I ran out of paint today and needed to wait until this evening to pick up a new gallon so I finally completed these two little dresses for Dorthe and Stacey! I know they'll be glad that I finally finished them!!

Loaded up the carousel ~ I'm loving this thing!! I just want to spin it around all the time!

I came across this little small brochure about Home Companion magazine ~ I saved it because I loved the photographs....I'm so glad that I saved the old issues ~ they are the best ones to me!! I still can't believe this magazine is gone ~

A goofy little paperclay head (very tiny) that I made awhile back. I wanted to turn it into a swaddled up baby fairy and lay it in a nest. I found the acorn cap today and had to take a photo of the sweetie with his cap on!!!
It's Friday again and I just can't believe it!! Emily is 39 WEEKS today!!! She's doing wonderful, just ready, really ready, to do this....and we're ready to see precious Clara's face!!
Wishing you a wonderful Friday dear friends,
xxoo, Dawn
I'm sooo loving that carousel too Dawn! Just wish I knew where to get one just like it here in Australia. I'll just have to keep on looking. It would certainly get rid of all the containers I have my pens, pencils etc standing in at the mo. :)
How easy it will be to work in your new room with a pretty carousel to keep things handy.
O! The dress is so cute!!!!
Those dresses are just so wonderful - I love them! And the carousel, that looks like a very good thing.
Love the baby fairy you're making!
I am loving your little bits of everything....ALL of it ... what's not to love?
oooooh, and you are so organized!
It is all so lovely. My daughter has been playing with sculpting little faces and we are trying to think of ways to display them. One of my grandma's sisters was Clara. I have always loved that name. So much to look forward too! Pam
Hi Mizz Dawn,
The break from painting is probably a good thing, and the dresses are beautiful. You really do have a gift for clay sculpture my friend....and so many, many, other talents. Now get that room done so you can enjoy. haha just kidding. Take care sweet Dawn.
You are toooo Talented!!! Love the dress and did you say Home Companion is not publishing anymore? Geeez what is this world coming to? Love Tiina....
Where have all the magazines gone? What will I do with my time now? I love blogs and all, but there is NOTHING like finding my favorite magazine waiting for me in the mail basket!
Hi Sweet Dawn! Love the little bird girl dresses!!!Too cute!!! Yeah~~H.C. Mag. was one of the first art mags. I hated to see it go too!!! I loved the little paper doll in the back of each issue!!!They were great!!! I'm going to Michael's this weekend~~~might just half to check out the carousel~~ right now all my things are in buckets and planters!!! Your room is almost done and sweet Clara is almost ready to be here~~~lot's of good stuff happening around you !!!!! BLESSINGS, Deborah
Yes all working girls need a break !! Dontcha !just love it when you get a new tool or staorage piece that makes creating easier -- I do love it -- kathy-ga
Dawn, you will be seeing that sweet face any day now!!! how exciting:) i love your little dresses...they are adorable!!!
Those little bird dresses are adorable Dawn! I hope ME magazine starts up again and like you, I'm so glad I saved my issues. It was the only magazine I couldn't cut pictures out of :-)
You must be so excited with Clara's arrival getting close xo
Oh, I love that carousel too, wherever did you find it?
The dress is adorable, I love the look of it and the pockets, can I be young again and wear one too....lol
Very soon, very soon, you'll be sharing the good news that Clara has arrived. Emily is in my thoughts and prayers...
Oh my! What a sweet dress you created. Now that should give me the impetus I need to finish my project. Thanks!
Love your site!! Will be back again to check you out! Very...very...beautiful...Debbie
I love seeing your new space evolve. Oh the tiny acorn capped fairy baby has such promise of sweetness!
Cute dresses, and I love those hangers! Did you make those as well? All of your things are so lovely and inspiring.
Your dresses are totally cute! But then again, all of your creations are always just fabulous. I love the carousel, but a warning about putting your markers standing up. I believe they recommend they are to be stored laying down. I had a few markers go dry in no time myself because I stored them in a carousel from Pampered Chef.
Your picture of the carousel put me over the edge! i've been wanting one of these for several months. Well, I broke down and got one yesterday (with a coupon, LOL). I'm loading that puppy up today and clearing away some clutter!
Love your little dresses. Just precious. Have a wonderful weekend. Sharon
Some things are to cute to believe, this is one of them. Love em, Hugs, Mary
We mutt's must stick together.
What sweet dresses! love em' and that carousel....do I understand it's from Micheal's? Gotta have one! Been to FL since the 6th and have sooo much to catch up on!
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