I have a thing for botanical drawings ~ the more scientific they look, the more I love them! Here's a few that you might like ~ I hope I haven't given them to you before, if I ever repeat myself, please forgive me!!

Baby Clara had a fussy day Tuesday, not napping very well and wearing her mom out! I held her so Emily could get a few things done and took these photos ~ she looks a little worried in the first one. Just look at those sweet cheeks!!

A few more photos of the studio in it's current state ~ I still haven't hung my baby prints yet but hope to soon. I just love being in there.....don't you want to come create with me??

Lastly, I just have to share a wonderful giveaway with you!! My sweet friend Yvette of The Charm House is celebrating her one year blogiversary!! She's giving away a Target gift certificate....how cool is that?? Just click HERE to comment to win ~

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday!
xxoo, Dawn
xxoo, Dawn
Your studio looks wonderful...I DO want to come and create with you!
Dawn, I know exactly how you feel about your studio - I also love being in mine. Do come and have tea and scones with me!
Your studio is looking great! Does your full size refrigerator hold just food or some of your creative supplies? I think I need a refrigerator in my studio.
I'm so glad that you take the time to sit and cuddle Clara. What a sweet little face though she does seem to be concerned about something. You must whisper away all her fears...
Yes! I do want to come and create something with you. No, no, I just want to sit and watch you go to it and ask a lot of questions. That would get pretty annoying fast!
Have a great Wednesday...
Dawn, just a thought for your refigerator...find a beautiful cabbage rose print, soak it in fabric softener, and then apply to the upper and lower doors of the frig. It would soften the harsher lines of the appliance and give the eye something soothing to look at, let alone give you inspiration from the wonderful fabric used. Just a thought!
Clara is precious, I would love to have a grandaughter. I've got two great sons, but so far, both bachelors! Give her a hug from me!
Lori Farmer
Your studio looks wonderful Dawn! I know every cubby is full of wonderful treasures!
Happy Creating!
Hugs to baby Clara, and her mommy. I remember those days!
Great to see some beautiful botanical pictures!!! And always wonderful to see Baby Clara...
Best to you
All is lovely! ...the baby and the studio! :) It's so nice to have a place to create - I have one and I too love whiling away the hours in there! ::Jill
The studio looks great! I need to start one if I can get my act together. By the way-congrats on the Somerset Life issue, I am still hunting for the Marie issue. Baby photos are sweet sweet!!!! Love Tiina....
Oh what a delightful invitation! Yes, I would love to come and create with you but I would insist on my turn at hold baby Clara! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Happy Wednesday to you as well Dawn x
Thank you so much for your free downloads...you have just helped me out with a challenge I wanted to do !
Still loving your blog x
So cute pic of baby Clara all snuggled in.
I would love to come create with you, but, alas, I would probably spend all my time just watching you!!
Barbara Jean
What a beautiful studio - you've done a great job getting it in order. I love seeing your pics of baby Clara - she is precious.
Your studio looks like a beautiful little haven. Love it! Yes, I would love to come and create with you....
Baby Clara is just a little angel!
oh what a doll baby!
your studio looks AMAZING! nicely done, dawn.
Clara is a beautiful little baby. I love the worried expression. Your studio is delightful - you inspire me.
Ok, I am coming over to create with you in your gorgeous studio!!! Then, I am going to pinch (softly) sweet Clara's cheeks!! She is such a doll!! Have a wonderful day, Dawn!! Blessings, Marji
Your studio is amazing!!!!! Yes, I would love to come create with you!!!!! Clara is a doll. I know you are having a ball having her there.
Dang Dawn- my "studio" and I use that lightly- never looks that organized. Actually it's kinda scary.
Congratulations on everything. Joy
My craft room looks like heck next to yours, I first of all don't have all the wonderful collections that you have shared.
But I will catch up...maybe!
You have done a great job, it must be so comfortable play in...
Hugs, Mary
Clar is beautiful!
Your little angel looks cuter everyday. Yes, I love your studio, it is very cozy and pretty. Makes me take a deep breath and sigh!
I'm catching up on my favorite blogs this morning--Clara is adorable, Dawn--you must be over the moon! And look at that hair! I love your new studio, too--check my blog on Monday for a pic of Lily--I am in Idaho right now for a short visit, and getting to spend time with my youngest granddaughter--she's 8 months now and quite a character! Aren't granddaughters wonderful?!!!!!
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