And as the seasons come and go,
here's something you might like to know ~
there are fairies everywhere
under bushes, in the air,
playing games just like you play,
singing through their busy day.
So listen, touch, and look around ~
in the air and on the ground.
And if you watch all nature's things,
you might just see a fairy's wing.

Won't these be beautiful in your artwork?? Right click to save to your computer ~
I love staying up late, creating artwork and then posting here. Many nights I find myself finally wandering to bed, with a smile on my face knowing that I've made something I like and hope that you'll like too. I usually have little pieces of glue on my hands that I've missed when washing them. It's always a nice thing to wake up the next morning, pour myself a cup of coffee and discover these little bits of creative evidence. I smile and know that I must return to my studio to look again at what I made the evening before ~
Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday!
xxoo, Dawn