Monday, July 20, 2009

Thoughts and fairies ~

Life is too short to wake up with regrets
so love the people who treat you right.

Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

Why do I love fairies? I can't really tell you except that I guess I'm a little girl at heart and they seem so innocent and wonderful to me ~ the images of them are beautiful.......

I've been cleaning at home and working a bit in my studio to get it ready for some fresh photos!! I'm participating in Where Bloggers Create later in the week and want to have some sweet pics of my space to share with you ~

I hope you have an amazing Monday sweet friends!!
hugs and love,


Dorthe said...

Dawn sweetie,
so beautifully expressed, I alwayes find your thoughts ,and the way you presents them, as a gift ,to take with me, in my dayli life, thanks dear.

Looking forward to see your pictures later.

Have a wonderfull monday, Dawn

Love and hugs ~Dorthe

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

We are happy to believe in magic...we are sad to know about your friend...we have prayed for her and her sweet family.
As always, your devoted Miss Peach

kathy said...

Dawn , somehow I missed the earlier post about your Dad -- will certainly pray for him --
You are truly a blessing in my life -- with your sweet spirit -- Blessings - Kathy - ga ♥

Coleen said...

your thougths went straight into my heart....they mean more to me than you will ever know...

Heart Hugs,

Sea Witch said...

Sweet posting with good words and lovely graphics. We all need to believe in the magic of grace, kindness and love. Thank you for a "pay it forward" kind of post. Sea Witch

Barbara Jean said...

This is a great post Dawn.
Love the fairies, and what you shared at the top.

Hope you have a wonderful day.

barbara jean

BellaRosa said...

Dawn, I think that this is truly one of my favorite posts that you have done, Thank you for making me smile because those words came straight from your heart. Rose

Anonymous said...

I am breathless with awe at the quote you shared...that is soooooo true! The pictures of faires are an added bonus...I have a wee fairy garden in my back is a bit on the wild side, but I hear tell they like that kind of thing ;D

Hope you are having a wonderful day!☺

Barbara Jean said...

I'm looking for some free vintage clip art or ?
Like the beautiful ones you often have on your blog.
I've checked the sites i could find, but no luck.

I'm looking for children at the seashore, or some kind of old fashioned sea shore scene, shells or whatever.
It is for a project i am working on.
thanks for any direction you can give me.
barbara Jean

Sandy said...

I love the sentiment and the fairy illustrations. I just saw Barbara Jean's comment and I have an old vintage calendar print that might do for her artwork. I'll let her know.

Janice Kay Schaub said...

I love fairies and have them on my blogs too. Something magic about them


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