What a wonderful, amazing day!!!!
Madeleine Clara Edmonson is here ~ weighing 7 lbs 13 oz and I'm not sure of her length quite yet as they had not taken her measurement yet......
we are all. in. LOVE!!!
Madeleine Clara Edmonson is here ~ weighing 7 lbs 13 oz and I'm not sure of her length quite yet as they had not taken her measurement yet......
we are all. in. LOVE!!!

My son, kissing his daughter. What a precious sight this is......to see your child with his child ~ Emily is doing wonderful!! She did such an amazing job. Sweet Clara is doing wonderful as well ~ she was born around 8:30 pm, March 23rd.
Thank you all SO, SO VERY MUCH for such sweet wishes for our new little one, the mother and our entire family. We are all quite exhausted but after a good night's rest we will be able to enjoy this precious bundle even more tomorrow!
Thank you again dear friends, and that's truly what you are to me....dear, sweet friends.
Have a wonderful Tuesday.....I know I will!!!!
hugs and love to you all,
I can't believe I got here first. It couldn't be that I have checked in very often all day.
She is wonderful, this is what you have waited for. You have loved her and now you will Loff her...thats when I want it bigger than love. My heart is pleased for your new life, you will have so many wonderful adventures.
Clara is! Love, Mary
Congrats with the little girl!!!! Treasure her, she is a gift from heaven!!!
Congrats Grandma! Every Grandma needs a granddaughter. They are the best.
Oh Dawn,
What a angel she is. God kissed that sweet baby with the most beautiful face. The picture of your son kissing her made me tear up. I can only imagine the day I will have a grandchild.
Congratulations to you all on your bundle of joy.
Monday's child is fair of face... she's beautiful, Dawn! Congratulations to you all! ::Jill
OH Dawn.... she is just beautiful!! Congratulations to everyone!! And welcome to "Gramma heaven"
Congratulations to your son and his wife on the arrival of their most beautiful little Madeleine. What fun awaits you "Grandmother and Grandfather".
God Bless.
Dawn I`m so reliefed and happy for you all, that Clara came to the world., without complications.
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone-she looks so beautifull and sweet, --dear-such a gift.
Now you are grandmother like me, welcome in this club of grandmothers in love.
Love and hugs
Ohhhh! Mazal Tov! She's so beautiful - with eyes wide open - she looks like an old soul - this is truly a blessing - may she always be loved and welcomed as much as she is in this time - the beginning of her life journey - She's a lucky little girl to be born into such a loving family - and a March Aries as well (I'm partial since my birthday is on 3/29!) Reva (Los Angeles)
What a beautiful little child. Congratulations and may you and your family be blessed. I remember so clearly when my first grandchild, Georgia, was born and that wonderful elation. Enjoy her!
Warm hugs and kind wishes
Thank you for sharing your beautiful little granddaughter! She is so pretty and precious, and the pictures are so sweet.
Nita Jo
I'm SO excited for all of you!! So glad to hear that everything went well. Congratulations on the arrival of your family's newest member!
Hugs, Debi
Dawn, She is so beautiful!! I can't believe she is so smiley and wide eyed!!! She already looks so happy! I know that all of you are also! Congratualations!
Love you sweet friend,
Congratulations Dawn on the birth of your first grandchild and welcome to the world baby Clara.
She's beautiful Dawn! I know all of you are over the moon. Congratulations on being a first time grandmother. God is good!
Blessings, Susie
Congratulations to all; I'm glad little Clara is here. You will be
an amazing grandmother, Dawn.
Congratulations and praise to the Lord for this precious new life! What a cutie!
Dawn, congratulations to all of you:) Miss Clara is absolutely beautiful!!!
Your pictures brought a smile to my face. She is very beautiful. ~ Sue
Oh just what I hoped to see! Such a beautiful little girl with a beautiful name to match. Welcome, little one...
Dawn, she is BEAUTIFUL baby! So glad everyone is doing fine now, especially Emily. Congratulations, grandmummy!
Congratulations! Being a grandmother is the best, the absolute best! I love the picture of Clara looking at her mommy!
Another angel here on earth! What a beautiful little girl! Enjoy this precious little soul! And congratulations to mom & dad!
It is, indeed, quite amazing to see one's burly son melt into a puddle before the tiny feet of his little girl. There's absolutely nothing that can compare to loving your children's children. Your pictures brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations, Grandma Dawn--such a precious beauty.
Oh Dawn~~~she is just precious and what a sweet little face, with those big, bright eyes!
I also teared up looking at your baby holding and kissing his baby...awwww, so sweet!
Emily looks so happy, I remember that feeling..like you are the only new mother in the world...sweet memories.
Get some rest...
Hugs & Love,
Congratulations! She is so beautiful and special! I know you will enjoy every day. There is something so special about the first grandchild, no words can discribe it...I feel such joy for you! Hugs,
Nothing I can say that hasn't been already said - all of the above is in my heart. The pictures you took just capture the true essence of what life is all about...LOVE & FAMILY...and Dawn, she is absolutely beautiful...Life is so good. XO Judy
She is so precious. What a wonderful blessing. Wish you all the best and speedy recovery for Emily.
Congratulations on the newest family member. She looks so sweet.
She is beautiful! She is a lucky little girl to have you as her Grandmother. Congratulations!
She is precious! Congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS to all of you.She is soooo beautiful. I love the picture of Clara looking at her mother, she knows who she is and looks so happy to see her finlly too.
My granddaughters belong to both of my boys, so I know exactly how you felt to see him be so sweet with her!
No better blessing in the world.
Knowing you will have a VERY Lovely Day~
Sweet little Clara has arrived and she is just beautiful! You may have many more but there is always just a little special place in your heart for your first grandchild! Did you cry when you held her? I did with my first! Congrats to you all and glad Emily is doing well. Such a beautiful family.
what sweet lil bundle of love....just wait til she says those "magic" words.....*Grandma*........can we make some cookies??
Couldn't wait to see this morning the news from the Feathered Nest. Oh My! Welcome little Clara. And she is happy to see her momma too! Look at her looking! We all will enjoy watching her grow as you share special moments. God bless Grandma...not sure your new title.
Blessings, Candy
Congratulations to you all! Your joy is contagious :)
félicitations à vous-tous!!!!
Ohhhhh what a beautiful little honey Clara is. And born on my daughters' birthday too!!! Remember Dawn, when we spoke, when you roughly knew the due date, how we said wouldn't it be cool if she was. You must all be in seventh heaven. It's such a very special time for you all. Noah too, must be thrilled to be an uncle.
Lots of love and warmest best wishes for you all.
Oh Dawn~~~~Clara is so Beautiful!!!What a lovely little face~~~~didn't you just melt when you first saw her? And what about grandpa~~~I bet he's over the moon in love !!!!!!! And sweet Emily and your sweet son new parents!!!! There is nothing more sweeter than seeing your son holding his daughter for the first time~~~~you can just see the love in his face!!! Emily~~there is nothing better than being a mother~~I'm so happy for you dear !!! Little girls always stay close to home~~~they love their mothers so much!!! SHE'S BEAUTIFUL EMILY!!!! Dawn the long awaited day is here~~~~~~ENJOY EVERY MOMENT~~take plenty of pictures~~~and treasure every moment~~~Praying All God's Best For You On This Happy Day, Deborah
CONGRATULATIONS! Clara is s just Beautiful!Such a beautiful family.
Dawn: She is a beauty and so alert. Love the pic where she's looking at her Mom. You must be bursting with happiness. Only being a grandmother can top being a mother! Happiness and good health to all of you and all the blessings heaven and earth can bestow!
Congrats to your whole family! She is lovely. Now enjoy that sweet little girl. Pam
What a sweet miracle God has given! Enjoy every moment.
Congratulations to the Edmonson family! Thank you for allowing the blogging world to be apart of this amazing journey. Sweet Clara looks as if she already knew she had a audience. God Bless
I love the second picture...she is beautiful with her big sweet eyes staring at her Mother.
Her name is beautiful, Madeleine Clara is such a Southern Bell(a)
Go on now, go be a proud Grandma...and certainly keep us posted!!!!!!
everything vintage
I am so glad she is hear safe & sound . And that Emily is doing well. That is a tough job! The photos are so sweet. You will enjoy watching your son be a Daddy. It fills a Momma's heart with joy & pride (not to mention the pay backs coming down the track). Have fun!
Best WISHES = TO MOM < DAD and Grandparents and all the family -
The pics are so sweet - she is beautiful . How blessed to have a new sweet angel like Clara --
Kathy - ga
Oh my god Dawn....How beautiful she is...really!!! That picture of her looking at your daughter-in-law has me in love with her. All the best to your family...What a lucky little girl! Enjoy her! XOXO
I'm so happy for you all! A baby is such a sweet blessing from the Lord.
Congratulations Grandma-ma. And to your whole family.
Blessings to you all.
Congratulations to all! Clara is so pretty...and so alert!
May the Lord bless her...
all the days of her life.
Ps 128:5
Congratulations!!!!! Oh, how excited you all must be. So thankful that everything went well, and beautiful little Clara is finally here. Yes, that must be a very special joy to see your child holding his child...joy, joy, joy!!!!
Have a wonderful day as you all pass little Clara around.
Hugs and blessings,
Oh Dawn, Clara is beautiful. Congratulations to you and your family! I hope you are blessed with many more grandchildren.
Dawn, Your family is so blessed this day! She is beautiful! Enjoy your new grand baby. Hugs, Sharon
She's so beautiful, Dawn! Thanks for sharing her with us! Lots of hugs to you and your family!!
Congratulations!! She is precious.
Oh Dawn, she is just beautiful! I know the exact feeling of seeing your son hold his child and it is pretty amazing. I am so thankful that mother and baby are doing great and that your lives have just been made all the richer for the new wonderful little person who has arrived to fill it with joy! God's best blessings on you all.
She is a beautiful, and a precious gift.
Look at those big eyes, and cute nose, and tiny little mouth!!!!
And those are wonderful pictures of all. Blessings as you all happily adjust to this new little angel.
Barbara Jean
cONGRATULATIONS TO ALL ~ She is a gift from God. I know that she will be loved.
Carol in NC
She looks so content and alert! How wonderful for your family! Have a wonderful day!
Congrads! She's adorable she looks like she's smiling. Glad to hear everything went good. Vicki Page
Dawn congrats! The baby girl look so pretty with a pair of sparkling eyes looking at her mother when she have her in her arm:) i feel so touching seeing these wonderful pictures here.
Dawn, She is so Beautiful..... Congrats to All ~ Now get some rest, You won't want to put her down when she arrives Home!
Congratulations Dawn, I know your heart is so filled up with joy and love, She is a very pretty little girl and so very preciious...'
Yeah! congratulations to your whole family!!
She's just beautiful...congratulations! So glad both girls are well.
I don't think there's anything sweeter than a man holding a baby.
Ohhhh!!! Dawn, Clara is such a seet looking baby. Congratulations to the new parents and to you and hubby as new grandparents. Enjoy every moment they grow so fast.
Oh my goodness, I don't think I've ever seen a sweeter face! Dawn, she is simply beautiful, and smiling already! I'll never believe those folks who say newborns don't smile. Just look at her.
Congratulations to you and to your lovely family!
Oh I am so happy for you all, its just amazing how wide open you caught her eyes...and the fun begins...she is a treasure,,ya know ,,your never getting that studio done,,giggle,,Congratulations to the whole family, may God continue to bless you all.
My eyes well up with joy for you and your family today. She is so pretty and so precious. Congrats on becoming a Grandmother!!! Enjoy that little bundle.
With warmest wishes,
Yea!!! What a beautiful face!!! So much enjoyment is ahead!!! Have fun!!! Be sure and let the parents hold her once in a while.lol. Laurie
Oh my gosh! She is so beautiful! I can't wait to hold her! I know you are so proud! You are going to be the best grandmother ever :)
Love ya,
Oh Dawn she is just beautiful! Congrats to you and the family!
You will have a ball with her!
Congratulations Dawn! Such a precious little girl. Welcome baby Clara.
How wonderful, a gift from God. Rejoice, I am so happy for you. You must all be elated and exhausted. Treasure each moment, she is beautiful.
She is so beautiful! Isn't God wonderful to send us such joy. You and your whole family have been blessed beyond compare. Enjoy every minute.
What a cute little peanut! Congratulations to you and your family. Deb Plapp
Congrats to a everyone in the family on the beautiful little angel. Looking forward to seeing grow up on your blog..Grandchildren are the best gift from our Lord and Maker.
Gods Blessings on you all.
She is so beautiful, and such a pretty name! Congratulations, and big hugs all around! Enjoy, enjoy - get some rest - and enjoy and enjoy all over again!!
Hi Dawn (or should I say Gandma)
I'm so happy for you! I've worked in OB for years, and it still brings tears to my eyes each and every time a new life arrives. It is amazing how alert these little ones are. I love the picture of her and her dad, and the one of her looking @ her mom so wide awake is awesome. She is blessed to have you in her life and she will bring you more love, joy and amazement than you ever dreamed possible!
Oh, she is precious. Just beautiful. Wishing you all great happiness with the arrival of Miss Clara. Warmly, Sharon
Hi Dawn,
ongratulations on your first grandchild. What a precious time itis. You should drink every moment in as it all goes by. She looks so alert and beautiful and the picture of her with her parents are precious. You have officially passed into grandparenthood and I know you will be a fabulous grandmother to this little girl. Gratefull that all went well and she is healthy and whole. Praise God. Linda @Desires of the Heart.
Congratulations, what a darling family.
Have you ever seen a more precious look of love from a newborn to her mother?? She is so alert and beautiful - and, no,not all babies are so beautiful - my last 3 looked like a cross between Alfred Hitchcock and Jabba the Hut!
Congratulations and you'll soon find out - there's nothing better than becoming a Grandma - and, whoulda thunk- you're married to a GRANDPA!!
Congratulations - she is beautiful! I love the look on her little face as she looks up at her mother!
Congratulations, Grandma!! ;-)
Oh, what a blessing to your family--she is beautiful! I am so very happy for you!!
Awwwww! Hugs to you and a little angel kiss for your new grandchild. :-)
Congratulations! She is a cutie! It is a heart melting moment to see your son with his child. My grandson in 5 months old and it still takes my breath away when I see my son holding him.
Congratulations!! So happy she is finally here!
Dawn @ (4:53 am)
Such a beautiful baby, Dawn, and lovely photos! What a thrill for you and the whole family! I love all the photos, but the one with Baby Clara looking at Mom is just too precious.
So happy all is well. Best Wishes to all of you for much joy and happiness with this precious bundle from Heaven.
Dawn, she Is just beautiful. She has such a sweet little face. Congratulation !...Kathi
Congratulations!! You will love being a grandma to a little girl. It is precious gift to us. So happy for you. Looking forward to seeing her grow up. She is adorable!
Oh Dawn she is absolutely beautiful!!!!! I am so very, very happy for you and am sending many, many blessings, hugs and thoughts your way!
I have to agree with all of the others...she is just lovely!! I am so thrilled for your family. Don't forget to take a lot of pictures, especially of those sweet ears, fingers and toes! :0)
Dear Dawn,
Oh she is so BEAUTIFUL!!
Congratulations to you, your family!
Enjoy your precious gift!
You are in for such a treat! There is nothing more wonderful than a new grandbaby- congratulations!!!!
What a beautiful little blessing! Congratulations and welcome the the Grandmother Club, where all of the members are happy and smiling. You will know more joy and love than you ever thought possible. Not to mention the new love for your son as you see him in his new roll as a parent.
She's so beautiful! You brought tears to my eyes talking about seeing your child with his child! Congratulations Grandma!!! ~Lori
Oh!Congratulations I have a Clara and your families is adorable!!
take care
She is sooo precious! Congratulations!
I am so very happy for you and your beautiful family. Congratulations! We have all had fun waiting for baby Clara, and now we can all watch as she grows!
Congratulations to you and your family; I'm so pleased all are well! Baby Clara is just beautiful!
Your heart has to be really singing now! Congratulations on the new love in your life!
CONGRATULATIONS! She is so cute!! I love her wide open eyes.
oh, so sweet. I'm glad everyone is fine. Clara is beautiful, I love the wide awake pictures. xoxo
Congratulations! She is just precious. The thought of seeing my child with his or her child gives me goosebumps. What a blessing.
oh how precious! I love the picture of her looking at her mommy! and daddy's first kiss, sigh. sweet
She is beautiful! Congratulations and good job to the mommy!
She is an angel! And I bet you are in heaven right now! What a precious little gift...
Congrats, Grandma! You must be in heaven with such a precious healthy girl! I am soooo glad for you. Spoil her with all your kisses and love....Sharon
Oh, Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! God is so very, very good to us. I said it before, Welcome, sweet Clara, to our wonderful world.
What a beautiful angel!! I believe one can't get any closer to God than looking in a newborn's sweet face. I agree she's an old knowing soul. Enjoy many fun nanny days making cookies and crafting!!
Congratulations Grandma!!! What a beautiful and precious little girl.
What a sweet blessing! I've been through it 4 times and every time seems like the first! Congratulations Grandma...or will it be grammie (as I'm called) or Meme or?????? Happy for you all!
Oh my gosh she is gorgeous. So smart too, she is already looking people in the eye! She is so alert and looks so wise. Precious Angel girl.
Congratulations and God Bless!
I LOVE the photo of Clara looking straight up at her mom. "Hi Mom, it's me! Do you think I'm cute? Tell me about Jesus!"
So cute is she! AND we share the same birthday :) The thing about being a Grandma is- you are willing to just drop everything for what the little one needs- sometimes to the amazement of your children who think you have lost your mind :)
I love the way Clara is looking up at her mom. "This is what the voice of love I have heard all this time looks like". Blessings to you all.
She is so precious! She was so alert too! Congratulations!!!
goodness, what a darling. Congratulations!!
xo Lidy
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