You may regret if you don´t.
How cute is Ellie! Your series of time progression photos tells the tale so eloquently!
Take care and be safe!
Isn't it a winterwonderland???Enjoy it cause it can melt away in a day...
Here in holland it's one of the longest winters ever.We have snow and frost since begin december...and it's still froozen and white here...I live along a water and people can skate in front of my house...That's nice, but I dream about spring;
with little lambs behind my garden and singing birds..I LOVE BIRDS!!SO I like your blog very much!
Warm greetings from fleur from holland
Dawn, if YOU are not use to driving in this stuff..remember there are a LOT of OTHER people in your area who are not either.
And unless you REALLLLLY need to go someplace, I might suggest you stay home until they get the roads cleared and have sanded the surfaces.
Depending on the temp..."black ice" can be a really issue.
It is just not worth the hassle of a "fender bender"...or worse.
HOWEVER...it is beautiful.
I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I've seen enough white stuff to last a lifetime. We've had two blizzards within the past week and more snow expected on Monday. Spring can't come soon enough!
Go out and make a snow angel! LOL! But be careful on the roads!
I hear ya sister. We finally had to pack our bags & come to stay at my in-laws. They say we may not have power for days!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night I was lost without some little art thing to work on. On the bright side I'm visiting lots of cool blogs. My advice to you. Finish the guest room. lol Lisa
I know! We got snow:) It is so pretty and we are staying in for the day. Have a blessed day my friend! Hugs!!!
OK, Southern Girl, this is why God makes it snow...so we'll stop and smell the roses. Oops! That is, the roses we bought at the florist and are sitting on our dining room table! ;-)
Be careful driving!
Hugs! Diane
Hello Dawn,
Lovin your snow pictures! I never tire of the beauty of freshly fallin snow, although it can make traveling a bit tricky. I live near Lake Erie and have not seen the ground since the beginning of December. I am longing to hear the birds sing-but in the meantime I just have to embrace the winter. Maybe yours will melt soon!
Have a wonderful Valentine weekend!
With love from the Cabin,
Claudia O.
Oh my.... we expect it here... guess a snowman is in order and hope he melts quick.
Would be fun when it's so temperary...Go make snowman girlfriend!
I posted something today I think you would like...I thought about you when I bought it...NEST, NEST, NEST...
xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
I know what you mean Dawn ~ I have been housebound for 2 days in Texas ~
It is pretty though !
I don't envy you or the east coast. I've lived outside of Cleveland OH for my entire life and there are people here who don't know how to drive in snow yet. Me, I try not to drive in it if I don't have to...Peggy
Ugh, wow. The snow has truly gone south for the winter this year. I won't tell you that here in PA we haven't been hit with the snow because unfortunately we have. Last Wednesday we got about 24 inches here in my town. I'm not a big fan of the cold or snow. Stay safe and don't bother driving in the mess until it is all cleaned up. Do they even have snow plows in Georgia?
I'm also in Georgia and trying to enjoy the snow but for sure it keeps me at home! Don't want to drive in it nor with others trying to drive in it.
Enjoy your day!
Hello Dawn, It is nice to see another Georgian in the blogosphere, I am in Fayetteville, and I took the pix of the snow in my little corner of the world, ready to download and post on my blog... the sun on the snow, how beautiful! And I love your Blog too. Take care Catherine
We were also blessed with some very rare snowfall in East Texas....I was in awe of it....it's so beautiful..until it starts to melt....enjoy...have a blessed Valentines....
Looks the same here in south Alabama! It is fantastic and beautiful. Relax and enjoy it while you can :). Have a great weekend and a happy Valentines Day!!
Same thing here! We southern girls don't function in this very well. But, it sure is pretty. HUGS! Charlene
Isn't it funny? We (in Montana) don't know what to do without our usual snowfall and you are getting it! I say enjoy it while you can! It will make a lovely spring! Jamie V
Enjoy! :)
It was predicted for us here in (middle and est) TN, but it dipped a bit too far south and it missed us.
Stay warm and safe but have fun Dawn!
Oh my!! And I complain about rain?????! stay warm!
Look at it as a blanket of purity... covering the earth only for a short time, melting away to reveal the beauty hidden beneath.
Have a wonderful weekend.
There are only three possible solutions:
1) Hot chocolate
2) Create something and hot chocolate
3) Watch a movie and hot chocolate
--Vicki K.
its gorgeous..just enjoy!!! have a wonderful Valentines Day!
Gosh, it's so pretty down there. Yes, I do think it looks better on you! :D
Enjoy the view. We were snowed in for a week last Christmas (2008).Feed the birdies if you can and just relax...it will be gone before you know it.
G'day, Dawn ~ So you FINALLY got a wee taste of the mounds of heavenly whites that we've been getting. We are only going to get a touch of your storm.
Enjoy! It is wonderful & I so enjoy it all.
Happy Valentine's
Have a loving weekend.
Hugs, Marydon
The snow looks heavenly. We are having a beautiful, clear day here in South Texas. I don't even need a jacket! Enjoy your beautiful snow while it lasts!
oh my Dawn...you do have the white stuff!! I am tired of it myself!! LOL
If you don't like snow, you should never move to NE Ohio! LOL! We have about 3 feet right now. I can't imagine living where snow freaks people out. I guess I am just so used to it. I cannot wait for Spring. I'm new to blogging & just love to visit yours everytime I get a chance. Enjoy your weekend! xoxo Tracey
I know what you mean Dawn, I have been in this house for days. Today, I got out and spread my wings, went to several thrift stores, didn't find anything, but had fun. I had so much snow it broke two limbs off my oak tree in the back yard. I saw broke limbs and uprooted trees every where today. Our snow was so wet and the ground is soaked. Some of the trees are just falling over.
Hope you have a Happy Valentines!!!
Hugs, Pat
Just popping in to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!
Suzann (The Olive Cottage)
LOL -- living up here in northern Minnesota, this is what we see from November/December through March/April. You've gotten a lot of good suggestions -- snowmen, snowball fights, snow angels -- and you've taken some good photos. That's about all you can do with it -- enjoy! If not, then Vicki's plan B - chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate!
Dawn, I'd try to ignore it and it will go away. It might work for you, seldom here in Massachusetts. We just keep doing what we're doing! Take care and stay warm, I'd suggest HOT chocolate. Sherry
Yes, just look at that beautiful snow! This is 2 yrs. in a row for GA! My son sent pics, he lives in Northern GA and the kids had a ball.....
well, he did too!
This calls for a hot buttered rum or maybe Baileys in some coffee. Just to take the chill off, you understand. Then when you are all warmed up you can make little Ellie a warm coat and some booties. (that last part was suggested by my dog Teddy!) Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
I drove home in it Friday from Midtown to Cumming and it was so gorgeous. I was wishing I had my camera and some goulashes to go tromping through some woods. It was almost dark by the time I got home so no pictures.
I hope you had fun! It sure is pretty!
wonderfull .So is it here in Franche-Comté where does come from ,Jason lamy Chappuis.He got gold yesterday...Youpiiiii
Dawn ,enjoy this moment in wite
hugs and love
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