You don't have to be an amazing artist to create a thoughtful tag.
Simplicity can speak volumes with a beautiful image
printed from you computer and then pasted on a standard shipping tag.
Here's a simple tutorial that I posted awhile back:
Simplicity can speak volumes with a beautiful image
printed from you computer and then pasted on a standard shipping tag.
Here's a simple tutorial that I posted awhile back:
And what if you don't have shipping tags??
Use the side of a discarded cereal box or other food packaging box.
Cut a rectangular shape (or whatever shape you desire) from the side of the box. Apply spray glue to one side (or any other kind of glue, thinned and brushed on) then lay it glue side down onto the back of a piece of scrapbooking paper, wrapping paper, or even a piece of old music.
Using a exact-o knife or craft knife, using the cardboard as your guide, trim around the cardboard, removing the excess paper. Repeat for the other side of the cardboard as well (apply glue, press glue side down onto paper then trim)
Now you have a pretty covered cardboard tag!! Now you can print any of the images that I've given you (Be sure to scroll to the bottom of my blog and click on FREE VINTAGE IMAGES and all of the posts that I've given away images will come up) OR you can use a pretty photo from an old magazine or catalog.
I open images in my photo editing software and when I click to print, I can choose several different sizes to print the image.....then you can print it to fit your tag!
Print out a verse or word that means a lot to you....something simple can say so much!
Cut the image and word or verse out. You can use decorative edged scissors but if you don't have any, regular scissors are fine!
Glue the image onto the tag as well as the verse or word, use any type of glue you have on hand, I love using a cheap glue stick.
You can add a few buttons, snippets of lace and any other embellishments at this time.
Lastly, punch a hole in the center top of the cardboard and tie ribbon, twine, yarn or what you have on hand through the hole to finish your tag!!!
I hope this little tutorial helped if you've never made a tag before and if you should have any questions, please email me at sewmanyroses@yahoo.com!!

I hope you are having a restful and relaxing Sunday dear friends and if you've not entered my 1100 post giveaway, just a few more hours left!!!!
hugs and love,
hugs and love,
Hi you alwayes so sweet girl,
so wonderfull of you to alwayes be there, and give a helping hand to everyone, with loving gifts, and helpfull answers if asked, (I know that myselves).You are a great friend Dawn.
Have a beautifull evening.
Love and hugs, Dorthe
Dawn Thank you so much for sharing all these wonderdul ideas and intructions, My girls and I are gonna take what for us is a huge leap and try and make that lovely lady a tag...I am just hoping we don't glue our fingers together or cut something off that we need lol But the important thing is that we are gonna try :) I am looking forward to working with my girls and seeing what we can up with...wish us luck ;) Rose
Yours look so pretty, Dawn! I bought a package of card stock scraps that I think I might use to try this out.
Hey Dawn. These are just so purty. It really gets you in the Christmas mood. Thank you for being so sweet and sharing with all of us.
Have a wonderful evening....Tracy
Hi Dawn... I just explored Tina's blog... I will be praying for her through this awful disease... I wanted to get back with you, about what Camera I use...It's a cannon PowerShot-A610...It's about 7 years old ...not sure it's even being made anymore. Cameras become dinosaures so quickly these days!!! But For what I use it for it Behaves very well!...We kind of understand each other, know what I mean? Love your tags and the tut! Have the best week my friend, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Thanks so much for the wonderful ideas! I'm going to make enough for all my gifts this year.
i somehow missed this post. sick last week and not on comp as much.
did not know you had list of images and projects at very end of your blog
thanks for the info and for all you share.
barbara jean
have a great week!!
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