Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween sweet friends!!!!

A few photos of our simple Halloween decorating!!!

Wishing you a wonderful day precious friends ~
hugs and love,

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sharing a few found treasures ~

I just met a precious new blogger!!
Louise of Bumble Button introduced herself to me
and of course I had to pop over to visit her brand-spankin' new blog ~
Louise has a most generous heart and is sharing the most
gorgeous images on her new blog!!!

Just look at this beauty....

Next, Lisa turned me on to this amazing blog, One Lucky Day ~
Paula and Deb are creating this amazing Advent Calendar and
I LOVE all the techniques they are sharing!!!
Be sure to take a look when you can :)

And one last reminder...
my buy-one-tutorial-get-one-free sale ends
tomorrow evening at 6:00 pm EST!!!!

And if you've already purchased my tutorials ~
Thank you so, so much!!!
I really hope you're pleased with them!

Have a wonderful Halloween weekend sweet friends ~
hugs and love,

Friday, October 29, 2010

Gorgeous gifts for you!

You know how I love beautiful images, right?
Mary of Green Paper has added some
WONDERFUL Christmas images to her blog...
and they are free gifts for you!!!
Just in time to use on your holiday projects ~

Inspiration Friday:
Stepping out of my comfort zone ~

I'm linking up with sweet Debra of Common Ground
for Inspiration Friday......

Yes....I'm a home-body. I'll admit it!
I don't get out much but now that I'm pushin' fifty
I've decided it's time.
One big step is visiting Lisa in Texas next week
and you know I''m gonna LOVE that!!

Well another step a little outside of my comfort zone is I've decided to
teach an art class at Karla's Cottage in the spring!!!
It will be the weekend of May 1st and there are 20 openings....
Lisa's teaching a class, Karla of course will teach a class,
Carol of Raised in Cotton, and then yours truly!!!
Each student will take every class!

Oh I'm REALLY nervous!!!
Can you be nervous for six whole months?
If it weren't for my sweet friends cheering me on,
I'd never do this ~

YOU my sweet friends, are my inspiration!!!!

I have to thank you all for giving me the courage to
step out of my comfort zone and follow my dream ~
YOU, dear friends, truly are my inspiration!!!!

Have the most wonderful Friday ~
hugs and love,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sweet nothings ~ and a little something :)

That's kinda what this post is....
a few sweet nothings for you ~

One of my most favorite Victoria pages saved from many years ago ~

Another page that I've saved....I always loved the calling cards page.
So much imagination was shown here ~

My mitten pattern...I think I printed it out so it would be about four inches tall ~

Gorgeous sheet music ~

Gorgeous bird print ~

And the little something???
Mary of Green Paper
is hosting a wonderful, new online collage class!!
I just LOVE all the images Mary gives with these classes!

Click the button below to sign up!!!


Thank you all so much for your travel wishes for me!!!
I'm nervous but know it will be a blast ~
I want to make a few goodies to bring with me for Lisa and Ann too...

Wishing you a wonderful Thursday dear friends,
hugs and love,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sometimes the ol' bird flies from the nest!

I've blogged for almost four years now....
and I've met so, so many precious friends through this lil' blog ~
I've been able to meet several of these friends in person too!!

Well, in 9 days this bird is boarding an airplane (YIKES!)
and flying to Texas to spend the weekend
with Ms Lisa of Tarnished and Tattered!!!!!

And what are we going to do?
We are heading to Ann of The Tin Rabbit's sweet Christmas Open House!!
Ann is such an amazing artist...
using all of the elements Lisa and I both love ~
Raggedy old lace and trims, beautiful old cabinet cards
and any other vintage cast offs she can muster up....
But more than anything, she has a wonderful heart.
I just can't wait to meet her!

Here's just a sampling of her wonderful artwork and vignettes ~

Sooooo. I'm just a little nervous.
Yes, I admit it.
This bird doesn't fly the coop too much you know....

I do promise to take plenty of photos to share with you!!!
Have a great Wednesday dear friends ~
hugs and love,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Needing to get back....

Beautiful places....

These are a few clippings that I just love ~

A beautiful image I've given you in the past ~

Can you even believe I'm STILL unpacking???
I used to be a wild woman and get things done so quickly but
this move has totally whipped me!

I get mad at myself for not getting more accomplished in a day ~
but I know eventually it will be finished.
Downsizing has been the biggest challenge,
so I shuffle boxes, sort, rebox, then shuffle again :)

I've been wanting to show you photos but it's not
photo worthy right now :) still no curtains in the living room...
no pictures hung...boxes still here and there ~
But I know I'll eventually get it all finished.

Please forgive me if it's been awhile since I visited you,
I hope to get back to my regular routine very soon :)

I think I need to make something too....
Do you know that if I go too long without creating,
I absolutely CRAVE it???

A few past projects:

I have a limited amount of these little babies....
I'll be adding the egg soap back to the shop today too!

Beautiful old photo album mats for you:

You all are so wonderful to me...
thank you for stopping by to see what's going on around here!!

Have a great Tuesday precious friends,
hugs and love,

ps. I've added a few more goodies to the shop too!

Monday, October 25, 2010

It's time for a tutorial sale!!!

So you know it's going to be here before you know it, right?
Christmas is a' coming!!!
Would you like to make a few one-of-a-kind gifts
for your friends and family?
I've decided to have a one week sale...
it ends next Sunday eve at 6:00 pm EST
Buy one of my tutorials from Lessons from The Nest
for only 5.00
and get one FREE!!!

Please be sure to type in which two tutorials
you'd like me for to email you when purchasing ~
This ALSO includes my latest Doll Shoe Tutorial!!!
Don't you think they'd make precious ornaments on the tree?
Maybe as a little elf shoe, or snow fairy shoe???

Just CLICK HERE to see all fifteen tutorials offered!!

Wishing you the most wonderful Monday dear friends!!!
hugs and love,

Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's time to part with a few things ~

I've added a few things to
if you'd like to take a look :)

I hope you have a wonderful fall weekend dear friends,
hugs and love,

Friday, October 22, 2010

Inspiration Friday ~ Books, magazines...and more books!

I know I've shared this with you before....
but I'm in love with books!!!
Not so much novels, but books that share romantic, decorating ideas...
artful decorating ideas, creative art books that demonstrate techniques or
just have gorgeous photos featuring beautiful artwork ~

I gathered just a few photos to show you what I mean :)

This first image is for you, one of my favorites!

This photo below is not from a book or magazine,
but a close up of the antique Limoges china
that Dennis gave me for Christmas a few years back.

Oh how I miss the old Home Companion magazine...thank goodness I saved so many!

How in the world could I NOT be inspired by the beauty shown
between the pages of my favorite books and magazines?

I'm joining Debra of Common Ground and so many other
inspiring blogs for Inspiration Friday!!

Wishing you a great Friday precious friends,
hugs and love,


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