Thursday, June 11, 2009

To you....from me ~


Suzann said...

Thank you Miss Dawn!

kathy said...

Thank you sweet friend for the -bluebird graphics -- such a reminder of God's beautiful creation and your sweet ♥-
kathy - ga

Barbara Jean said...

Thank you for sharing out of your new book.
How do you get those so nice?
Photo of it then to file then to us??

Barbara Jean

Nadine said...

How pretty ~ Thank you for sharing! I adore your new book!

Such a Wondrous Place this Faery Space said...

Blessings on this beautiful night! Great place you have here dear!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn! Wow, I had so many posts to catch up on! The college town looks perfect for Chase, and it must make you feel better to go and see it. I loved all the posts. Loved all of your goodies, esp. the cool sachet you made me. You know, I purchased a bird book you showed on here once from Amazon.UK, but I never thought to surf eBay! Good thinking!

Sue C said...

Thank you for the images and the link. It led me to a site that shows tons of birds!


KV Creative Designs said...

Thanks Dawn! You are so thoughtful!
Artful Blessings,

Wildflowerhouse said...

Dawn, Thanks for the lovely picture.I just might use it in my next crazy quilt project. Thanks for the compliments on my blog about my purse. Sharon

The Rustic Victorian said...

Bluebirds are just so sweet. I wish we had more here in town, they seem to like the country more. Thanks for shareing.*M*


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