My heart swells and my eyes fill just thinking of the arrival of our sweet, first grandchild, Clara. We are all so very excited! Emily's doctor's appointment went wonderful and she is beginning to dialate...1 cm.....and has another appointment next Tuesday. If she has not delivered by that following Thursday she will go ahead and check into the hospital to be induced!!
I'm just not so sure if she'll make it though, as she is also 50% we'll see!! Please keep her and Clara in your prayers for a safe and healthy delivery ~

I didn't get anything accomplished in the studio today. Can you believe that?? I felt so run down and exhausted from painting non-stop last week and then the birthday party Sunday then moving half of the room Monday, too....hopefully I will get more done tomorrow.
I had an idea I wanted to share with you though. I have so many beautiful pieces of ephemera, old postcards, pretty images and such that I've been trying to think of a way to display them so I can enjoy them each and every day. I truly believe that we should surround ourselves with beauty and the things we love.
Well, I know you've all seen this clever idea of displaying Christmas cards. Using either a fabric strip or piece of ribbon. I want to tear strips of drop cloth canvas and sew every so many inches down (I haven't decided how many yet) one of those wonderful round paperclips! Then slide old postcards, photos and images on each one. Then I can hang them to display these precious pieces to enjoy all of the time!!!
Now to find the round paper clips....

Just something random, now that spring is approaching....I found the most beautiful little plant online. It's call Diamond Frost and I think it's wonderful!!! I would love to have some in containers on my porch ~

You take care of yourself, you want to be in great shape for that little angel. All this work you do will be there tomorrow, so slow down and take it easy. Your new idea sounds great. I love to look at post cards and that is a good way to enjoy them. The plant is beautiful too.
I'll keep you, Emily and baby Clara in my prayers.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
From one grandma to another, my prayers are with you. It is so hard to see your baby have a baby but the after joy is incredible. I wanted so badly to make the labor pain go away. That was a part of mothering I hadn't bargained for, but oh do we enjoy our little granddaughter now that shes here! I sure enjoy your blog. Kathy
Being a grandmother is such a sweet blessing! I remember how excited I was when our darling little Emily Jean was born! My husband cried everytime he held her for about a month. The joy you feel now is so small in comparison to what it will be when she is here-enjoy grandma! And you are all in my thoughts and prayers!~Smiles~Tam!
Hello Dawn ~
Emily, Clara...and you will be in my prayers. What joy lies just ahead for all of you!!
By the way, Diamond frost is a wonderful plant. It's also very least in Maryland. I planted some two years ago and it's thriving...well it soon will be! It's resting right now. Just as you should be ~ a gramma's work is never done you know!!
Clara is such a darling name! I can't wait for you to introduce her to us. How exciting!
Your craft room is looking great! But, don't over do it and end up causing yourself to have to take some down time.
Congrats on getting into Somerset Life. They are lucky to have your work to put in there!
In your post below you show us some of the things in your craft room. There is a sweet little box with a chick on it. I LOVE it! Did you make that or buy it? If you bought it can you tell me where. It's just darling.
Dawn, sweet, you and Emily are everyday in my thoughts, and every morning opening up my computer, I hope for great news, I know they will soon be there.
Relax and ejoy the future to come. My little Mathilde now 2 years are speaking to me in the telephone now:"hi grandma,hi grandma" and my heart bubbles with happines.
The cartidea is great, -what is round clips?
Have a wonderfull day sweet friend.
Love and hugs
Dawn, it took me a week and a half to go into labor after i was 1 cm and 50% effaced with my first son...he did come four days early though and my labor was only 6 hours long...well, it won't be long now before you get to meet Miss Clara:)
Hoping all goes well and the baby arrives safely!
I remember so well the birth of my first grand....Miss Moriah Victoria.
I was so excited to have a granddaughter...
Your idea for displaying ephemera is wonderful!
How exciting! Take care of yourself right now so that you are healthy when the baby comes. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Your ideas for the postcard project sound wonderful. The paperclips may leave an impression on cherished postcards, but I guess that is inconsequential when one can enjoy them in such a beautiful way each and every day.
How exciting! Prayers being offered.
Your family is so blessed that they have you, Dawn. Each day your love and excitement is just spilling over and it is contagious. You are all in my prayers.
Hi Dawn,
This is so exciting! Baby Clara is on the way. I can't wait to share the pics with you when you come for girls weekend. You better have your brag book put together!! My prayers to your daughter-in-law for a quick and easy delivery.
Sweet regards,
PS LOVED the Somerset Life layout. Congrats!!
Oh Dawn, I bet you are just sooo excited! Try to take it easy, so you will be all rested for the arrival of Princess Clara♥~~
Love the idea of diplaying pictures,postcards all year through.
Congrats on the Somerset Life article....WOW!
Hugs and more hugs,
Good Morning Dawn!
I am so excited for you and your family! You are such an inspiration to me and so many others and I love to come and get comfy, nestled so warmly in your words and photographs.
Thank you for being there for all of us.
Hi Dawn,I pray all goes well with the delivery of your sweet little Clara...I just had a new granddaugther born Feb.22,Vivian Lizzett...I have another on the way,which will make eight for me!Four boys,three far!
They are each so precious....
You studio is going to be awesome,take it easy,and don't work to hard....
Thanks for sharing all your beautiful work.
Best wishes to you and your family, you will not understand this until after she is born but there is a feeling that comes over you when a grandchild is born that is like no other. God bless.
Diamond Frost is actually in the poinsettia family- is that cool or what? The "flowers" are actually the bracts of the flowers. We had some at the Plum Tree last year planted with the white and green caladiums.
The like some late day shade and will last all summer til frost.
Good thoughts to you for you and your family. Joy
Sounds as if it won't be long now...
I am glad that you decided to take a much needed break from working in the studio. You'll need to be feeling well rested for welcoming Clara. Take an easier pace.
What sweet little water babies...
Dawn, Thank you for your welcoming words of encouragement you are truly an inspiration. We will all pray for a healthy and safe arrival of sweet baby Clara. Your new work space is almost complete, let the fun begin! Congrats to the magazine spread you deserve it! Michelle
Dawn, Whitney has the best way of displaying her "stuff" like that! She was given a fishnet by one of her fishing buddies at the pier (he cleaned it free of the smell) at St. George and she strung it across one whole side of her room, running little lights through it. Then she took little clothespins to hang her goodies from. It is beautiful!!! So Shabby Chic looking!
The only place I have found the Diamond Frost is when I go visit Whit at Auburn at a little nursery there. I have never found it around this area. Since you are a deeper South maybe you could, I don't know. It does extremely well for me! I love it! Many of the plants that I buy at Auburn do well here. I just can't find them here. I can't find many of the azaleas that I purchase there either that do so well here.
Such an exciting time, anticipating that little darling's arrival! I pray right now for her safe delivery and for the Lord's watch over her entire life. Being a grandmother is such an awesome privilege!
Dawn, I remember when Kayla was coming into my world. I was joy filled and nerves energy. You take care of you, you will want to be ready for this event. I know you are nesting right along with Emily.
Clara is resting before her arival
into her families arms.
Prayers, Mary
I will keep your family in my prayers. I can tell your bonding with Clara already...I did that too with each of my grandkids. But there is something about that first are in for the best experience of your life. I had no idea I would love being a grandma so much...I didn't think I could love anyone else as much as I love my own kids but you do. I'm so happy and excited for you.
Your idea of do the strips sounds cool. I just did a huge frame that I found on the curb down the street. HUGE! I covered the backround with black velvet & I am loving the colored pearl pins (for sewing but, hey they work as push pins).
Of course we have Emily, Clara & your whole family in our prayers. This is an exciting yet scary time in a family. God Bless all of you.
And as always... thank you for the images.
How exciting that baby Clara will be here soon! I will definitely keep all of you in my prayers and look forward to seeing all the photos that I know proud Grandma will be posting. ~Lori
Oh Dawn my excitement for you is growing. I well remember the first glimpse at my darling little grandson. Noting will prepare you for the surge of love. I will keep you all in my prayers.
You really need to rest up a bit as I am sure you will be needed to help with your darling new girl when she gets here.
I have a sneaking suspicion that studio organization will take a back seat in lieu of holding a precious little one! Be sure and take care of yourself.
Dawn, I am so happy for you on the approach of your grand-daughter's birth. There isn't anything more wonderful than the birth of a new baby. I pray that Clara's mother will have an easy delivery with many angels watching over.
God bless you and yours!
P.S. (I look forward to seeing your postcard hanging thing. I think I understand what you mean, but may have to see it!)
Exciting times Dawn! Will definitely say a prayer for Emily and Clara's arrival!
Love your idea for displaying your postcards and sure to show pics if you do it!
I have been enjoying your blog for several weeks now and will look forward to seeing your new grandbaby! I am also moving into a new space and your ideas are very inspiring. I have been using the round paperclips in my office for a few years, and people always comment on them. I found mine at Target.
Oh you must be so excited. Wishing Emily a safe and healthy delivery. My thoughts are with you all.
As for round paper clips, check your local Staples/Office Depot, that's where I got mine.
Prayers and Hugs. Get some rest, the Grandma gig is the best you've ever had!
Thank you for your kind and sharing ways Dawn! I visited Jann's blog and she made the most precious skinny with the first taken by fairies image, I came by to see you!
Brightest of Blessings to you and yours!
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