I know they can sting you, and that can really be quite scary for some but don't you just love their images? They seem to represent a naturalness or sweet fragrant spring to me ~ Have you been thinking a little of spring? :)
MaryJanes Farm magazine has a new issue out, I saw it the other day and they are featuring bees and the benefits they give us ~ I need to pick mine up next time I'm at the store.....
Aww that was so nice of you Dawn and the pics well they were Beeutiful! Sorry couldn't resisit! LOL! Have a terrific Thursday!~Smiles~Tam!
Just a little hello and thank-you - bee..cause! xox
Your comment made me giggle this morning! But I love the images, bee-cause they are bee-utiful!!!!!
bee-utiful!!!....I LOVE honey bees, bee skeps, bee balm...all things "bee"....very weird to see your post, I had a dream about bees last night, no kidding!!!!
i like bees...i get so excited now when i see a honey bee, they are so rare now...and i think bumblebees are pretty cute!!!
I like bee things too, Dawn. I use the beehive icon in my paintings a lot. It's been iconic throughout history in art, like the pomegranate.
I like those too!
Thank you for sharing the pictures.
I'm sure I'll be using them!
The busy bee has no time for sorrow~William Blake~
Busy hands...happy heart! Now I am going to buzz off and bee happy,
Giggle,,,good post,,good comments,,chuckel,,I needed that beefore I get to work.
I have been visiting your blog for a while now, and I see you have shared many images such as the bees images. But for the life of me, i don't know what to do with them, other than copy and move to "my pictures"!!! What does one DO with the images? Do you just make a copy of it and cut it out and put it on a notecard? Do you have tutorials concerning these? Other blog entries where you have shared different ideas?
These may sound like silly questions, but to the novice like me, I don't know who better to ask than the person who is sharing such sweet images!
"Bee happy", "Bee thankful", "Bee my valentine", "To bee, or not to bee"! Okay . . . someone stop me!!
"To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,
One clover, and a bee.
And revery.
The revery alone will do,
If bees are few."
by Emily Dickinson
Couldn't resist adding this. Isn't it sweet!
I used to raise bees back in the day. It was a good feeling knowing you were a part of something bigger. Sadly, I have hardly any bees at the chateau. Someday I'm gonna get me another hive, I miss them so much.
Cool post!
Hugs friend...sharon
Dawn- we just did a whole display with bees at the Plum Tree yesterday. That's so odd. But bees and Spring go together like nothing else. Most everything we eat is because a little bee pollinated it- hard to imagine their wonder. That's one reason I don't use pesticides in the garden- there are many others. Thank you.
I love bee images! Dawn, you share such wonderful images they are just beautiful! Thank you so for the kindness you share with us all!
I made a simple card using the butterfly image that you posted...it is posted on my blog!
Have a wonderful day!
A Bee~utiful day to you in return Dawn!
I've liked bees for what ever reason since I was in the 5th grade. My girl friend and I used to trap them in mason jars. We liked to live dangerously.
Now that I'm some what grown up I find I still have a fasination with these little bug-ers.
Catherine Moore has a new line of stamps "Bird and Bee Paperie"
ANs My friend Debra Abel's lastname means bee. I some pages in her Art Journal using a bee theme. You can see it on my blog.
Seems I just can't shake them loose. ;)
Sorry for being so verbose. But long story short thanks for sharing these images.
Morning Dawn,
Just touching base and saying hi.
Thankful Thursday over at Treasures.....
5 Things we are thankful for...
Hard not to write more. =0)
Barbara Jean
Thanks for those images ~ I love honeybees. I have that issue of MJ'sF and I love it. It inspires me to want my own honeybees. While my corn was maturing last summer, each day I would go out and find 1,000's of bees on the tassles. It was pretty amazing. I have one pic here http://tinkerverve.wordpress.com/2008/08/08/were-a-little-corny/ - There's just something about the awesomeness of nature that can be so inspiring.
Thanks Dawn! I love it when people share images with us! ~Lori
My verification word is "dorklike"...Do you think I should take it personally??? hahah!
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