Having started our family when I was twenty years old and my husband twenty two, I have seen my fair share of field trips. Some moms just beat the door down to attend each and every one but I'm sorry to say that I'm just not quite like that. I've become really selective nowadays. I've loved being with my sweet boys, but I've realized not everyone is sweet at these functions and it's not fun being a chaperone to a wild child when you are mortified that they may get hurt under your care ~ you know what I mean?
But I must admit, today was really nice! Everyone behaved so good, too. The weather was gorgeous, in the low 70's, sunny and breezy. We went to a nature preserve that is really close to the school and enjoyed seeing all of the animals. The grounds are so beautiful. I'll spare you ALL the photos I took but there are just a few I want to share ~

I've been reading several blogs about what readers really like and dislike about visiting others blogs. I've heard that the automatic music playing is something most don't care for. I thought what I'd do is offer my music tracks in my side bar and if you'd like to listen, just click on the arrow ~ if not, enjoy the peace and quiet.....I hope you're doing wonderful. I'm quite tired and better head to bed. I just had to share our little trip with you! xxoo, Dawn
Great photos from the field trip.
I like the music playing - maybe people could just turn their volume down or off if they aren't into music.
I, too, loved your photos and the way the light played on the animals in several of them. The one of the buses lined up caught my eye~I liked it. I've been reading also and even took my music off for a short bit, then realized I liked the music. Those that don't can mute their volume :) it's soothing to me~
What a fun trip.. I just love the lil creatures..
smile, Deena
There aren't too many of us anymore who can say we started our families at twenty. ;D The only way to go considering my energy levels as I grow older.
Oh, yes, I do understand the concern about field trips, which is why I am so glad that you had a good experience yesterday.
I didn't know that a playlist could be turned off by the blogger and on by the reader. Learn something new here every single day!
Aaaah! Fieldtrips! Wonderful memories of time spent with my son. And what memories of the lessons learned - such as not EVERYONE teaches their children to respect their elders and maybe my child isn't as - um - rambunctious as I thought he was = at least in comparison to some of the other students! :)
As for your music . . . I MISS IT! It is part of the ambience of your blog. If you decide to take a vote - mark me down as being "pro-music!"
I know how you feel about worring about the kids on a field trip. If anyone could get hurt or in trouble it would have been my kids! LOL! Now they are grown & have kids of their own, but I treasure those times I had with them!
Sounds like you had a wonderful day. As far as music goes, I find it interesting what people play on their blog, if it isn't to my liking I just hit the mute button. Your music adds a wonderful feeling to your blog. Please don't turn it off, let the listener decide. Isn't a camera a wonderful tool, you took wonderful photos, thanks for sharing them. Laurie
What a fun trip, but boy I was surprised when I came to visit you this morning…
Not use to scaly things on your blog…
As far a music, I think we all have a mute button on our keyboards…
I mute my own blog at times… I love music in the evenings but like quiet mornings…
Love the virtual field trip! It's been a long time for me since I started our family at 18!!? What was I thinking?? Oh yea, that I was an Irish-Catholic girl that wanted to have a little "fun" and you couldn't have "fun" until you were married - oh well,bygones!
I loved YOUR music - the blogs that I didn't like as much I simply turned down the sound - Keep the music - your's spoke to me...
I am glad you had a wonderful field trip. Thanks for all the pictures. I know that I was drawn to your blog with your lovely music and will still click on it just to have it in the background... It is so calming and relaxing. I vote music.
Thanks for sharing the field trip with us...it's been a while since I have gone on one of those.
Ha...the first picture makes me want to sing "The Wheels on The Bus"...yea...now that's going to be stuck in my head all day. Loved it...reminds me of my school bus riding days...yikes...did they have buses back then???
Loved the little otters...aren't they just the most amazing little creatures...so sweet.
I enjoyed the pictures of the field trip -- it looks like a wonderful day.
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who wasn't all that excited about field trips. Twenty years later, a trip to the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis with our son's first grade class still gives me the shakes. Our group was met at the door by the curators admonishing us not to let the children touch anything. It was an interesting afternoon :)
P.S. Dawn, your sweet little baby
shoe pincushions merit a WHOLE page (146) in the newest Somerset Studio (May/June). I can't wait to see the entire article.
what great ppics frmo your trip! Loved the birds-Tara
Hey Dawn, I love the photos,espically the otters. And for the record, I feel like most of the other comments, I like the music. I think it puts a special touch on each persons blog. (kind of like a fingerprint). I miss it!
Just wanted to say the bus photo is great. Love the graphic impact and the composition. And the Otter photo too, such fun cuties.
What a beautiful place. It must be wonderful to live so near it. Otters are my hubby's favorite.
Sweet Dreams! Nancy
Looks like a fun trip!
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