I came across this sweet photo today....it's Brent!! Clara's father ~ it was taken in the hospital 26 years ago! I promise he wasn't quite this red though ~ do you see the resemblance? :)

This is Clara in the hospital....

I love these old seed packets and scanned them in for you ~ maybe you can use them?

And a vintage card with a couple of sweet birds ~

Oh and look what I caught Clara doing ..... too cute!!

I'm going to hang pictures today and hopefully a couple of simple curtains in the studio....and I'm stopping!! It's been way to long since I've created anything and I'm ready ~
I hope your Thursday is wonderful sweet friends,
xxoo, Dawn
I hope your Thursday is wonderful sweet friends,
xxoo, Dawn
Thank you for the images, and also for sharing your photos. There is quite a resemblance in the father/daughter pictures, and I love the one where she's found her thumb!
You may have trouble concentrating on creating with that little angel nearby... maybe during naps, although they look so precious when they are sleeping too!
Oh well, work can always wait... the tender hours of babyhood pass much too quickly by! Enjoy every minute!
Wow, the two of them are like carbon copies! She's simply adorable!
Thanks for the sweet images.
Have a great week,
Twins! I do declare. A thumb-sucking baby is a happy baby. How cute! Happy creating. You deserve it with all the work you've done lately. Enjoy! Creating and Clara.
how sweet...she looks just like her daddy...and how adorable is she sucking her thumb...what a cutie Dawn!!!
How precious! There really is a strong resemblance in both newborn photos. My son and daughter look exactly alike in their hospital photos. The way we tell the photos apart is that my son's eyes were closed when the official hospital photo was taken and my daughters were open. Clara is such a cutie! Enjoy getting creative in that new space!
It's amazing how much those two look alike! Adorable!
What a precious little girl! I love all her dark hair. There is a definite likeness going on between Daddy & daughter!
Thank you for the images Dawn.
Oh your grandgirlie does look a lot like her daddy and I'd not be a bit surprised to find that she looks a lot like her mama, too. :>
Sweet images today, thanks so much!
If she isn't cute! And Clara does look like her daddy in the photos! I loved the video, loved seeing a brand new life and hearing the sweet baby sounds as she worked on that binky! What a precious gift--I'll bet you all are just over the moon! She's so lucky to have you as a grandmother, Dawn! Cherish every moment! Smiles, Jann
Oh my gosh, the resemblance is amazing. It is just too sweet when a newborn sucks their thumb. Just shows how coordinated Clara is already. Have a great day. Nancy
Oh my!
Do they look alike or what!?
Cute she has already found her thumb.
Thank you for sharing your blessings with us..
And thank you for coming by. Glad you liked our '60 somethings' vintage items. =0)
Barbara Jean
What adorable pictures. I can't believe how much she looks like her daddy "today" what fun you must be having.
Hello from Canada! I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for the bird image. I am working on a collaged book with bird images for myself. Hope one day to post some pictures of it when completed. Sandra
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