And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast
rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.~
Percy Bysshe Shelley, "The Sensitive Plant"

Came the Spring with all its splendor
All its birds and all its blossoms,
All its flowers, and leaves, and grasses.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.
Anne Bradstreet
Today is Emily's due date.....and we wait. I'm still working on the studio ~ this is taking me forever! But hopefully it will be wonderful when I'm finished. It's spring here in Georgia and I'm hoping that it's getting warmer where you are as well. If not now, hopefully soon!
Happy Friday and Happy Spring my dear friends ~
xxoo, Dawn
Dawn, every time i come over here i am expecting to see the big announcement!!! i hope Miss Clara gets here soon:)
We're all on "Grandma Watch", with you. Hoping Sweet Baby Clara comes soon. Aren't you grateful for your studio to keep you busy and from going nuts waiting!?!lol
Have a Lovely Day~
Oh, the waiting...Hope alll goes well. Good luck with everything, Dawn.
Lovely photos. Perhaps the baby will come today and can be a spring baby!
Same here....I am expecting to click on and see the lbs. and ozs. and a beautiful picture of a newborn grandaughter. I can only imagine the excitement in your home...prayers being sent for a speedy delivery of a healthy baby girl and Mom!! XO Judy
It's better than waiting for Christmas, isn't it, Dawn. :-)
Thank you for sharing even more pretty pictures. I've used so many of yours in my crafts. You always find the sweetest images to share.
Oh, I hope it won't be much longer! Very exciting!
Hope you see sweet Clara soon!! She will certainly be a blessing to you.
Thanks for the images!
I know you can't wait to see your little angel. Hang in there, she will be here soon.
Spring is here in Fort Worth, everything is blooming and such wonderful warm weather this week.
My wisteria is in full bloom, I have it on my blog, if you get time take a look. It is awsome. Gods, handiwork is the best.
The first thing I thought this morning was, "Did Clara arrive yet?" I had to dash over and see. Still praying for your sweet to arrive safely. What a wonderful blessing, new life in spring!
Isn't is just amazing how many of us are wating with you for Sweet Clara to arrive?
My older son, Michael was born on his due date~December 17th. Contractions started at 8:05am and he entered this world at 9:45pm. I know it is rather rare, but it does happen. So make sure you are dressed and ready to go~~woo-hoo!
Happy Spring, sweet pea!Hugs,
I'm Praying for your sweet Clara!and waiting for the first pictures of Clara, mom and Gradma!Hugs, Blanca.
Happy SpRinG!
It's early in the day still...anything could happen! :D
Lovely verses today...
You must be on pins and needles, waiting for that baby! I wish a safe delivery to Emily.
I love the images in this post!
How exciting!! {Spring, but mostly little Clara} I prayed for Mommy and Clara this morning, can't wait til you see her, sweetie!
xo Lidy
Well, sweet Dawn~ it won't be long now, and DARLING CLARA will be in her sweet mother's arms and grandmother will be singing her to sleep !!!!AHHHHH~~~~THE JOY~~!!!I've got prayers going up and happy thoughts going your way~~~I am thrilled for your whole family!What a lovely blessing~~~Enjoy this beautiful weekend~~~hope you see Clara soon !!!God Bless You All, Deborah
Wonderful print of the birds. Your blog is darlin' with all your vintage treasures. Hugs, Rosemarie
Hi Dawn,
Sharing your excitement for this new little angel to come into your world. You will be amazed at your love for her the moment you lay eyes on her. There is not handiwork greater than that of a little babe! A miracle in your life! Your new studio is looking great. I'm so happy for you to have this new larger space to create. My prayers are with you all for a safe and healthy delivery of Clara. Blessings, Linda
Such lovely images - thank you (as always) for being so generous! Happy first day of S*P*R*I*N*G !!
Thanks dear friend, for the ever so sweet images you gawe away today.I love the one with the nest.
And I love you entered quotes ,thanks.
And what did the day bring you and Emily?I hope she is doing ok.
Think so many dear thoughts that you will soon be grandmother.
Love to you
Spring has come to Idaho too! It's beautiful... high 60's and the birds are singing a symphony!
What a wonderful time of year for Clara to arrive! Sending hugs and blessings...
Nita Jo
you come up with the greatest images, dawn...I will have to use the sweet birdies on something soon!!!
I discovered your blog a few days ago and just want to tell you how much I enjoy reading it. I so appreciate the images you share. I am a crafter on a budget, and you images are a great help to me. Thanks so much.
Hi Dawn,
You have such a wonderful collection of bird images. I love them. Thanks for sharing!
I was 9 days late with Shelby. UGH! I am waiting to hear the good news.
See you real soon,
Thanks for the wonderful images once again. Now I think the whole world is on Ms. Clara watch. She will come when she is ready!!. Hope it is soon. Sharon
Beautiful post, as always. I love your quotes and images. Happy spring, sweet friend.
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