Beautiful places....
These are a few clippings that I just love ~
A beautiful image I've given you in the past ~
Can you even believe I'm STILL unpacking???
I used to be a wild woman and get things done so quickly but
this move has totally whipped me!
I get mad at myself for not getting more accomplished in a day ~
but I know eventually it will be finished.
Downsizing has been the biggest challenge,
so I shuffle boxes, sort, rebox, then shuffle again :)
I've been wanting to show you photos but it's not
photo worthy right now :) still no curtains in the living room...
no pictures hung...boxes still here and there ~
But I know I'll eventually get it all finished.
Please forgive me if it's been awhile since I visited you,
I hope to get back to my regular routine very soon :)
I think I need to make something too....
Do you know that if I go too long without creating,
I absolutely CRAVE it???
A few past projects:
I have a limited amount of these little babies....
I'll be adding the egg soap back to
the shop today too!
Beautiful old photo album mats for you:
You all are so wonderful to me...
thank you for stopping by to see what's going on around here!!
Have a great Tuesday precious friends,
hugs and love,
ps. I've added a few more goodies to
the shop too!