Monday, September 14, 2009

The treasure hunt ~

Have you ever been to an estate sale? I mean, an amazing, reasonably priced, full of wonderful old treasures estate sale?? Well, Saturday morning my husband, Noah and I headed to one and I found the. best. STUFF!!

Most things were under 5.00 each..bags of lace, buttons, a bag of dolls, a bag of doll clothes....the old wedding shoes? 3.00! I know some of the items look rough but you know that's the way I love things to look!

Some of the lace has a French look to me with the red and ecru together ~
I hope you don't mind all of the photos!

I'm in love with the chubby faced little baby doll....
she's had a bath and her dress has been washed ~
do you think Clara will enjoy playing with her?

This pincushion wasn't at the estate sale, I found it on ebay...99 cents...don't you love it?

It sure helps that I love what others think is trash!!!

I had to share my finds with husband bought the big stack of linens for me, a bag of wonderful old dolls, buttons...and a few other goodies on Friday so we went back on Saturday and I found the rest of the things! Noah turned and looked at me once and just shook his head, my arms were loaded!!

Now I'd better stop shopping and start on my to-do list. We did get the new bed set up and it's absolutely gorgeous...I have to clean the room a little so I can show you a few photos ~

What an amazing I'd better get busy around here!!!

Wishing you a wonderful Monday dear friends,
hugs and love,


BellaRosa said...

Ms. Dawn...I want everything in every single picture lol....ok I will just take that first bebe doll in her cute a duck..who am I kidding I want all your treasures!!! Great finds sweet friend :) So happy one of us was out there treasure hunting and hitting it big :) You did awsome...I bow to you...Karla may be the "hat whisperer" but you are the "treasure whisperer" :) Rose

Lori said...

Dawn...geez louise...what a HAUL!!! that must have been quite the came home with so many wonderful treasures...i have never been to an estate sale...working weekends really puts a damper on that and on going to garage sales...i have to get my fix for that in blogland...thanks for sharing all of the goodies that you found!!!

vintagesue said...

oh dawn....i dream about stuff like that!!! you are one lucky lady. what finds. i'm in love. love it all....especially that lace, those shoes, dolls, i could go on.
i hit a sale like that only once. it was amazing and stuff was prices so cheap. i kept buying and buying until my husband got scared. those estate moments are spare, so enjoy!!!!
love the post.

The Other Side of Me said...

Holy Crap!! You hit the mother load. I have been to estate sales, but never anything with that many goodies. Girl, you have the best luck lately. Send some my way. Enjoy all of your finds.


Mademoiselle Julie said...

Yeah! This was true eye candy! :-) Cheers, Julie

Unknown said...

These kinda of true estate sales are so few and far in between. You must have been giddy with joy for hours! I wish I could find one like that. Way to go!!! Tracy

Dorthe said...

Wow sweetie,
you are one lucky lady,what a great and wonderfull big collection of goodies, I love all and every thing, Dawn,you have had a great week-end, dear.
AAAnd the pincushion is so very beautifull,-congratulations with everything.
Love and hugs your way, and lots of time to create.

Lisa said...

So much goodness from one estate sale. No they don't do 'em like that here. At least not that I've been to. The satin shoes, tatting, lace, buttons. That's it, I'm moving to GA. Lisa

Anonymous said...

two words--> JACK. POT. xoxo

Myrna said...

Wow! You SCORED, girlfriend! Good for you! Thanks for sharing!

Pat @ My Tattered Elegance said...

That was a treasure find, and it doesn't happen often. My mother, aunt and girl friend hit one of those on day and wouldn't you know it, I was at work. This man came to town to sell his mother's stuff so he could sell the house. They hit the mother load too.
The lace and buttons you found really caught my eye and the lady pic. She is fabulous!
Hope you have a wonderful week.

Sally L. Smith said...

What fun to hit the Mother Load like that. Yes, I went to one such as that and spent about $100.00 but was easily reimbursed after selling a few wonders and using most in my art projects. I have to be careful and limit myself at estate sales by knowing exactly for what I'm shopping (sometimes that works:)Wheeee!

Sheila Rumney said...

What wonderful treasures you found. I know Clara will love her new "old" dolly, as my daughter's favorite doll was Todd, a old doll that my dad found at a antique store that didn't have a dress, chewed fingers and much loved body. We still have Todd, after 14 years. He is tucked away in her box that I will give to her when she has a place of her own.

Musenkind am Meer said...

Dear Dawn,

it´s a land of fairytales. Wonderful! I love the thinks you are creating!

Have a lovely week!

Sandi said...

Wow Dawn!! You found an amazing sale! You picked up all the right things too. I haven't been to a sale like that in a long time. Have fun with all your goodies!!

The Rustic Victorian said...

Oh good fun! What a load of goodies! Those are the best sales,,,I love the coming home and looking at everything again.

Sandy said...

I think you are blessed by the fairy dust of the Great Finds Fairy, your treasures are truly magical! Those wedding shoes are just wonderfully shabby and the little doll was meant for Clara, she even looks a little like her. Oh, how I am dying to come over to your house and play, you have THE BEST toys!

Have fun feathring your nest!

Mollye said...

geez louize....... what a haul! Great stuff here girl. As for the Estate Sales, I have gotten lots of good stuff but always leaving with mixed emotions. One of great sadness in that someones pretties end up being sold off and one of great gladness for having been able to resurrect some important old stuff of someone elses.

Charlene said...

You did hit the MOTHER LOAD!!! What treasures you found. I can only imagine Noah's look. My son at 33 thinks I am crazy. It doesn't get any more clear for them. Bless their hearts. Now, if your arms were loaded with skateboards, video games, CD... well, now that would be different you see. :) Have a great week.

Joy Lett said...

Excellent finds. Right up your alley. You didn't mention anything about the dog- he's beautiful. I have a little thing for dogs. :-) I bought the magazine finally and your article was great. I feel like I know a celebrity! Joy

Sweet Old Vintage said...

Will be looking forward to some the the creations these finds will be creating....

Lorraine said...

Dawn, what incredible finds - love them all. This must have been one fabulous estate sale.

Charmingdesigns said...

oh Dawn, you lucky girl you. How wonderful that you were able to purchase all these because they will be put to such good use. Cant wait to see what you creations you will be making. And, no, I have never found such a treasure trove of goodness

Anonymous said...

Dawn , how sweet is all this cute stuff --
This sale was amazing -- So happy you found some goodies !! _ Kathy -ga

Rebecca Nelson said...

The best HAUL I've ever seen outside of Oklahoma! OMGOSH! Fabulous stuff. Love it all. I'm jealous....EEK!

Love to you~Rebecca

Desires of the Heart said...

Boy, did you hit the motherlode!!! Wonderfully, beautiful, old things. Doesn't it make your heart sing? My sons grew up watching me get excited about the same kinds of things. Sorry to say to this day they just don't "get it" but I love them dearly anyway, ha. Happy decorating, anxious to see what you've been doing. Blessings my friend, Linda

Anonymous said...

OMG, you hit the jackpot, Girl! I have a friend coming into town this weekend and I want to take her to The Plum Tree. Aren't there some other neat stores around there also? If so, please let me know so we can hit them all!!!

Nancy in CA said...

Oh my...what a lovely treasure trove of goodies. Thanks for sharing. Nancy in So Cal

Anonymous said...

WOW, I wish they had sales like that where I live! I've never been to an estate sale - thank you for showing us all your beautiful treasures! It made my day!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

That is an incredible haul of fabulous things, Dawn. Lucky you! I love everything, and it's all in a perfect shabby state if you ask me.

marie said...

What a delightful assortment of goodies you found and what a wonderful picture you created in my mind! You walking happily along with your arms full of treasures ~ and Noah (with a tiny smile on his face) looking at you and shaking his head in (mock) dis-belief! How funny! How sweet!

Anne Lorys said...

I think I'm in love with the chubby faced baby doll, too. I'm having no luck unearthing baby dolls down this way, chubby faced or otherwise. Where ARE all these kiddos hiding???
Congrats on hitting the motherlode!
~ Anne

BellaRosa said...

Dawn...can I come over to your house and play :) I just had to post again after seeing all these new pictures...just makes me love everything more :) Rose

Nita Jo said...

I love all your treasures! What fun to find an affordable Estate sale. I know you are going to have such fun creating and loving it all. And yes, I think Clara will love the baby doll!
Nita Jo

Sue said...

Oh how FUN! Those kinds of sales almost make one hyperventilate, don't they?! Besides all the wonderful items you found, I also loved that you included the part about Noah shaking his head. I burst out laughing. No further explanation needed. What a great post!

Debi said...

Hi Dawn,
Oh my, what incredible finds! I just love estate sales!! I haven't been in blogland for awhile. My son is at college now, so I have too much time on my hands..although I am always saying I wish I had more hours in a day! I have been painting nests in my work these days...must be empty nest syndrome or I have found something new like. I am just so sad with him off to school.I tought of your blog as soon as I painted my first nest!
Your treasures look wonderful! I can't wait to see what you create with them!
Be back soon!

chicroses said...

You did well. Love all the things you bought. That one little doll is a Nancyann. I have a dog just like the one in the picture. How fun! I just got done painting a sign that says Honeymoon Inn. I painted white roses on pink chippy board. Take a peek if you would like. Sally

June said...

Hi Dawn,
I started hyper-ventilating looking at all your stuff. I got so excited for you that now I'm a little light-headed.

Jann said...

So fun! Love all your finds!

Barbara Jean said...

Oh I've been so busy i have not had time to visit.
i raced through all those beautiful pics, and hope they were all wonderful finds you have brought home with you.

i will try to come back and read up later.

Barbara Jean

Anonymous said...

I love it all - especially the dolls! Looks like you have a Nancy Ann Storybook doll (the one on the cream and lace dress) and the one in the pink dress loooks like a Ginnette by Vogue. Clara's little baby is very sweet! Congrats on your finds.
Blessings, Sarita

rt said...

Ooh, wonderful finds!!

Karen said...

Yep, Dawn I can see you know with your arms full and thinking you just need to pick up the next thing and wondering how to without dumping the whole load!! I wish I could come over and play, just would love to see all of the goodies up close.

Melissa/Piney Rose said...

O M'Gosh!!! I would have LOVED to have stumbled upon that sale. I have never seen so much loveliness!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh My!!! I recently discovered estate sales and I must say I am hooked to Tom's chagrin ummmm I mean delight. *S*

Looking at all of those beauties you found makes me want to come play too!

Have a blessed day!


Wildflowerhouse said...

You must have the magic touch. I am just loving the lace. Love it all but the lace, oh my goodness. Sharon

Journal Swag said...

I've been to a few cool Estate sales, but NOTHING like this, ever!! Hurray! I would have passed out from excitement with this assortment! Did your heart skip a beat?! Hurray for you!


Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Oh Dawn! You did hit the mother load!! I could never tire of looking at your treasures. What a sweet baby doll for Clara. I would give it to her when she is a little older though. That would be a treasured gift from Grandma. The laces are gorgeous. I have mine displayed in a big glass jar. Now, I can see them all the time.
I can see why you just want to PLAY!



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