Yesterday, my husband and I visited Cindy at The Plum Tree in historic McDonough, Georgia. I just love this store....not because I used to own it, but because of how Cindy has transformed it into a treasure filled haven.
Just take a look and you'll see what I mean ~
Our new cabinet (yay!)

Joy, you do such an amazing job on these precious plantings!!

See the hypertufa pot on the top of the ladder?

The newest addition, a green house!

I'm working on my studio today and we're all on baby watch. Emily's had spells of good contractions about 20 min. apart and then they stop. I just told her that's so good.....maybe she's dialating and will be ahead of the game when she finally does go into full labor!
Happy Sunday!!
love and hugs, Dawn
I would be SOOOO broke if I lived close enough to shop! The first purchase would be the little doggie status in the first photo- looks like Braxton! Thanks for the tout :-) Have a very happy Sunday!
What a wonderful shop filled with beautiful things! And right beside my next favourite thing - a garden shop! I do like that cabinet you got which will be wonderful for displaying treasures. And thanks for the update on the baby watch :) So exciting!
Thanks for sharing photos of The Plum Tree. I want to go for a visit!!
Oh so glad that I returned to check up on I may be returning every few hours... ;>
Dawn- Once again I missed you. I came by the store on Friday afternoon to check out the greenhouse. I'm going to have so much fun playing with it. I have an old sewing cabinet - similar to yours and I have it open on my work table--Just love it. Good luck with everything. Joy
I think I'm going on a road trip~~ I really don't have that far to travel maybe 1 hr. ~~~I can just tell I'll love~~ The Plum Tree by all your pics!!! On Baby Alert~~~Oh my~ are the bags packed~car got a full tank of gas~~oh and where is that list of all the people to call~~~you know the one that has at least 100 people on it ~~it can't be gone you wrote it on RED paper just so you wouldn't loose it!!!Oh well, I guess you'll just have to BLOG about it!!!(LOL) I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU ALL~~~ I BET YOU'RE ALL ON PINS AND NEEDLES!!!!I'm praying for you~~~Blessing Dear Friend, Deborah
Thanks for sharing the shops you in California it may be a long time before I get to see them in person. Each day yours is the 1st blog I read and keep expecting to see "She's beauftiful, she's the love of our life, She's Clara and She's HERE. Have a great day! Nancy
Hello Dawn...
Ohhh my...what a fabulous store! Wished I lived closer! Your friend Cindy certainly has a talent for displaying all of her lovely wares...and your photos were beautiful! I really enjoyed looking and savoring each and every one of them! Loved those pretty little glass jars with the wire handles...I've never seen any like that before! I have a "thing" for pretty little jars! hehe!!!
Well my friend, I just adore that pretty cabinet you bought! Do you have it set in place and all decked out yet? It's just gorgeous!!!
Hope that you're having a super Sunday!
Warmest wishes,
The Plum Tree looks like a place you wouldn't leave empty handed...and now I want a lavendar plant/bush
Pat & I went out to have girls day out on Thursday & I was so bad! i bought a lot of things. So, you & I were on the same page this week. I bought a black side Table & you the black case. The shoes you show in your post look a lot like the ones in my bedroom vignette that I posted. Hope all is well w/Emily & Clara. Know you are ALL on pins & needles.
Thanks for sharing all your photos and images. I have been following your blog since the baby shower, so I feel like one of the family now. Hope everything goes well for mother and baby. (g'ma, too) The nests under glass give me inspiration. I always take something away from your posts.
The Plum Tree looks like a shop that would definitely be a favourite of mine :-) I LOVE all the bird themed vignettes & the green house! Sounds like baby Clara's arrival will be soon xo
What an amazing store - I love the little blue bird! I can't wait until little Clara arrives! I hope all is well and that her arrival is soon!
Best wishes and high hopes to you,
Jennie and all of the Pekingese
The Plum Tree looks wonderful! Love the white bunny next to the blue bird. She would have to come home with me if I were there! Am checking your blog twice a day now for news of Clara's arrival. Blessings to Emily.
Thank you so much for sharing these fabulour pictures with us. It was indeed a pleasure looking at them.
Warm Southern Bear hugs.
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!! Yummy images. I am dying over the lovely hatted woman.
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