I had to share this beautiful photograph with you ~ I took it last fall and love the way the sun is peeking through the changing leaves ~ feel free to take for your screen desktop display.....do you do that? Change your desktop image for the season?

My regrets? Selling this beautiful pair of French beds that I painted awhile back for the store.....wouldn't they be lovely in our guest room (for Clara??) Ughhhh ~ I loved them....

We went to Brent and Emily's new house this past weekend ~ and saw this precious angel! She didn't forget us!! We watched the football game together and Brent cooked us dinner....how great is that? Clara will be six months old Sept. 23rd....how in the world did THAT happen??

I've not been very productive with my artwork or projects this past weekend ~ I did buy some beautiful paint for our hall bath and for the shelf that I found for the studio. Now to get busy doing all these things!!!
Nancy has the most wonderful blog Paper Friendly.
She share the best links, you've GOT to take a look!
Thank you all so very much for buying my tutorials,
I hope that you enjoy creating these projects and if you do,
I'd love for you to email me a photo!!!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend sweet friends,
have a great Tuesday!
xxoo, Dawn
Nancy has the most wonderful blog Paper Friendly.
She share the best links, you've GOT to take a look!
Thank you all so very much for buying my tutorials,
I hope that you enjoy creating these projects and if you do,
I'd love for you to email me a photo!!!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend sweet friends,
have a great Tuesday!
xxoo, Dawn
yes. Uh huh..yes and no,really? and I don't know..
Those are the answers to your questions in your blog entry..yes, I love to change my desktop image, regrets, uh huh, those were lovely..yes, I can see them in Clara's room and no, really..I can't believe she's 6 months old!? and no I don't know how THAT happened!
Oh, and one more no..no I have not seen a more precious baby in a LONG time!!
Howdy dear Dawn, you are so love in blogland and I do enjoy reading your posting..You are so sweet to share with others...That sweet grand baby of your's is so cute! She makes me want to smile! :) Thanks for sharing her lovey smiles...
You have the most wonderful day!
from my heart in the heart of Texas!
Lots of hugs....
Oh Clara is so sweet.
Clara is so beautiful Dawn...
no, i hardly ever change my desktop screen...i love those beds that you painted...they are just lovely!!!
She is adorable, Dawn! Those beds were gorgeous, but I'll bet you find something you like even better. Looking forward to seeing those transformations. I have a boring paint job to do {an outside shed door that has too many rust spots}, but I need to get that done before it gets too cold out.
The beds are gorgeous and Clara is a little doll!!!!! I DO change my desktop periodically. Thanks for sharing Dawn!!
PS I LOVE your new header too. Great job!
Dawn ~ Clara is such a precious baby ~ It does seem like time flies so very fast !
I remember those beds. I bet if you put the word out you can find some similar. At the store there is a full size wood bed that needs painting but it has some great detailing and the wrap around footboard. I left some "paper" there for you. Have a creative week. Joy
Clara is darling! My one and only granddaughter is 16 mon now. Ive watched her change so quickly. You will be amazed with the progress she will make. Those beds are to die for. I love all your art. I just finished painting white roses on an old chippy pink board sign.I will be putting it up on my blog I hope soon.I babysit my granddaughter so I dont get much done..even with my blog.Well Ive wrote a book..Sally
Hello sweet Dawn!!
I love the Fall photo you shared, beautiful!
And boy, those headboards are gorgeous, in the market for a king size one myself, not so easy to find the vintage ones in that size. I know you will find another set that will be perfect, so hang in there :)
And the treat of my day, baby Clara! Oh goodness she has grown!!! and what a doll baby!! Look at her beautiful little smile, she is soooo precious!! kiss, kiss baby Clara :)
Have a great week Dawn! And as always thank you for sharing your world and your finds :)
XOX ~ your friend ~ Madai
Oh my, Dawn! Baby Clara is sooooo beautiful!!
As for the French beds... oh, I'm pretty sure you'll find another perfect pair!
Please stop by my blog to see some of my latest creations, I will be delighted to 'see' you;))
Of course she didn't forget you!!! With all the time & love you have shared with her... you are stamped in her heart forever & there is just bunches more in the future. What a lucky girl is she (& a lukcy Mimi too). Glad you had a great weekend.
How is it we have so many good intentions (painting & all the other things...) but, never get half of what we wanted to done?
I've sold MORE THINGS that I now regret letting go! But...in the end I figure more "wonderful" is coming. It is ALWAYS like that...
Your little Clara is beautiful. Our Miss K steals my heart away, too!
Love, Rebecca
We all have those regrets from time to time. Hope that you find a great replacement for what was sold. Your darling grandgirlie is changing so quickly right now. I can't get over how lightened her hair is and what a total grin you are seeing! Her entire face lights up and I know what that does for you!
I will be thinking of Clara on the 23rd...my birthday.
Love the Fall pic and also the baby!! Any signs of Fall your way yet? It's just beginning in the highest elevations here.
Have a blessed day, Dawn! xxxooo
Many thanks for the kind words! I greatly appreciate them.
Nancy Ward
HI Dawn,
Oh your grandbaby is just adorable!
Dawn, she is beautiful! I know you will find the perfect bed for her--just when you least expect it! The pic is beautiful!
Hello Dawn,
Little Clara is so adorable. Everytime I see her name I think of Clarabelle from Thomas the Tank Engine. With five boys I'm guessing one of them must have liked Thomas?? Your sweet little Clara is a Belle for sure. When you posted about the pink tulle you purchased for a tutu all I could think of is how adorable it would be to add some fairy wings with the tutu for one of the photo shoots. Lots of the children's shops have them and they are just precious! I've kept my daughters {now 21 yrs. old} that she wore all the time as a little girl.
And Dawn, all it takes to fuel the fires of a packrat is to part with something you later regret...lol! I'm speaking from experience here as opposed to insinuating that you have this same affliction. Grin. But those beds were ADORABLE. I hope you find something you love just as much.
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