First, I have to give you a beautiful image that I ran across while working in my studio. It's torn and tattered all around the edges and had been taped to an old canvas board but I took it off and fit as much onto the scanner that I could. I hope you love it.....
I still have some fine tuning to do but I'm really getting close to being finished!!! Mostly it's just more organizing and putting away. I'm beginning to think that I've even pigged up this room!!! But hopefully after I go around the room a couple more times, it will look better. I want to hang some fabric on the windows. I've decided that I need a light, muslin type look because there is just so much going on visually. Plus I have some beautiful old prints to hang as well. But I'm getting there!

Looking good! This started out as your son's apartment in you garage, didn't it? xo Joan
Hi Dawn~~
Oh it is so wonderful! Love all your beautiful treasures~~those little lambies are just precious!
Have a great day~
it's really coming along sure have a lot of fun things to play with...what a lovely image...i bet is is so pretty in person!!!
It's all coming along, Dawn. Wow, you've got so many wonderful things there. But, I confess I miss seeing little Clara - maybe next posting...?
Your studio is really coming together nicely. I'm wondering on earth did you fit all of that into your other studio?
Have a good one!
Oh Dawn, I think it's fabulous....I'd love to be able to just come and look through everything...which I'm sure would take many, many days to see it all. What an inspiring studio!
It is really shaping up!...I can see you are going to get a lot done now. What an inspiration you are to all of us!
Thank you for the is beautiful! you have me itchin to get my studio in order! what a dream to have such a wonder-filled space to create it!
Heart Hugs,
The roses are beautiful! Thank you. I'm a watercolor artist, so old watercolors have a special place in my heart.
Looks wonderful! When my daughter moves into her own place, I have similar plans for the room she is in right now.
Enjoy this day, my friend.
I love it!!!! Your room looks so inviting and warm. I'm thinking that my little porch should be more of a storage area rather than a work room!!! I just don't have places to put things anymore!
Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Hi Dawn,
Your studio is looking GOOD!. What a blessing to have room to really spread out!!. I know you will make it beautiful. Thanks for the wonderful rose print. I really love it! Have a great day.
Its so lovely! Laurie
You have been working like a little beaver to get so much done so quickly! It is looking great! I am on the homeward stretch of culling through all my supplies and hope to put some finishing touches on my space too. I hope to unveil it soon. Happy sorting!
It is looking great...I can see why you wanted a bigger spot. You DO have the creative stuff, don't you? I know you must be very thankful that you have this room in your home. I particularly like how you gathered the baby items together!
That looks great!!
Must be so fun and easy to create in those lovely surroundings.
Wish my crafting room looked pretty like that. I have things in cardboard boxes, plastic bins, and anything else i can find to put things in.
Maybe someday =0)))
Oh, your fabric reminds me, i need to get more of my fabric on bolts. Loving that!!
blessings on your whole Wednesday!!
Barbara Jean
Your studio looks fantastic! I just want to come and spend the day there looking at everything! By the way, in an earlier post you mentioned missing the OLD MEHC - I feel the same way! I have all of them, thank goodness!
Wow Dawn , you really have a lot of wonderfull things, It seems you are filling up your new room , in every corner, just like I do in mine, love it.
And thanks for the beautifull roses dear friend.
xoxo Dorthe
It looks great! I know you are so excited to get in there and start creating.
First, I would like to congratulate you on becoming a Grandma! She is just precious! what a thrill this must be! :) Thank you also for your studio inspiration....gorgeous space and such yummy things. We have been moving my studio space from the spare bedroom into the sunroom...lots of purging and reorganizing...but I can watch my poochie in the yard now and be in the family hub. :)
Thank you so much for that beautiful image!!! Your studio is coming along fabulously and I love that you have taken us along for the journey. Do you know how special you make us feel when you call us your sweet friends? *S*
Dawn, thanks for the beautiful roses. It's sweet of you to think of your readers and share this beautiful image.
Dawn, Everything is coming together so wonderful!!! It will be perfect for you my dear friend!
Funny you made the comment about the flower on the little pocketbook.... I purchased my first little pocketbook to alter today while I was out at Vintage Village! Also, went to purchase my Somerset!! YEAH Purchased two other magazines that I am excited about, but want to take the next two days to really search them out before I review them~ I guess, Birdies that feather their nesties the same - think the same. LOL
Love you sweetie,
Isn't it amazing that you had all this suff in such a tiny space before?!?
I bet you won't be able to find what you're looking for ever again!! hehehe
Above comment deleted due to BAD English...geesch!!!.....What I wanted to say was - Love your new room...just wondering where all those treasures were hiding before?? LOL!! I would LOVE to come "play" in this studio with you!! XO Judy
Your room is looking so inspiring!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
Dawn --
Inspirational ... both for your own creating and for all of us who can imagine sharing an afternoon with you in that wonderful studio.
Is that a Muffy Bear I see?
And the watercolor. Achingly beautiful.
Thanks so much for sharing yourself and your things.
Come on over to see my pink princess ... she will make you smile!
Hugs! Betty :)
How wonderful, have everything organized and in it's place and to have all your beautiful treasures in sight to admire and be reminded of sweet memories.
I used your vintage rose print in the side bar of my sweet & Sentimental blog...with a link to you when it's clicked. It occurred to me that you might not be sharing, if you'd rather I not use it...please let me know and I'll remove it. I'm not real sure of the rules here in blogland...but, it is a beautiful print and with your permission I'll probably be using it in some altered art/ mixed media projects.
Love all your sweet pictures of Clara...doesn't God give us the best gifts?
Make this a great day.
Blessings, Susie
What a wonderful room for creating. Being surrounded by so many treasures has to just fill your heart & mind with ideas! Lovely!
Hi Miz Dawn,,,lookin good my friend, make some magic! Your computer must be in another room,,good idea,,I might get more done if I didn't have it in the studio. Thank you for all the sharing, and I see you figured out how to put the video on,,,kewl.
Clara is a darling, and looks like her daddy for sure. Enjoy the day!
Where's my Clara picture??? I love your studio but I want to see me some Clara!!
It's looking just wonderful, Dawn! You are so blessed to have everything at your fingertips...create in joy!
Oh-o-o-o-o what wonderful spacious-ness!! My room is coming, but how I would *lo-o-o-ove* all that space! Gorgeous......
Clara too! she's so pretty! I love the thumb :o)
(((hugs))) Carolyne
It's coming along beautifully! Thanks for sharing!
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