A dear blog friend, Jann of A Vintage Heart has emailed me
to let me know about Tina of Glue on My Fingers Paint in My Hair.
Tina has recently been diagnosed with colon cancer....
you can read Tina's post about it HERE.
Another sweet blogger and friend of Tina's, Jan of The Polka Dot Barn is creating a "tag gate" featuring beautiful, handmade tags of encouragement and beauty to give to Tina.
If you can, would you make a tag to encourage
and lift Tina up during this difficult time in her life?
Here is an excerpt from Jan's blog:
If you want to be a part of the Team Tina project, make a tag, any size, any design, with your name and email address on the back and send it to me NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 2ND.
Jan Thomason
Team Tina
5720 Hwy. 27
Center Point, Texas 78010
Thanks for your support and your willingness to bring joy into the life of Tina, one amazing woman!
to let me know about Tina of Glue on My Fingers Paint in My Hair.
Tina has recently been diagnosed with colon cancer....
you can read Tina's post about it HERE.
Another sweet blogger and friend of Tina's, Jan of The Polka Dot Barn is creating a "tag gate" featuring beautiful, handmade tags of encouragement and beauty to give to Tina.
If you can, would you make a tag to encourage
and lift Tina up during this difficult time in her life?
Here is an excerpt from Jan's blog:
If you want to be a part of the Team Tina project, make a tag, any size, any design, with your name and email address on the back and send it to me NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 2ND.
Jan Thomason
Team Tina
5720 Hwy. 27
Center Point, Texas 78010
Thanks for your support and your willingness to bring joy into the life of Tina, one amazing woman!

Tina ~

Please keep Tina and her family in your thoughts and prayers
as she begins her vigorous battle against this awful disease!!!!
Thank you so much my precious friends ~
hugs and love,
as she begins her vigorous battle against this awful disease!!!!
Thank you so much my precious friends ~
hugs and love,
Hi Dawn. Thank you so much for passing the word along. Although I don't know Tina that is what I love about the blog world or at least the crafty ones I know. Everyone seems to care so much and everyone pulls together. You can be sure that I will keep her and her family in my prayers.
Cancer is such a MONSTER!!!! It seems if we can put a man on the moon & bring him back & reuse the stupid rocket... we should be able to kick Cancer!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for getting the word out. Have a wonderful week.
Hello, I will give Tina a visit. My cousin has terminal cancer and is suffering, I know how hard it is for an individual to battle through cancer, and how awful it is on a family. I will visit her and send her my prayers. Thank you for the message. God is working miracle through you for Tina.
My prayers are with you and your friend... now lets start TAGGING!
Thank you, sweet Dawn, for posting about this. It touched my heart, and I decided to post about that too.
Such a special person you are!
Have been praying for Tin a and also participated in the 'tag gift' as well as a book page project being done.
Oh dear. My heart goes out to Tina and her friends and family. Many prayers forthcoming!
Off to make my tag!!
Thanks for sharing.
Karen - Some Days Are Diamonds
Dawn thank you for sharing this story with us, as heartbreaking as it is, it shows how wonderul people are to come together and try to make someone smile during a trying time...and sadly too many of us know all too well what a monster cancer can be, but the most important thing that I learned with our experience is that attitude and positve people make a huge difference, I hope that is the case with this lovely lady, I am hoping that everyones loving attitude will come across to her and give her the strength and hope she will need to fight this...Rose
Thank you, dear Dawn, for posting this--I appreciate you so much! I'm hoping to get a couple of tags sent out today--you're an angel!
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