I guess you all know I love treasure hunting for art supplies, whether it's at Michael's, Hobby Lobby or even in a junky ol' antique mall. These days money is tight for so many of us or you may live in a remote area where you can't get to craft stores. I wanted to share a few ideas about supplies.
Supplies can be found all around you. Say you don't have matte gel medium, just substitute wallpaper paste or even thinned down Elmer's glue. Test out what you have on hand and see what the results look like ~ you may be surprised!
Step outside. Branches from trees and bushes are wonderful to use in your artwork. Press flowers in between paper towels in an old telephone book. Weeds have the most precious small blossoms ~ I love looking around on the ground for sweet gum balls or acorn caps.
In Savannah I found gorgeous bark from palm trees on the ground and coconut fibers as well.

Strong coffee and a q-tip can age papers and other items that you'd like to antique. Put some coffee in an old spray bottle to mist your item. Always test this first to see what kind of result you'll get. Use eye shadow or blush to gently alter a monotone print from your printer.

Look through your junk drawer or coffee can that you keep odd things inside and see if there's anything unusual that you can use in your artwork. I've used old springs from an old broken playpen in several pieces that I've made. Going through odd junk in the garage can be fun too!!

If you need thin cardboard for bookmarks, tags or other projects....save those cereal boxes or other food packaging and use them!! Cut it to size and coat one side with glue then press face down onto the paper that you're using to cover it. Trim out with a utility knife or scissors. Repeat for the back side too! Find beautiful images in old magazines, old gift wrap or greeting cards .
What I'm trying to say is, you don't need all the bells and whistles to be an artist. If you want to create ~ just look around you and use what you have. I'm sure you've heard all of this before but rather than worry about what you don't have to make things, use what you DO have ~ experiment, you'll be surprised at what beautiful things you can come up with!!
And a few giveaways for you:
Blanca at Magic Moonlight Studio is having a beautiful tag giveaway!!!
Just click HERE to visit her blog and comment to win.AND
And Angela Harris is have a beautiful tag giveaway as well!!!
Click HERE to visit her blog....I just love giveaways!
If you have any other wonderful ideas on using things around the house in your artwork, I'd love for you to let me know in a comment!!!!
Hoping you have a wonderful and creative Monday sweet friends ~
xxoo, Dawn