Thursday, March 12, 2009

I still can't even believe it!

This space is incredibly big and I'm still painting!! I'm trying to get this part of it over with, it's such a drag...but so very necessary! Now that the room is relatively empty, I thought I'd take a few photos around the garage to show you how it's peel and stick tile flooring, and applied right on the concrete! It's kind of dark but I'm thankful for it!

Yes, there is an extra refrigerator out here but we use it and love having the extra space. I'm sure I'll have it stacked with goodies on top!

There's a little cubby underneath the stairs that go up to the bonus room above the garage. The white door goes into our mud room/computer room. The paint color looks so different in each and every photo but this first one is pretty true to the color ~

The little window unit works wonderfully ~

Behind the curtains (actually about five sheets all hung side by side on the tension cable) is the garage door.

And here we are back again at the door!

A picture of the faux slate floor ~

So it's coming along ~ slowly but surely. I've still yet to put a second coat on the window wall and need to cut in....

I did get out tonight with Emily and we stopped by a few stores. I needed a new ironing board cover and wanted one of those organizing carousels from Michael's with my coupon this week. It's wonderful, kind of like a lazy susan with all of the compartments for your scissors and pens, exact-o knives, etc. You can see it on the table below....

I saw these sweet houses and had to snap a photo of them....they are in the raw wood section of Michael's near the baskets....don't you think they'd look incredible transformed into fairy houses???

Thank you always, always for stopping by my blog to see what I'm up to ~ I appreciate you and your sweet words every day!! You are my artistic cheerleaders!

Happy Thursday!

love and hugs,


debi said...

You are going to have SO MUCH fun putting that big new studio together!!

PEA said...

Oh you got one of them cool lazy susans. I have one on my list but need a bigger table. I am hoping to find one this summer.
Oh it is going to be a grand room.

Nita Jo said...

Dawn, I'm going to have to check out our Michaels! It's in the next town, but not too far from me. I love the little houses! You are going to have so much fun fixing that room up. What a blessing to have such a great space!

Nita Jo

Nancy Hood said...

I still come, rest, and enjoy but haven't been taking the time to leave a note :) here's one, dear friend. Looking forward to see what you do with all the space!! and update us with news of the grandbaby :)

Dorthe said...

Wow Dawn, congratulations with your new room, -so wonderfull to start all over , and get it exatly as one wants to, I`m sure yours will look wonderfull when finished.

Wishes you a great day sweet friend,

Lots of XOXO from me to you.

Pam said...

You won't know yourself when it's all finally finished Dawn. You're inspiring me to get on with updating my studio! :)

The Rustic Victorian said...

Hi Dawn,
I think you are doing a great job, the painting looks half done. I imagine it takes alot of paint to cover the old color. Hang in there, pretty soon you will be decorating and enjoying the bajeebies out of it. waahooie...!!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

It's very exciting, Dawn. Keep going, girl!

Anonymous said...


And the next part is moving all of your craft supplies in and arranging and organizing them! What fun!

kate said...

great start to a fabulous space, good luck, how fun.
come visit us

Anonymous said...

I sympathize with painting... we're getting the house ready to sell, and it seems like that's all I've been doing. I wish my area was as big as yours- it's just a corner in the basement. I picked up some little wooden houses at a thrift store last week, and they are painted cream and ready to go!

The Other Side of Me said...


I can't believe how quickly you have gotten that room emptied and first coat of paint! Well, after all you are a woman with a mission. It will be great to see you move into your new space. I love the floor. When it is time, I will eventually rip out the carpet I have in my studio and put something more washable. My carpet sparkles with glitter even after I vacuum. My friends get a kick out of it!

Happy painting.

The Painted Nest said...

You're just about to the fun part~~~getting to put all your art stuff all around you~~~~~AND THEN CREATE !!!!! OMG !!!! HOW AWSOME IS THAT GOING TO BE WITH ALL THAT SPACE !!!!! Don't forget to rest and take care of yourself ~~~ask hubby to rub your feet and sholders, after all that painting you're going to be ready for a little T.L.C.~~~~and girl you deserve it. LOOKIN' GOOD !!!!!Blessings, Deborah

Kathy said...

How exciting for you Dawn! I just know this will be a magical place. I have had a little studio up on the top floor of my house here in Belgium for several years now. It is like being in a treehouse and has a Velux window (like a huge skylight) in the ceiling/wall. We will be moving at the beginning of the summer and I can't imagine what I will do! Seeing your space has given me hope that there will be another space for me in my next place : ). Those little houses are darling--hope you got some~~Thanks so much for sharing~

Unknown said...

Oh Dawn, I can just see it all now...with your imagination and your beautiful creation all around. Wow, I can't wait to see.
I can feel your excitement.

Vee said...

You're doing excellent work! If that first photo is true to color, it's really a good choice. I think that you will love it and it is very complementary with the flooring. That drape hiding the garage door is terrific! Is it painter's cloth? Hang in there, Dawn, bit by bit it'll all pull together.

Love that carousel for scissors, etc. I have all of my things in tin cans. Sad. :D

Joy Lett said...

Dawn- I hate to paint- I admit it but I love the way a fresh coat of paint transforms a room. So hang in there. It's kinda like eating a piece of chocolate cake- you eat the cake part first and then you get to enjoy the frosting. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Your space is going to be amazing and I love that you are taking us on this journey with you. *S*

I also love that you take your camera everywhere with you, even Michael's!



kathy said...

Dawn it is coming right along -
will be so wonderful with the "DAWN " touch -- i know you are working hard and anxious to make it your little nest -Kathy-ga ♥

Barbara Jean said...

That room is going to be so wonderful.
I love how the 'drapes' cover the garage doors so beautifully. One would think there was a huge picture window back there, with the drapes closed because the sunshine was just too bright. =0)

Things like the floor, though i think it is fine, and any little things that bug you now, will not even be thought of when you get it all decorated with your lovely creative supplies.

Blessings as you 'create' your new room.

Barbara Jean

Holly Campbell said...

What fun to be setting up a new studio! I am sure it will be a beautiful space, even before it is finished. . .you have wonderful ideas, and your creations are so amazing!

Wish on a Whisker said...

I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with that BIG space. I know it will be wonderful! ~Mandy (Thanks for your visits and kind comments!)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Dawn, for letting us see the hard return-to-a-blank-canvas part of redoing your room. I am really curious about how big the new space is compared to the old.

You will make it a wonderful space!

--Vicki K.

Anonymous said...

Looks great! WOW is all I can say


Mary @ Framed and Tagged said...

Congratulations on your new space.
Can't wait to see it when you finish...don't get lost in that big space! :)

Anonymous said...

I like the color you chose! I love the floor, too! I have one of those Making Memories lazy susan type things too and love it. Actually I could use a couple!!

Luv Creating Cards 'n' Keepsakes said...

Hi Dawn,
WOW !! what a fantastic work space you have there, I know that when you are finished it will be a truely magical place. Make sure you don't get too tired though, with all that painting you have been doing. Treat you self to a long soaky bath with candles and lovely bath oil to make sure you relax those muscles well. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your 'feathered nest' when it's finished.
warmest best wishes

Relyn Lawson said...

Dawn, It's going to be so lovely!! I can't wait to see it.

Diane Fay (littlealma) said...

Dear Dawn - I have just spent the last hour or two going back over your blogposts - so many lovely, lovely things! I could make a comment on each one!!! Thanks for all the beautiful old postcards! I have old postcards also, and what a good idea - so you put scanned copies between glass? May I ask what do you do with them then? When I was in college, and on an overseas study program, I collected wildflowers from the different places we were and pressed them in my Bible. Then I didn't know what to do with them, so I put them on cut up pieces of glass (I think with Modge Podge) and made a wind chime out of them. Then (very unfortunately) I was talked into throwing them out, because I just have too much "stuff" and have regretted more and more as years go bye!!! Oh well!

And the new studio looks like it is going to be gorgeous too! May I ask you what the exact colors are? I am needing to repaint my living/dining room, and have always had white-white on everything, but I am thinking of going a very light beige on the walls, with white trim. I don't want it to be too dark in my house, and your color of tan looks just right!

Would love to be able to visit and chat for many hours - will be back soon!

Hugs from Michigan - Diane

Renee said...

Hi Dawn,

Me again . . .If it is alright with you to continue to share your inspiration as you create your new space, in the cyber palette's next issue, I would love to do so!!

Thanks again for sharing YOU!


Wildflowerhouse said...

I always get such wonderful ideas from your post. By the way I mentioned you in my post today. So you may have more visitors. I can't thank you enough for all you do. Sharon

Dixie Redmond said...

Well, now. I was sick for a week and didn't check in and you have a new studio going on? Congrats. I love the sheets on the cable line. I want to do that in my bedroom - line one wall with fabric...


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