I hope you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty relaxing ~ cleaning up abit and staying home mostly. I did get out Saturday evening to take my 10 year old to Blockbuster to rent a video game and look what I found!!! I've seen the movie but I've been wanting to buy it and this is one of those previously viewed dvds so I was a happy girl!! I can't wait to see it again ~ it's such a wonderful story of a woman doing what she loves and delightfully prospering in doing it!!
My husband made a quick trip through a local antique mall and look what he bought for me!! The sweetest pair of baby shoes still in their original box ~ you think he knows what I love?

He also found this wonderful antique eyeglasses case knowing full well that I will incorporate it into a piece of artwork ~
And then he bought the most amazing group of old locks ~ don't you think?? Some we will keep and some will end up in artwork!

It's so funny that as I get older I find myself seeing beauty in everyday items. Something so simple as one of these locks. The craftsmanship, the age, the patina ~ all add up to such beauty to me. Wishing you a beautiful Monday ~ find beauty in the little things.
xxoo, Dawn
How terribly sweet for him to know you so well~the man MUST be in love :) waiting to see the beauty you bring forth from these preloved items!
Wow! Does he have a brother?? This is sooo sweet of him. He has a good eye - did you train him right or is he just this good at finding treasures?
I've not heard of the movie but if I see it, I might just pick it up & watch - I love "period" pieces!
Have a great Monday and be so very grateful for your thoughtful hubby, OK?
What a sweet husband. Any man that brought home a pair of vintage baby shoes is a keeper! Oh! and I forgot all about that movie. Will have to rent it this weekend!
Those old locks are beautiful with much detail put into them. Your blog is very beautiful and I love your choice of music!
Wow, what a great hubby, he certainly knows you. have a great day, Janie
Love all the locks.
What fabulous finds Dawn!
I loved the movie Miss Potter too - enjoy.
What a wonderful hubby! Can't wait to see what you do with them.
Have you seen "your shoes" in the latest Somerset Studio magazine on page 146? You are so talented! Hope you and your adorable husband have a great week!
Some women get excited about diamonds and pearls, but I see that your dear hubby has your number! ;>
Now I must find that movie. I really want to see it.
Oh I love that movie too. What a darling pair of baby shoes. Oh my goodness, I love that kind of thing. The locks are so cool. It will be fun to see what you come up with for artwork. Have a pleasant day. Kathi
Ohhh, I havent seen that movie. Ill put it on my list. Your finds are amazing too.. Cant wait to see what you will be doing with all of it.
I haven't seen that movie so I will be picking it up today...can't believe I completely missed a Renee movie!
He went to the antique store on his own? WHAT?!?!?! That is AMAZING! I know you are grateful for such a man, but now that you made this public, you might want to put a couple of those locks on him! :) J/K But this is true...
Wow! I have a feeling that you are going to have a REALLY great day! :)
I NEED to rent that movie, soon...its one I'm sure I will watch again and again...I love Ewan Macgregor, too!!
Those treasures are awesome...and one of them being your incredible husband...what a doll he is...can I give him my list of things to look for??? I loved that he really, really knows what you love...isn't it grand when you have such a connection with your husband? Love all the treasures he brought you...he is a keeper for sure.
It warms my heart to see others who love this movie! It's so charming, sweet and innocent. I had to buy it also after seeing it at the theater.
What a sweetie of a husband you must have! So thoughtful too!
I'm having a giveaway - hope you will stop by.
What a thoughtful husband you have!
I love the film Mrs Potter too!
Victoria x
What a thoughtful husband you have!
I love the film Mrs Potter too!
Victoria x
Your husband did a great job... I think the little shoes looks as though he expects another project. Tom makes little trips also... To the golf course. everyday.... Enjoy your finds and I am sure I will be viewing some lovely creations soon.. Have a great day Dawn... Marietta
I will go out this weekend to rent mvie. Thanks for the tip. Lovely Blog!
Your hubby is such a sweetie! He definitely knows how to court his sweetheart!
xx Nancy
Oh my gosh, your honey did really well. I love the shoes, the box too. About the movie, I love this movie.I don't have it. It is beautiful to watch, a wonderful love story too.
I am on the mend, but have not really had much energy for anything. It has been a long cold spring. I am so ready for warm.
I have been buy to see what you are doing, and as ever you have such wonderful ideas.
I know you are having fun with all this new found treasure.
Hugs, Mary
How did you get your hubby to buy you things like that? Mine has been trying to get me to get rid of things, lol.
That is one of my favorite movies! I think the shoes are so sweet and I love the wonderful old locks too!
What a great movie that is! You will enjoy it. And what great finds....
I loved that movie, too, Dawn. What a sweet buying spree your husband made. :-)
such wonderful antique finds, you should send the hubby on more rounds now that he is an expert :)
Omgoodness your husband is so sweet and certainly does not what you love!!!
I love that Miss Potter movie so much!!!! Beatrix Potter is one of my favorite people...I collect all things about her and her books...can't get enough...and I thought that movie was so enjoyable to watch!
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