My husband was out running a few errands Saturday morning and stopped by an estate sale. He came home with two of the most beautiful framed prints and a gorgeous embossed box (I'll be sure to show you soon). Both were women framed in very old frames and the glass was even wavy! I took them apart to clean them, one was really stuck to the glass and had a little damage but this one came apart easily. While I was waiting for the glass and frame to dry I scanned her in for you!! He knows exactly what I love.....

Click to enlarge then right click to save to your computer ~
Our seventeen year old Chase went to the prom this past Saturday night . . . he and his date had such a great time. Seems like yesterday he was just a baby!!
Today's been one of those days of cleaning and sorting. We've been working in our garage, which in the past has been used as a warehouse for antiques and fix-it projects to get ready to sell. We're finally cleaning it out and it really feels great!! Hope you're doing good and thank you again for all your sweet words about the cover artwork ~ xxoo, Dawn
what a handsome son you have Dawn!you know..I have a 17 yr old daughter..LOL oh gosh she'd kill me for saying that..ha.
anyhow your guy is handsome..and gosh they grow up too fast don't they?
I'm in the process of doing more clean out here too..going to be getting the house slowly ready for the market.
I went today to the hardware store to buy paint to re do the hall and entry ways. then will do other rooms in the house as I can.
Cleaning out to have a huge sale.
Anyhow..hope you had a great day.
It's lovely to see young people all dressed up to go out. Your son looks very handsome in his suit. It's a great feeling when you get the time to have a big clean up - happy cleaning to you!
He is very handsome for sure - nice looking couple...hey, I have a 17 year old grand daughter..
Your hubby is a real doll for finding things for you! Good for him. Bet he gets "extra credit" for that!
Dawn, your son is so handsome and his date just beautiful.
I love the image you have for everyone..
Thank you for the compliment on my photos.
Sending you love, Nita
P.s Is that music from Edward Scissor Hands?
I love that movie.
xoxo Nita
What a cute couple Chase and his date make
Great finds.
What a handsome young man, they make a nice looking couple. Yes they do grow up too fast. Good luck with the cleaning. Have a great day, Janie
P.S. Hope your picture makes the front cover!!!!
Cute couple your son and his girlfriend make.
I did not know that those old frames and prints can be taken apart for cleaning. I have several and now I will even if it does destroy the vintage backing. It will do that, right?
Oh Dawn,
Though I don't have any of my own, I know children growing up can be a bittersweet thing. So proud of who they are becoming and at the same time, wanting them to stay those little tykes who come running to you with their boo-boos. They look excited and proud all dressed up. You did well.
And tell Hubby thanks for the beautiful image.
Lisa & Alfie
Your husband is so sweet to always bring you home things you'll surely love! And thanks for sharing your blessings with us!!!
Yay for the prom! Your son and his date look fabulous! Hope they had fun!
Awesome prom photo, I am sure I will be taking one of my son's next year...time flies!
Your son is so good looking, and they made a cute couple. These are the fun things we get to be apart of with our kids and then the Grandkids, so special.
Your husband has a gift for finding you things. So beautiful and you share it so well. I can't think of not looking at your blog. I would miss you so much, it is a treat, a gift, and yes uplifting.
Happy hunting...Mary
Love the photo! I'm so glad your son and his date had fun. They grow up so fast! I can't believe the youngest of mine posed for a picture like this 6 years ago!
They look perfect. Love the color of her dress and your son looks so handsome. I have a 16 yr. old daughter ;)
What a handsome young man your son is!! He and his date look like a good fit!!
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