I bought these hankies quite a while ago.
They have age spots, speckles and have turned a pretty ecru color. They've never been removed from the packaging either! The folds are still tacked down to the backing and are just as crisp as ever ~ I'm not sure if I'm going to use them in this particular piece but I am sure that they are art.....
and deserve to be displayed....
....simply for the love of old ~

A new addition to the studio ~ wonderful paper lanterns!!! I found them a Walmart in the garden section. I'm not too crazy about the dark green cord but I'm thinking I may make some of those scrunchie covers ~ how about from aged gauze?

My wall of babies ~ and I have room for more!

I'm still gathering some goodies to take with me Friday to the art class......millinery flowers,

odds and ends,

images, sheet music, pretty papers, ribbons, buttons, twine

and of course my tid-bit box.....
you can read about that HERE ~
Well, it's been a week since Noah's accident and thank goodness we've got that week under our belt!! He has improved greatly and the pain is finally starting to subside. He only had to have pain medication Tuesday morning when he woke up and late Tuesday evening when he went to bed! His school is being so amazing about it all. They were having CRCT testing this week and they've had someone come to the house to personally give it to him.
Thank you all so much for your sweet prayers and well wishes for him ~ we are so very blessed.May is tiptoeing around the corner....this year is flying by!
Treasure your moments,
these are the good ol' days ~
Wishing you a great Wednesday dear friends ~
xxoo, Dawn