Sometimes on Sunday's I love to take a tiny break from blogging....but then I'm drawn back to you and always want to share what's going on in my life. Isn't that what you do with a good friend? Share what's good in your life? I know you also share the not-so-good but being that I love to keep this a positive, uplifting place, I omit that....and that's OK too. My blog is what I want it to be ~ a sharing place that I meet with you and tell you what I'm up to.
You know life is good when your oldest son has taken your youngest son bass fishing.....and they are LOVING doing this together. Your husband is cooking split rosemary chicken on the grill and has homemade macaroni and cheese in the oven because his very pregnant daughter-in-law is craving it....and you are in your art room hearing the hum of your sewing machine putting together a few things that you love creating......yes, I do believe....life. is. good.
Thank you Lord, because THESE are the good ol' days ~
xxoo, Dawn
That sounds like a wonderful Sunday! Enjoy!
how beautiful...life IS good Dawn!!!
I too, love to just cherish those moments when I stop to realize that life is just soooo good. Everything isn't perfect, but it is good enough while still leaving something to work on and hope for.
I was so inspired by all your lovely things you share, I started a new blog: babyrobbinsnest.blogpot.com
hope to see you there sometime.
Oh Dawn...Life is good. My husband was at the right place at the right time and help deliver a baby lamb...Life is good!!! Laurie
Yes, you are right. The "little" things are the most precious! And those days just seem to FLY by...
Yes, Life is good...So happy reading how pleasant your Sunday has been..Thank you for sharing it with us..
Dawn, I love visiting both your blog and also Rebecca Sower's - both of you make me stop and be thankful. Like sipping cool water on a hot day.
And my life is good because in a few days I am heading interstate to attend the Creative Soul Retreat and for 3 days I will be enjoying learning from US tutors...and whilst I am away I know my boys and husband will be happy and that they are happy for me to go away! Amen - life is good.
Sounds like a beautiful life, Dawn. Even better that you recognize it. God bless!
Sounds like you are blessed and we are blessed by association... ;-)
LOVE that photo of the roses. LindaSonia
It sounds simply wonderful! Isn't it wonderful to be so completely happy on the most divine day of the week? We are truly blessed!
Oh, yes. Life it good. Isn't it wonderful that we know it? That we notice these little things, these small daily moments that add up to such a lovely life?
Life is good! And I realized it more today as I listened to talk in church from a woman who opened up a new vista on some talks from our leaders. I had to call her to tell her how much I enjoyed listening to her speak and was thrilled when she said she had wanted to meet me after some comments in our relief society. I simply told the women today that I'm a positive upbeat chick and feel sorry for the woman who don't take the time to meet me! And that's the truth. Their loss could be a gain! Toooo bad. But then "Life IS GOOD!!"
:-)<--------ME smiling at ya, chickee!
Good for you for taking time to enjoy the moment and remembering that these are just what you said "the good old days".
You're so right! These ARE the good old days!!
I got to spend the afternoon with my 10 month old grandbaby Charlotte. She's so much fun! She's sporting a lovely "shiner" right now! If you'd like to take a peek ~ she's in my left sidebar.
You are going to find that being a grandparent is even more wonderful thatn you're thinking it's going to be!!
What a beautiful post! I'm so glad I found you Dawn. :)
I love those moments when everything is just perfect. I am beaming with happiness for you!
Hi Dawn!
I'm so glad that you had a great day! We all need them once in awhile! Just wanted you to know that my little fairy in a jar arrived safe and sound! I love her so much that my mom may never see her! Have a good week:)
It is so good of you to remind us that life no matter what is good. I believe in Rainbows and often things that may feel bad at the time have a meaning for the good in us. I am blessed with a family that gathers together and their hearts are filled with love for eachother, even if they don't always see life in the same way.
No one could have told me that blogging would give me so much, that I would find a Dawn.
I wish you Rainbows and warm fuzzy's. Mary
Life IS good! And it's those small, ordinary moments that are the best!
Dawn, oh you are so right! It is those dear moments...that are what life is all about! Wishing everyone one those moments of love and gratitude every day.
You are so precious to me! Thank you for inspiring me! Life is not only good, but it's wonderful!
Hi Dawn, It is snowing here,again. Secretly I find it very peaceful and calming. Snow is beautiful even in March. I just put on wonderful music and sew away surrounded by the beautiful picture out my window. Warmly, Sharon
Life is good! Thank you for sharing that lovely scene. I can see it in my mind! The wonderful thing is that we can all stop & realize this wonder IF we stop & take the time to reflect on LIFE IS GOOD!
You have an attitude of gratitude! I know what you mean about life feeling good and you want to give thanks and to share it. I love the pink bowl with roses. it's so pretty!
Love and hugs,
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