I will never forget the awful feeling in the pit of my stomach that morning.
Could this be really happening?
Here in the United States??
How long will it last?
Could it happen again tomorrow???
So many precious people lost their lives to this terrible act of terrorism....we will never forget the sacrifice so many made that day or forget those that are still continuing to sacrifice their lives to ensure our freedom.
Dear Lord, please bless America.......
Could this be really happening?
Here in the United States??
How long will it last?
Could it happen again tomorrow???
So many precious people lost their lives to this terrible act of terrorism....we will never forget the sacrifice so many made that day or forget those that are still continuing to sacrifice their lives to ensure our freedom.
Dear Lord, please bless America.......

beautiful post Dawn...i couldn't even put words together for mine...i am just so angry still over what was done to our people...and so sad for those who lost their lives and for their families
Thank you for your thoughts. Could it happen again? Yes. We need to remember those we lost and how it happened. We also need to be aware, prepare and be vigilant. God bless our troops and officials all over the world as they protect us. Thanks for letting me vent. Whew, I feel better now. Love, Sally
I will never forget, I was sleeping and my American Airlines hubby was up with our 2 month old son. He watched by himself as the first plane hit, then woke me and said he was sorry for waking me up but something really bad was happening. We watched together as the second plane hit. Then the phone calls started coming in as family and friends tried to delicately ask if my husband was flying. I finally had him answer so they would know he was ok right away. So many lives changed forever that day. His job description and career changed along with everything else, ever concious of his duty to protect those aboard. I pray this never happens again.
Good words to ponder on this day.
I usually spend some time each anniversary watching the coverage and praying for those who have been left behind. This morning on the news the faces of those loved ones sitting in the rain mourning their loss is heart wrenching.
Thank you, Dawn, for this post. We should never, never forget. God bless our soldiers and heal the families of those whose lives have been affected.
--Vicki K.
I love the flag,,,I love to watch those great big ones right underneath them...thanks for posting this Dawn. I will never forget either. I love the freedom our country needs to fight for, I keep the military in my prayers.
Thank you for posting this Dawn. It is so important.
As I read everyone's comments my eyes swell up in tears once again from that horrible day. The really sad part now, is that so many American have already forgotten. I remember the proud feelings I had (after the initial shock wore off) when, for the first time since Ronald Reagan was in office, all Americans seemed to band together as one. We were America! Proud and Strong! Unfortunately it didn't last long and everyone began fighting amongst themselves and badmouthing our great nation, all the while enjoying the freedoms that we offer. Too many people don't realize that the same threat that destroyed so many lives that day still exists. I haven't forgotten... I never will. God Bless America
(I'll get off my soapbox now)
Thanks for the post sweetie! Have a great weekend!
I woke up to tears and find myself very emotional today. It is still so very fresh no matter the years that have passed.
Ditto here. It will not be forgotten in our home, jsut like the Civil War, and other ugly attacks on American soil. We will learn from all the heros and everyday people who went beyond their call of duty. Thank you, Dawn.
Bless you Dawn for your tribute. This day will always be heavy for me. Sea Witch
Blessings to you and yours Dawn, this day is heavy in my heart as well!
oxo ~*~ Patty
Dawn I loved your post...We have all known loss in one way or another...but on that day and the days that followed WE all shared that one common loss and fear...and anger...how could that happen here in our great nation..but the sad fact is that it did and it can and we have to always remember that...8 years later we are still feeling the fallout from that day...My nephew all of 19 goes back in Nov to Iraq..this is his SECOND tour...that breaks my heart but he like so many others are there to protect our great country and our right to feel...God bless and keep them and God Bless America..Again...Rose
Thank you for this post Dawn. I know exactly what I was doing that moment and it is hard to believe that 8 years have passed. I know I just sat in horror and disbelief as I watched TV that day over and over again. My heart goes out to the families and loved ones involved. May God grant them the peace that only He can give.
Amen! I can hardly believe it's been 8 years...I was 8 mos. pregnant with my first child when it happened and I couldn't bring myself to watch the news because I was so emotional and upset about it!
Yes, God Bless America!
My prayers continue, my heart still hurts, my life is forever changed..God bless them all and God save us all.
I remember exactly where I was as that awful day unfolded...something to never forget in order to remember all of the heros from that awful day. Erin
Lovely post! Yes, let us never forget.
I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Hugs, Jenny
AMEN!!!!! This is truly a scar on our countries soul that will & should never heal!!!!! I hope no one ever forgets the terror of that day & the horror of the loss! Thank you for reminding us all & in your sweet way with such kindness & gentleness. You are truly a precious soul. Hugs!
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