Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Freedom isn't free ~ be sure to pause my music

A tribute to a father, son, husband and soldier that gave his life for his country ~ Sergeant First Class John C. Beale


sepiadreams said...

Deeply moving tribute.....Love Tiina....

Barbara Jean said...

thanks for coming by to see my new shop.
RE banner
do you think i need to always keep he same picture? or is it OK to change it?
I guess consistency is good, but change might be nice.
Or were you more talking about the little pic to get people over to my shop?
Boy, do i sound wishy washy or what?? (maybe I'll email you).

blessings, and thanks for all the help you have been to my and so many others.

Barbara Jean

Barbara Jean said...

I just watched the video.
We have so much to be grateful for.
God bless and keep our loved ones who fight for our country.

Barbara jean

marie said...

Thank you for sharing this.
God Bless America.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this video. Thank you to our armed forces and their families for their sacrifices. Thank you Lord, for letting us live in the greatest country on the face of the earth. Let freedom ring!

Wildflowerhouse said...

You are right,we pay a great price for our freedom.Thank you for sharing. Sharon

Anonymous said...

There are no words to express how deep our gratitude,love and respect should be for all of the very brave men and women who freely sacrifice everyday for our freedom....
Absolutely beautiful tribute Dawn. We lived in Fayetteville for a few years before moving here to Gwinnett, so the road names and area are familiar.
Who shot this video? Lovely and deeply moving, the songs were perfect in depicting how much this soldier means to all of us.
May God Bless his family and friends and the USA!
♥ Lynn

Jane said...

What a beautiful and moving tribute, Dawn! Thank you so much for sharing this video & the photos on your previous post about bringing this young man home. It is hard to watch it dry-eyed, but at the same time it is wonderful to see how many people still hold onto the values of honor, respect, and patriotism. Love those fire engine ladder arches!
Best, Jane - Jacksonville

The Rustic Victorian said...

Thank you Miz Dawn.

stefanie nix said...

I was visiting your site and saw the video--WOW! What a beautiful tribute to a soldier. I was just in Fla and saw the Air Force fighting jets flying above--they ARE the reason we are free. They give so much to our country so that we can enjoy our United States. Thanks so much for video. Stefanie

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful and touching tribute to a true hero.


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