Well, it looks like I'm going to move in to my new studio! My son decided to move into an apartment with a friend he's grown up with and they will both be so much closer to their college now. Brad is excited to create another incredible space and I'm excited to create one for my artroom as well!!
I thought that I'd show you the beautiful photos of the garage after his transformation last year.....my studio will soon be occupying this space but I have a good bit of work ahead of me!! I bought paint today because I want to brighten it up a bit.
I know that these photos are dark but you can get an idea of what I have to work with. It is a two car garage that he has converted into a living space. It is totally reversible as well, and can be transformed back into a garage at any time. He will leave the wall of sheets that he draped across the door. They are hung on a cable that he found at Ikea. The sheets are a medium khaki color and I'm painting the walls a light khaki, almost beige. I think it will be a good backdrop for all of my "stuff".

So sweet friends, wish me luck....I have much work to do and would love to get it accomplished in a short amount of time!!!
I hope that you have a great, relaxing Saturday dear friends,
xxoo, Dawn
WooHoo!! Good luck with your new studio! I can't even imagine having that much space for my studio. You lucky girl!
Oh, goodness! That will be alot of work and you will be so happy you did it all,,,especially when you get it in the magazine,,,Where Women Create....I can see it now....and how nice to have windows! Most garages dont have windows. I hope it has alot of plug ins,,,YOu will make it magic, I am so happy for you Dawn. I cant wait to see it. Take a deep breath! Go!
It's going to be wonderful! Your son certainly didn't have the average bachelor pad. Must be that he takes after his mom.
Wow, that was your son's living space?!! He must have loved it - it's amazing! Good luck and have fun making it your own, Dawn!
Wow!!! He really has a beautiful space....looks like a magazine cover! Gorgeous!!
Have a great weekend!!
How exciting!!! I know this is a relief because I am busting out of my studio and I can't even walk around in it right now. LOL Hmmm.... I wonder if you will end up using both rooms??? One for a little store and one for a workroom? Sounds good!!
Love you,
This is sooooo exciting! You will make it so wondferful, I am sure!
What a pad for a young man. He had it so nice. A chip off his Mother I would say!
You will have so much fun Dawn turning this space into your very own Studio spot :-)
Looks like loads of potential and fun! He sure did a great job with it. My husband would be wanting to fill it up with motorcycles. You're very lucky!
Wow! What a great space and a very exciting venture for you.
Dawn, your studio will look so nice when you finish. It Is so nice to have a special place to create. Good luck and have a great day..Kathi
Oh you will love having your own room. And it's going to be roomy and gorgeous too! Can't wait to see what you do with it.
Oh, you're going to make it AWESOME (it's pretty special right now) and you'll LOVE all the space! Good for you! Can't wait til I see it "Dawn-ized"!!
Oooo Dawn, How fun!! Actually, it's the most lovely garage I've seen, as it is now. I can't wait to see what it'll look like once you get in there. ;) Blessings... Polly
How dreamy to have so much space. I am cloistered in a small bedroom of my home but I make the most of the space I have and love its littleness. I just know it will fantastic! Hmmm, will we be seeing you in Where Women Create in the near future?
What a great space your son had. I'm excited for you, it will be a lot of work but worth it.
How wonderful to have a studio for all your creative work~
Peace, Love and Blessings~
Wow- what a great transformation of a garage- elegant, yet cozy. I'm excited to see how you turn it into your own studio space.
IF anyone can transform this beautiful space into a completely different beautiful space it is you Dawn....can't wait to see the pictures...Have fun!!
Are you sure that was a garage?????? Because that looks like something out of a designer magazine!!! Sister, I can't wait to see what you do with this!
Let us follow all your progress in making this your studio. What a lucky girl you are. I might add that your son was pretty lucky too.Have a wonderful Sunday. Sharon
What a beautiful space! Your son did a great job - sure doesn't look like a college guy's digs. Have fun with your new studio.
Hi Dawn, I'm so excited for you to have this new space to create all things beautiful!! You deserve it for all you do for others. Thank you, Thank you for your help and inspiration to me in starting my own blog. I'm hanging in there. Next I want to get my own blog roll on. Hope things are going well with the coming new baby. Enjoy creating a happy space for you. Your son did a wonderful job with the space he had, no one would every guess it's a garage! Love, Linda
Dawn, we are all excited and a bit envious. But personally, I am also tremendously curious about how your family turned a garage into such a lovely space!!!
Any chance you might fill us in???
Well Dawn,
I see that you passed the decorator genes off to the boy! I only wish!
Oh I have dreamed for 4 yrs of having a garage studio. Where i could teach. Now you have to teach. Sign me up!!! LOL
Can't wait to see what you do with it.
If I ever had a living space like that, I wouldn't want to leave home! Your son did a great job converting that garage.
And how wonderful for you to acquire that! My husband is a car fanatic, and the garage will always be just that. I can't wait to see how you transform your new nest!
With your talents and what you have shared, this will be a wonderful space for your art. It looks very cozy and warm right now.
Your, Mary
Wow, this is a garage? He has fabulous decorating talent!
I can't wait to see your transformation to your art studio.
Smiles, cyndi
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