As our sweet, little angel Clara is approaching her six month birthday, I'm thinking it's time for a little tutu for her! Emily and I want to have a photo shoot with her at home and I bought the most wonderful PDF pattern from a seller on Etsy, Bella Symphony ~ you've got to take a look at the photograph that she uses to sell this pattern, PRECIOUS!

I found the tulle at Walmart....just enough for one baby tutu! By the way, check out the school supplies section, they've been clearanced in our stores as school has already been going on a month!
Glue sticks are a staple in my studio ~
Glue sticks are a staple in my studio ~

I also found another Martha paper punch ~ a pretty rose leaf. It was on clearance but not by much though...I still couldn't resist ~
I also found some twill tape on clearance but it has a sticky back on it that you iron to adhere it to rug edges or needlepoint edges. I don't create either but will use it in some way ~
I also found some twill tape on clearance but it has a sticky back on it that you iron to adhere it to rug edges or needlepoint edges. I don't create either but will use it in some way ~

Need wonderful, inexpensive, thin fabric you can coffee dye and use in your artwork? I found these flour sack towels at Walmart too ~
perfect for something....I just have to think of what :)
perfect for something....I just have to think of what :)

Here's the iron on twill applied to cardboard for a bookmark, with a dictionary page backing ~ now to embellish!
Maybe I should stamp something on the twill.....
Maybe I should stamp something on the twill.....

Thank you all SO, SO much for cheering me on about the book.....
I want to hug each and every one of you.
For simply being so kind, gracious and encouraging ~
you truly are my blessing!
Have a wonderful Wednesday my sweet friends,
hugs and love,
ps.....I'm LOVING Photoshop and couldn't help myself...I made another banner!
I want to hug each and every one of you.
For simply being so kind, gracious and encouraging ~
you truly are my blessing!
Have a wonderful Wednesday my sweet friends,
hugs and love,
ps.....I'm LOVING Photoshop and couldn't help myself...I made another banner!
I like this new banner best! Photoshop is fun to work with. I forget half what i learned. but I use it for all my paper work...The tutu sounds like a fun project.
Have fun!
I posted a couple more girls and some old time gospel sheet music.
Dawn I can't wait to see bebe Clara in her tutu :) This new Banner is gorgeous! Hmm if I didn't love mine so much I would have you play with mine too :)I got the packs of those glue sticks that start out purple, cause you know how blind I am lol I think it was a pack of 5 or 6 for $1.50 at Target...Our Walmart closed out there material department, it is actually kinda depressing in the art stuff department. But I will look anyways..cause you never know :) Rose
I can't wait to see that tutu! I know Clara will be darling in it ;) Great finds! And I love your new banner!
Yes you did , Dawn sweetie, and it is beautifull,
love the little bird looking very surprised over her wonderfull eggs.
And all the super finds dear friend, oh I tell you,you live a fabulous place according art supplies.Here they are few,and kosts a farm.
Your little angel will love her tutu, I remember Mathilde,very little,in her first,---so proud.
Great idea with the iron-on twill-perfect ,will you show the finished result,please ?
Dearest friend,love to you with wishes of a happy day.
Love and hugs, Dorthe
Oh I almost forgot---sweetie!
Got my Somerset Studio,and have to tell you,your artickle there are beautifull Dawn, pictures and text, the set-up....-congratulations dear friend,
I`m so proud for you, and you surely deserves being there,with your wonderfull art.
Love from Dorthe
Great banner. Are you teaching yourself Photoshop or taking a class??
Look forward to the tutu photo shoot
i can't wait to see Miss Clara in her lovely pink tutu!!!
Hi Dawn,
Sorry! It`s been sooooooooooooooooooo long!
I`ve been away from blogging!
My loss!!! It seems that I`ve missed lots of your wonderful posts for inspirations! Lol
I too can`t wait to see your little granddaugther!
Speak to you again, soon!
You have some great buys there Missy! Can't wait to see Clara's tutu!
love the newest banner- its more you.
Can't wait to see your creation!
Dawn, Hi from a blogging slacker! ;-) I'm loving my visit with you this morning! The lace purse in your previous post is so gorgeous! And how fun to make a tutu for the wee one! And, as always, great ideas for the iron-on-twill tape. It didn't take you long to come up with something!
Happy September, girlfriend!
Diane (who is not lost but has been on the porch painting all summer instead of blogging!)
Hi Dawn. Can't hardly wait to see the tutu.... I know your precious granddaughter will be too cute for human eyes in it....
Hi Dawn: I'm so glad I'm not the only one who, when she see's a good bargin, BUY BUY BUY.... Figure out what to do with it later. My little house is filled with all sorts of things I HAVE NOT USED YET! lol :}
Absolutely love this new banner Dawn. And the little tutu will be adorable on baby Clara :-)
Like this banner even better than the last one!
I REALLY love this banner. It's beautiful. Thanks for the ballerina picture. It will work perfectly on a project I posted about a couple of days ago. It's not finished yet, but this one may work. Can't wait to see Clara in her Tutu. She'll be adorable!
Now YOU KNOW how I feel about this BANNER!!!! We've had this convo. before!!!hehe LOVE IT !!!!Blessings MaMaBird, Deborah
You help me to think in terms of craft supplies in every store I go into. Don't forget those markers if they are on clearance to use with alcohol to dye fabric!!
You're so amazing, Dawn! I can't wait to see the finished products--both the baby tutu and the bookmark! I love your banner--I have had Photoshop for a couple of years and still don't know how to do layers or make a banner--I imagine there must be videos for that on YouTube or something. Have a great, great day! Smiles, Jann
Hi Dawn! Thanks so much for the info on the clock room in my last post. I went over and checked out her blog. She does some amazing rooms!!
I like the banner- new and old mixed- very clever. I have some paper ephemera for you out of old church hymnals and such. I'll leave it at the Plum Tree next week. Joy
I just love the photo of the tutu, so precious. I think Gathered Style is such a nice name for you book, so descriptive.
Oh yes, Clara must have a tutu! When I had the baby shop I had so many different ones. In fact, I still have some of the ultra special ones in my closet. I have so many wonderful things left from when I closed the shop. I think I need to open an online store to sell some of these treasures. I have a Bunnies By the Bay Cuddle Coat. Have you seen that? Adorable! White fuzzy coat with pink satin lining & bunny ears on the hood. Is Clara's tutu going to be PINK? Can't wait to see it.
Cannot WAIT to see the tutu and that little cutie modeling it. Won't a photo shoot be fun in that!!! Hope they are doing well in their new house. I know you must miss that little Clara so much!
Thankyou, Dawn for the sweet comment that you left. I always love to hear from you!
DAwn , Girl -- the banner is wonderful -- Oh Photoshop -- I am too intimidated to get it -- would I ever learn ?? _ Baby Clara will be so cute in her TUTU "-- she is too too sweet -
Ga girls want to get together when cools a little more -- Kris -of (BE ) - Yvettte -- Joanne me and you -- maybe In Snellville -- ?? o0r any suggestions -- !!KAthy - ga ♥
Thanks for posting about flour sack towels, I've never seen them. Makes me want to go and find them now. Have a great weekend, T
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