That's truly how I feel. I love all things old, crumbly, tattered, torn, imperfect and aged. They have have beauty and character that cannot be matched by anything that's crispy and new from Wallyworld or anywhere! These are the treasures Dennis bought me Saturday:
You've seen this sweet lady ~ I cleaned the wavy glass and crusty frame, dusted her and her sister off and put them back together . . . now to hang them!!
Her sister didn't fare as well in the cleaning process as the print was stuck to the glass but I love her just the same ~ and believe me, I could NOT have left her uncleaned, they were both filthy.
This wonderful embossed box that he thought would be good to use in my artwork but it's so amazing, I can't do it . . . I will enjoy him just as he is! (Don't you think it's a "he"?)

And a pretty pair of gloves ~ he did good, didn't he?!!

he DID do good:) great stuff Dawn...the sisters are lovely!!!
He did REAL GOOD! Isn't it wonderful to have a husband who understands that the treasures that make us happy don't necessarily come in the form of expensive gifts from fine stores. It's treasures that are tattered and worn and hide years of stories within their layers of dust, given by a man who took the time to sift through boxes and tables to find items that most men would have hauled to the trash- that's what makes MY heart go pitter patter!
Wow Dawn, your husband has a great eye!!! Love that box.
Have a great day, Janie
Wonderful..and that box is beyond AWESOME!!!
oh I love it..
it is not wonderful to have such thoughtful guys in our lives? like my rusty wheelbarrow... for our 34th anniversary! lovely items he found for his lovely wife! much love sweetie, vikki
I love tattered and torn--it adds all that much more charm, I think!
Love that box, too!
Your husband's sweet and thoughtful--I remember when I found a beat up Hoosier that badly needed painting and fixing up, and telling Steve I wanted that for our 20th anniversary (it was really cheap,too!) and he said "Really? I was gonna get you a diamond.."--but I wanted that Hoosier and he said "Great--that's a lot cheaper than a diamond!" :-)
Dawn...great finds....not everyone one loves or see the tomeworn appeal.....It takes a special eye and love for ravaged items. I always felt these objects are like our lives. They have to with stand the test of time.....
Oh yes, he did! I really like the embossed box - glad you see it's "imperfect" beauty!
Hello Dawn, I love your blog ! You have such a wide variety of heirloom items on display. I love the pic of the little christening shoe, the pattern book, Paris book and the list goes on and on. I love anything christening related. It is of a great interest to me since it is right up my alley. I design and handmake my own range of heirloom christening gowns. I love the feel of silks and laces, the freedom of mix and matching poieces together to get the unique range. I love your blog, it has the feeling of nastalgia, that is were I pick up on new pointers for my range. Hope you can exchange links with me. I have already added your into my favourites. Best Wishes Dana
Thank you Dawn for your kind comments. Best Wishes Dana
You really have a fantastic husband !
Mine looks me with a smile when I stop at each stand when we go to flea market, he is very patient but doesn't understand what is nice in an old sloped box ! LOL
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