Thursday, September 24, 2009

My giveaway gift for you ~

I have to an artist,
sometimes the creativity just flows out of you...
but sometimes, you have to squeeze it out!

And that's OK, we have many other parts of our daily lives
that can keep us from creating, even our mind can do that.
Our moods especially....but the feeling you get,
when you begin gathering items together,
trying different elements with each other
and when things begin looking the way you love,
THAT is the feeling I love!!

I hope you like this sweet tray assemblage.
I've featured my favorite baby photograph (or one of them)
and simply added wonderful old elements ~

Be sure to CLICK HERE
to enter my giveaway

for a chance to win this assemblage!!

I hope you have a very happy Thursday sweet friends!

hugs and love,

PS: I love for you to stop by and welcome Julie of Vintage with Laces ~
she just started blogging YESTERDAY!! xxoo


Dorthe said...

Dawn, it is the sweetest thing ever, so adorable,
and the feeling of old world to it ,is so beautifull, -oh the lucky person who winns this little treasure.
Love and hugs , Dorthe

marga said...

I love it but you always make such lovely things!!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Dawn. No surprise here everything you make is so sweet and creative. Very cute....Tracy

BellaRosa said...

Dawn, darn it I just knew you were gonna create something gorgeous :) hmmm any chance of the power going out in Geogia the day of the giveaway? no wait that wouldn't work cause then I would be out of the running too...darn it..I think June was right when she joked with me that she thought she was the only one that knew about your giveaway..don't we wish it was only us two that new about it :) oh well, I think who ever is lucky enough to win this beautiful art work will be very..very happy :) I know I would! :) Rose

Lori said...

Dawn, that is SO SO SO sweet...i think that is the baby on the shoe i have from you...they would look so cute together...*wink wink*...

Susie~From My Home To Yours said...

Hey Dawn, this is so sweet, and, of course, white and wonderful. I can see why this is your fav baby cute is she!
Have a Terrific Thursday...

Theresa said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Love, love, love it:)

Doreen Frost said...

Wonderful!!!! And you are so very many things can get in the way of our creating and it's so nice when it finally shines through and everything comes together!

Joyous day to you

terry said...

lovely! what did you use to attach the plate and bottle?

Lisa said...

I wanna win!!!!!!!I love your art so much, it would be awesome to have a piece of it in my home. Your work is always so wonderfully YOU. Lisa

Anonymous said...

Dawn- she's gorgeous! I love the chippy tray, it looks like an old medical instrument tray. COunt me in- I need lots of lovely things to travel to Maine with me. Plan on coming for a visit next year- esp. when it's hot in the summer! Grab all the southern gals and head up, then pick up Luz on the way. xoxo

The Jeweled Postcard said...

You have such a way with old and beautiful elements! I LOVE this creation!!! Keep on doing what you do so well....keeping my fingers crossed :)

As I said in an earlier post I'm in GA right now and hoping things are starting to dry out :)
candice xo

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Dawn:
True to form, you've created another beautiful piece. My Somerset Life magazine arrived in the mail yesterday and I've been drooling over The Little Bird Girl. How wonderful it is! I'm already entered in your drawing and will have a difficult time accomplishing anything this week with my fingers crossed, now that I know what your giveaway gift is! Hope you're high and dry at home.

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

The tray is very beautiful with such sweet details! The winner will be very happy! Hugs, Julia

Charlene said...

Your tray assemblage is soooooooo wonderful. Has that "Dawn" look to it! Perfect!

chicroses said...

Well it would be nice to win this wonderful tray..but Im not always your art is great. Sally

Angela said...

How sweet, you always pick the perfect goodies to put together and create a gorgeous work of art with. Whoever wins will love it!!! hint, hint.

June said...

SCREAM!!!! Oh how lovely is this treasure. The winner will be thrilled.
Thank you for the link to the new blog. I love meeting new people and making new friends and I think it is so generous of you to help the new bloggers feel welcome.

Karen Valentine said...

Oh Dawn its absolutely the cutest thing ever! I would LOVE the chance to win this wonderful piece!
I'm off now to go meet a new blogging friend!

My Desert Cottage

Josette said...

Dawn -- I am so very new to the blogging community - but I have been following yours for sometime. This piece you made is so very charming. I,too, love putting old things together and making them beautiful. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Myrna said...

I hear ya on the "sometimes you have to squeeze it out!" Nicely put, and I can SO relate right now!! ;-)
OHMYGOSH your assemblage is FABULOUS~and it appeals to me so much more since I have 'baby on the brain' right now!

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Hi Dawn, What a Beautiful Piece, I can't imagine You Ever having a time when Your Creativity doesn't Just Flow..... Speaking of Flowing, Have You & Your Family been Safe with All the Rain & Flooding???? So Far, My Family has, closest flooding is My Sister (Alpharetta) They Helped their neighbor move things from their flooding first floor, But Thank You Jesus My Sisters is fine..... Thanks also for stopping by & commenting on My New Grandson, What a Blessing We Have, As Life Goes On..... Amazing How the Heart Just continues to Expand ~

Pat said...

Oh, how sweet! Would look lovely hanging over my tray of old baby shoes....certainly enjoy your blog!! pat

Rust: Vintage Inspired Design said...

Wow...this little tray is gorgeous. Your blog is very inspiring.
Happy day.


Hello, Dawn! I'm new to the world of blogging and ventured over to your blog today, just in time for the giveaway announcement! Exciting! I've admired your work in Somerset publications and would be thrilled to be the winner here! Lovely blog, thanks for sharing! ~ Angela

pat said...

Every time you post a picture of one of your creations I am just blown away. You are so, so talented. All of your items just makes me go AHHHHHHHHH because they are so telling, so gentle. Love your blog so much, love your spirit, it always makes me feel better.

Finding Grace, Going Mobile said...

I love your assemblage ( I even love the word "assemblage", lol). It will go well with the Thessalonians piece I ordered from you. Here's hoping I win, lol.
Theresa @ Cottage Violets

Anonymous said...

Your assemblage is so beautiful! Off to enter the giveaway!

Linda said...

Dawn, this piece is absolutely gorgeous! So sweet and tender...

Desires of the Heart said...

Hi Dawn, Your tray assemblage is soooo beautiful!! I just love the way you put things together. Such a talent!! Would love a chance to win. Congratulations on your success in the blogging world. You have truly left your mark and made it richer for your presence in it. Blessings to you. Linda

Journal Swag said...

Just darling Dawn! I love it! I love new bloggers, I'll go visit now!



Domemma said...

hello! I'm french and I leave in south France.
it's so beautiful to feel near in spite of the distance;thank you for all what you made; it is so beautiful, so sweet...
I'm fond of holy cards
sorry, I don't speak English very well.

Barbara Jean said...

oh dawn.
As usual, you have outdone yourself.
I love love love this!!

And love the bee skep one you finished and sold before i even got over here!

About Fabric-tac...
Absolutely wonderful glue, and you are right, not just for fabric!

blessings on your day

barbara jean

maryboys said...

please add my name to your list, dawn:) as always, a perfectly gorgeous vintage piece of art...just beautiful.


Jann said...

This is just so vintage and so very lovely and sweet, Dawn! I'd love to be entered along with everyone else! I will visit "Vintage with Laces" right now--thank you for sharing!!!!!!

Jann said...

Oops, I already entered on your original post--sorry--I'm such a goof!


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