Today I was able to get into the studio and start placing things. It's really just a beginning but it felt so good to begin organizing. I still have far to go but hope that it will begin clipping along.
See my poor little office chair? I've had that thing since Chase was a baby and he's eighteen!! I got the bright idea to place my upright vacuum cleaner on the seat one day so I could reach the ceiling fan with the hose attachment.....well, I can't remember if the ceiling fan was ever cleaned but I do know that the beater bar sucked the fabric right off of the seat of the chair!!!! I need to make a little cover for the bottom and the back.
See my poor little office chair? I've had that thing since Chase was a baby and he's eighteen!! I got the bright idea to place my upright vacuum cleaner on the seat one day so I could reach the ceiling fan with the hose attachment.....well, I can't remember if the ceiling fan was ever cleaned but I do know that the beater bar sucked the fabric right off of the seat of the chair!!!! I need to make a little cover for the bottom and the back.

Remember the shoe organizer that I placed everyone's artwork in that I had won or that had been given to me? I've hung it along the side of the refrigerator and I love it!!! Now to fill it back up ~

And you know I have to show you a sweet Clara photo ~

I think she knows that she's loved ~
Have a wonderful Friday sweet friends!!
xxoo, Dawn
Have a wonderful Friday sweet friends!!
xxoo, Dawn
I made a slip cover for my computer chair with a draw string so that I could remove it to wash it. Also I added some extra padding to the seat which I stapled on for more comfort. I think a skirt would make it fit into your new "office" (creating space) You are lookin' good there in your new nest! Please that precious bundle a kiss from all of us. Sharon
Thanks for the update on your studio.
Your stacked fabric reminded me of something.
I make a mess when i pull one piece of yardage out of a stack like that. The others all get disheveled. Of course being a creative, and messy person, the mess would sometimes stay just as it was till a cleaning frenzy hit me.
Now I have been getting the empty bolt cardboard's from the fabric store. They are free.
I the cut them to fit the height of whatever shelf i am putting those particular fabrics on, and, wallah!!
Easier to get in and out, and one less mess for this messy, but creative person. =0)
Let me run tidy up a shelf i have started, then I'll take a photo and post it for you viewing pleasure. =0)
Thanks for another pic of your sweet little Clara.
Barbara Jean
LOVE your studio and your grandaughter is so precious.
Wow! When I got so far through your post, I was beginning to wonder if we were going to see pics of baby Clara today. lol She's a real beauty!!
I love seeing all the pics of your's like getting to look through all your stuff!! Fun!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Your studio is going to be so awesome....for some reason after reading your posts I feel like pinching adorable baby cheeks :)!!!
She's so beautiful, how exciting for you all.
My sis-in-law is expecting and they'll be announcing what the sex will be on Easter. Can't wait....
Best to you,
I love watching the progress of your "nest". It is a wonderful space that will produce many beautiful things I'm sure! I wish I had a room like that... maybe I will in a few short months, but I have to "lose" a daughter to gain a room:(
Your little Clara is just wonderful!I wouldn't be able to do anything except love on her! Have a great weekend and try to do everything that brings you joy!
Wish I lived close by...I would come and help you get everything organized. I love to organize!
Good Luch,
Stay Cozy, Carrie
Good luck with the organizing.
I just love seeing pictures of your dear, sweet little Clara. What a special baby. Her pictures are so enticing to me. She looks so alert and taking in her new life.
I love her
sweet, sweet love
be happy¡¡¡
Looks like life is pretty darn good, there, Dawn :) Have a great weekend!
Hi Dawn,
From one gramma to another ~ talk about bliss!
My newest grandbaby, Penelope, was born on March 25th....about four hours after your sweet Clara arrived!
There is nothing better!
Congratulations to you and your family!
The first thing out of my mouth here today was "What?! No Clara pics?" Phew! Thanks for not disappointing me. Gosh, she's so adorable. Hope that Emily is feeling good and stronger every day...I well remember how exhausting it all can be.
Your room is wonderful and my goodness don't you just have a lot of things to place. I love the organizer on the side of the fridge as that really dresses it up. Perhaps you can get yourself a new and very comfy chair???
Clara is Adorable!! And thank you for sharing your "normal" studio. I like seeing that people use their rooms and they are not always tidy. Makes me feel "normal"! I try to be organized, doesn't always work for me.
I adored looking at all your gathered stuff.
Yes Clara looks loved!!!!!!!!
Clara is sooo beautiful! How precious! I just cannot wait until my first granddaughter will arrive in July! I already have too many projects going for her . . . booties, dresses, blankets--it's hard to stop, isn't it? And this is fitting all of it in between a surgical technology program and full-time work!
what sweet pictures of wee Miss Clara:) she really is so beautiful!!! i can't wait to see your room when you have it all ready...have a great weekend Dawn:)
Oh what a sweet and adorable little face♥ Thanks for sharing such sweetness with us!
Your studio is to die for, can't wait to see it all done, but lot's of fun watching the progress as you go...candice
Of course she's beautiful! All granddaughters are beautiful and gorgeous to grandmothers, honey!! "Personal experience"! But I love the way your craft room is coming together. I'm still working on mine after a year of trying to get it organized since Love Bunny refuses to ad another 20 feet to the back of our "forever and last home"!! *Sigh*........
Oh mammabird,,,a new baby in the nest,,I bet you keep running back to check on her. The studio is coming along nicely. I have to smile as we have much the same taste and the doll trunks. I love them. you are inspiring me to clean up my space as I can trash it in a moments time. Have a wonderful day Dawn!
YOur room is looking lovely -- And Clara is so sweet -- That little rosebud mouth -- too too adorable -- Blessings Kathy - ga
Hi Dawn! Congratulations on sweet baby Clara. Just precious. Check out She posted a picture (7th down I think) that shows a slipcovered steno chair. Might be the inspiration you need to make one. (Like you need inspiration - ha!) I've been thinking of doing the same for my desk chair at work. Good luck organizing. I'm doing the same. Happy Spring! M.
You are making great progress...looks great.
Your babe is just adorable..oh how I miss that sweet.
Clara is a beautiful baby, so alert to this wonderful world. Our granddaughter was born two years ago to our son and daughter-in-law and the love we have for her is overwhelming beyond words. Can't wait to see the completed studio. My "studio" is our guest room which now has Baylee's crib added for her overnight visits. There is not much room left for me and my treasures and I envy you all that space. I know your room will be beautiful Dawn.
Dear Dawn,
Oh your grandaughter is an angel! I enjoyed so much looking at all her pictures! A new baby is such a miracle, their eyes full of wonder and seeing it all for the first time. Just gives me goosebumps!Congratulations again and I wish for her all good things and lots of happines!
Your studio space is so nice! It looks quite large which I am sure you will fill it with inspiration. Can't wait to see it finished!
Happy Spring!
Dawn, She is beautiful...and your studio looks great. Blessings
Hi Dawn!
My heart nearly stopped when I saw all your old suitcases on your shelves. I L O V E old suitcases...I always stacked them in a corner but thats a much better more accessible idea! Love it!
Baby Clara is so cute! You get 100 messages like that everyday and it never gets old I'm sure! SO CUTE!
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