My yard sale bird bath?? Well, the basin was pretty rough looking....I mean I love shabby chic but this looked just grungy with water in it. It had been painted and all of the paint was gone from where the water had been. I hadn't planted my herbs yet so I decided to use the bird bath as a planter!! I hope that they will do OK, I'll have to wait and see ~ I may have to build the dirt up a bit higher to give them plenty of room for the roots but so far, so good!!!
PS. My son Brent drilled drainage holes through the bottom of the concrete basin to allow for drainage....he left the water inside the basin while he did it to keep the drill bit cool :)
PS. My son Brent drilled drainage holes through the bottom of the concrete basin to allow for drainage....he left the water inside the basin while he did it to keep the drill bit cool :)

I love having a couple of beautiful ferns hanging on the porch this time of the year ~

And a couple of pots of flowers by the front door ~ they need some ivy trailing down the sides

Have a wonderful Saturday dear friends!
xxoo, Dawn
xxoo, Dawn
Spring has sprung! Sweet bird bath planter. Awesome, Dawn!
Your friend at ~ White Linen Lavender Field ~
Your bird bath looks really nice. Great idea to plant flowers in it.
Thanks for coming by, and for your kind words about my nesty treasures.
I am having so much fun making them and so glade others are enjoying them too.
Barbara Jean
Your birdbath is going to lookbeautiful when the herbs start filling in and cascading over the edges.
very nice look.
Gorgeous birdbath Dawn!! I love it!!
Your plants look so nice, love the pop of red by the front door. Great idea for a mini herb garden too. Have a sweet Saturday!
Your yard is looking wonderful. We don't worry about outside flowers/herbs until Memorial Day. I am enjoying my little patch of daffodils, though. Your fern is gorgeous and I like your idea for the birdbath.
What a great idea for the bird bath. Love the herb gardern.
Have a great Saturday!
What a great idea for a birdbath!! I just was given one my in-laws will not be using anymore. Hmmmmmm- Glad to hear you are all back home. Hospital stays are soo exhausting for everyone including the patient. Beautiful flowers. I'm anxious to get mine planted too. Have a great day. Linda
You will need to drill some drainage holes or all the plants will die..
Funny we have such similar taste. My "Honey" bought me the same birdbath one year for my birhtday. Ours has a pump in it & we love to hear the sound of the water while sitting out front. The herb garden in yours will be wonderful. Hope the rosemary doesn't take over the whole thing. It can be so invasive. Have you ever tried small red potatoes boiled with rosemary in the water , drain when tender, add butter & course sea salt... YUM!
That bird bath/herb garden is a marvellous idea! I might use it myself!! ::Jill
Hi sweeti how good to hear everything are going well at home, with your Noa good rested among all you caring soules, Im sure he will soon be feeling much better, thanks God for that.
Thanks for all your sharings of lovely things Daw.
Im having a wonderfull week-end with my grandchildren.
Love to you, and hugs too
XOXO Dorthe
Dawn, I love the birdbath idea. Mine needs to be redone too. Currently it is sitting at the edge of our parking area waiting for something to happen. LOL. Maybe I will try your planter idea. At least the neighborhood dog won't be drinking out of it all the time.
What a wonderful idea! It is just beautiful!
Love the bird bath planter! What a great idea.
I'm glad to be back in blogland. It is so wonderful to catch up with everyone again. I'm so happy that Noah is recovering and not in much pain. That is a blessing!
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