It's funny how blogging has become such an integral part of so many lives these days. There's a blog about most anything out there now! It's a fun process to me, the interaction between so many all around the world. And you really do become long-distance friends with your fellow bloggers!!
I was thinking how each and every blog has it's own purpose. Some use it as an amazing marketing tool, others use their blog as a way to keep their families caught up with growing children and activities. A lot of bloggers use it to make new friends and share ideas. I think it's important to understand what your blog means to you and it's main purpose.
What does my blog do for me? It makes. me. accountable. Does that sound odd? But really, it makes me accountable for my time and I like that! I am one of those people that look back on my day and say to myself, "what have you accomplished today?" And it seems that the blog helps me document that....it some strange way :) That's why I love to blog daily......that may not work for you and that's OK, do what works for YOU....but blogging daily gets me motivated, and I need that motivation!
The most wonderful BENEFIT of blogging by far?? Friendship. The amazing friends that I've found here are priceless. The inspiration you give by your comments, your blogs, your artwork or simply your attitude towards life make me smile and want to be better....a better artist and always a better friend. Thank you all so much for that ~
hugs and love, Dawn
What does my blog do for me? It makes. me. accountable. Does that sound odd? But really, it makes me accountable for my time and I like that! I am one of those people that look back on my day and say to myself, "what have you accomplished today?" And it seems that the blog helps me document that....it some strange way :) That's why I love to blog daily......that may not work for you and that's OK, do what works for YOU....but blogging daily gets me motivated, and I need that motivation!
The most wonderful BENEFIT of blogging by far?? Friendship. The amazing friends that I've found here are priceless. The inspiration you give by your comments, your blogs, your artwork or simply your attitude towards life make me smile and want to be better....a better artist and always a better friend. Thank you all so much for that ~
hugs and love, Dawn

You're absolutely right! I think so. Greetings from Moscow!
I like your thoughts. It made me think about why I blog.
nicely put Dawn...blogging to me has been mostly about making connections and friendships with girls who have similar interests to me...and of course finding inspiration...thank you for providing me with all of these!!!
Hi Dawn. Love your thoughts on blogs... Have a very blessed Easter with your family and lovely new grandchild....
I couldn't have said it better myself, honey. I've been so blessed with so many woman bloggers offering prayers for my son in his time of tragedy. I'm just overwhelmed with all of the prayers offered for him. So yes, they are a wonderful group -- these "BLOGGERS"!
Hi Dawn,
I just enjoy your blog so much, what you wrote was just lovely.
I made my first fairy jar today. I just love it, it is a gift for a dear friend. That is where most of my art goes, as gifts.
It shows in your blog, that you truly love what you do !
Thank you, Hugs Laura.
I love your nature book too, thinking on that next?
Thanks again.
I appreciated your words on blogging. When I started I was doing it for me; so I would write regularly and stimulate my creativity. It has indeed brought friendships, which I treasure so much.
Hi Dawn...I have been feeling just what you wrote...although I am more "prim" I LOVE visiting your blog and those of your friends ...Maybe I have just been around too long - but inspiration was waning - I couldn't find a country store to "excite" me and get my creativeness flowing - the inspiration to do my own thing was going away...and that is what visiting "blogs" has recaptured for me!! A whole new way to gain inspiration and keep this olde brain working! I visit with you everyday - your enthusiam is contagious and your creativity inspiring! Love, Judy
Love this post, Dawn... Blogging indeed has a (hidden) purpose for us all, I assume... For me it's a bit of keeping track of my own progress - similar to you - but also to stay tuned w/today's technology. Even though browsing blogs & the net can bring forth inspiration, at times however I struggle w/the anonymity of it all. Who knows what blogging can do for me?! In the meantime I treasure the joys it brings to my life. Cheers, Julie
Hi Dawn,
Only yesterday I decided to take a blog "break" to consider what mine means to me and to focus on some things I can't blog about. Your post is inspiring and I take the question seriously--what is my purpose for blogging. I'm looking forward to finding a direction. In the meantime, thanks for your faithful writing. It has enriched so many. ~Kathy
You put my thoughts to words.Sharon
I agree whole heartedly on those sentiments. I like the fact that I have a reason to stay on task and a place to account for my days! Also, aren't the people we meet out here in blogland just the best?
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