Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bees n' such ~

Have you ever made a bee skep? Me either....that is until now ~

Sweet sunflower image scanned for you ~

Now I just need a few very tiny bees! (not really, ouch!)

xxoo, Dawn


Unknown said...

What a cool idea! Thanks....
Tami E.

The Painted Nest said...

Thanks Dawn,
I think I'll make one of these for myself!!! I love it!!

BellaRosa said... that is a skep :) silly question but is it a bee hive? I love the idea, just reminds me of pooh for some reason :) I will have to try making it, I have some darker twine I got a Target in thier dollar bins...gotta love those :) Can't wait to see how it all comes out :) I think I saw lil bees at Michaels...I think :) Rose

Magic Moonlight said...

Great Idea! I will try it ! Thanks for the inspiration!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Oh I like this! What a great gift idea with some local honey and one of those neat wooden honey dipper-thingies! Wonderful! and have a happy week, OK?

Susie~From My Home To Yours said...

Hi Dawn. I love "bee" stuff. I actually am hoping to purchase a beehive (with bees, of course) soon! It's funny because I just changed the look of my blog last night with a bee theme. I have a wonderful antique brown transferware dish with a bee that I think I'll go take a pic of now and post it as well. Have a great day! Susie

Dorthe said...

Hi sweetie, what a sweet little behive, adorable.
And a great way of doing it, I love it,-and the beautifull sunflower too.

Love and hugs, Dorthe

Barbara Jean said...


Love the sunflower.

barbara jean

Caro said...


Tina Leavy said...

very cute. what are you using to keep it intact? to keep the coils adhered together? if yoou don't mind my asking.I've thought of making one of these.

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

What a cute little bee skep! So sweet... you always have such wonderful ideas Dawn! xo Heather

Lori said...

i have made two, but in clay...a while should make tiny little clay bees Dawn...they are super easy...and would look cute on your skep...

Wish on a Whisker said...

Hi Dawn~ I love seeing all the sweet things you make! I love what you did with the little spice jars! You are so creative! ~Mandy

Cindy said...

I do love bees and bee skeeps, but am really afraid of bees. LOL. This looks so sweet, what a terrific idea! :D

yapping cat

Linda K. said...

Your little bee hive is adorable. I'll have to try one. Thank you so much for your inspiration, Dawn!


Betty said...

This is adorable!! Cant wait to see how it turns out.

KarenB said...

I made these YEARS ago on Leggs eggs. Remember those? Can't buy them anymore.

Journal Swag said...

How cool this is! You are very creative!



Anonymous said...

I had a large, decorative one in my garden lat year- the wasps moved right in. I had to throw it away after it got cold enough for them to die off!! I have some small, silver bee beads, probably only 1/4 inch, if you think you could use them. xoxo

Wildflowerhouse said...

What a cute idea! Sharon

Sandy said...

Adorable little bee house!

Marisa said...

What did you use to make the bee skep? It is really cute.


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