Thursday, July 30, 2009

The best of intentions ~

I really have had the best of get into my studio and create. It's so clean and ready for me! I've even started working on my sweet tiny doll dress project but with school starting Monday, yes, that's what I said, and with all the other things going on around here, it seems as my creative energy is being drained by the rest of the day.

Noah had his open house last night, I ended up giving him a short little haircut yesterday for that too ~ plus Chase heads of to college in a few weeks and we're getting everything together for that as well.

Below in the photo, can you see how I trim my paper for all the areas that I'm going to use the gel medium to adhere it? That way I don't waste's all ready to go. I still want to age the little floral print paper as it's too white and crispy for me :)

Clara dozed off for a nap and I had to get a photo of her ~
she's so precious!!!
And look at her toys!!! She's grabbing them, chewing on them
and growing so very fast ~

Thank you always for stopping by to see me ~
I hope that things will settle down here a little come Monday.....
so I can get back in the groove!!!

Wishing you an amazing Thursday dear friends ~
xxoo, Dawn


Myrna said...

Oh! I HEAR ya, girlfriend! We wear so many "hats", don't we? Good for you, taking care of your family, keeping your priorities straight, etc. Be easy on yourself~ we'll all be here when you get back!!
Give Noah a hug for me!! ;-) And sweet baby Clara is just too cute for words!! I cannot WAIT till I have one (grand-daughter) of my own!!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

That photo of Clara is the absolute sweetest!!!
Plenty of time for crafting...later!

Stay Cozy, Carrie

Rebecca Nelson said...

I'm feelin' you girl! Been where you are sooo many times!

I've found everything is right where I left it whenever it is I can get back to it.

Love your blog...amazingly GREAT!


Jacque said...

Speaking from experience...all those things can wait--the children won't--they will be all grown up and leaving the nest before you know it! Plenty of time then. Clara is a living doll! You are blessed.

Lori said...

Miss Clara is such a beauty Dawn!!! your dress project is going to be wonderful, i can tell already!!!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Oh, Dawn, your new project looks just wonderful! I can't wait to see it when it's done!

The Charm House said...

I was with Emma yesterday and she is so cute grabbing at everything and looking like the world is a great big toy for her to play with!
My son's name is Chase, didn't know you had one too!

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Good Morning Dawn! Oh Clara is just the cutest little bundle of sweetness! Oh I can't wait to see your finished dress project. So cute.


marie said...

I enjoy visiting your blog each day ~ your posts are always so encouraging or inspiring or both. I hope life settles for you soon.

The little dress projects looks like it's going to be so sweet ~ I'm looking forward to seeing it completed.

Clara is so pretty and she looks so sweet and peaceful ~ I love her little peapod pillow!

Magic Moonlight said...

Thank-you for our picture of Baby Clara, soo sweet! and She is so Beautiful!

Abi said...

Can't wait to see the finished piece! Clara looks adorable, wish she was mine!! x

Barbara Jean said...

It's going to be wonderful!!

Life does get in the way of our creating sometimes, doesn't it.
But, those kids are so much more important than anything we can make.
Of course you know that well.
Barbara Jean

Vee said...

I'm shocked that school is back in session in August. What is education coming to?

Clara is a beautiful pink bundle there. I know that she's so much fun for you all at this age.

Connie said...

She's beautiful, sugar; aren't granddaughters fun?!?!

Sandy said...

Oh Dawn, I know exactly what you mean. I was so excited to have my space so clean and neat and ready to muss up again but with all the remodeling going on here I just have not had time to do anything but serve on the clean up crew. Here's to hoping things settle down soon.

Clara is so precious!

Becky said...

Sweet Dawn, a clean studio is a good thing, I cleaned mine so marvelously and got to work for about an hour... till I had to find something
(a tiny ball of moss) I knew I had (and needed) It took me 2 hours to find it and I destroyed the studio looking for it... LOL that ever happen to you? I think I'll clean the mess later. ;o)


Shopgirl said...

The picture of Clara is adorable. The toys near her reminds me of when our Granddaughter Kayla was a baby. Summit one of our Grandsons is 9 now and still has his blankie, it is a awful looking thing. Jenny tries to wash it, it is almost beyond washing. Busy is what Mom's are, and getting kids ready and off to school is allot on the plate. We will be here Dear Friend, Hugs Mary

Amanda said...

Dear Dawn,
I'm back from the mountains and trying to catch up with my blog friends and the first thing I see is baby Clara. Whew! My, she's beautiful. I remember when Leah was bundled like that. Also loved your studio!!!!

Wildflowerhouse said...

School in August. Oh My! Clara gets more beautiful everyday. She looks like a little pea in a pod the way she is all wrapped up. She is so lucky that gramma takes such wonderful pictures of her. Sharon


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