But the best, best thing was this paper organizer I found that was dirty, had spiderwebs, coffee stains on top and I took it to the front and asked the price . . . 2.99!!! I ran out the door with the thing on my back! I think it will only hold 8 1/2 x 11 sized paper but I have tons so I'm hoping it will help me with organizing. But guess what. Now that I have this little jewel I want to rip apart my artroom and totally organize and re-do! Help!!!!
I'll be adding the items below to my Etsy shop soon ~ the shoe's already there but the other goodies with be listed at good prices!
I love new bloggers. You know why? Because they are so excited and also that they do not realize yet the amazing world they are entering!!! A place of wonderful friends, sweet gifts from giveaways or random acts of kindness, prayers offered up for their loved ones or themselves, concern if they haven't posted and everyday encouragement, inspiration and enlightenment.
I would love for you to please visit sweet Myrna at More Than Heirlooms and welcome her to this Land of Blog!!! Her artwork is beautiful and I'm just so glad she's here!!!! Don't you love this piece she made below??!!

What fabulous thrift finds. Love the paper storage unit
Wow I haven't dropped by for awhile...missing something wonderful here. The baby shoe pincushions are so very sweet!
I am particularly jealous over the waxed hemp...my favorite twine on the planet.
Hi Dawn, love your wonderful bounty from the thrift store. You scored! I want to thank you for so frequently sharing your beautiful art for us to scan and use in our own art. You are sooooo generous! And, regarding your blog music...I love it!!! It's just my cup of tea! I often leave yours on while I answer email, etc.
Blessings to you,
Your thrift finds are wonderful. The paper organizer would make me want to tear my studio apart and reorganize too! :) I think organizing is a great deal of the enjoyment of this art journey, and of course the hunt! I can't wait to see what you create with your finds. I found you through Jen Crossley. Lovely music.........
I can just see you at the thrift store excited with your new treasures!!!! I get into a little frenzy when "junking" myself and a great deal is just icing on the cake!!!! Cannot wait to see what you do with all of your new finds!!! You have such a wonderful talent for making all things special!!
great thrift store finds Dawn, you know i love those shoes:) i had a pair of those when i was small, but mine had little patent leather bows on the straps...my mom still has them and i would love for her to give them to me:)
Dawn, I just started visiting your blog recently, I found you through a mutual friend that we blog with. I couldn't agree more, what a wonderful surprise she has in store when she meets the friends in this fabulous, supportive community.
I just found your blog today and absolutely love it. I too love to thrift store shop and find things I can use in my creative expressions. I am fairly new to blogging but have been inspired by your site and will be back often!
I loved what you said about new bloggers...so true! They're a lot like new believers.
And I do love that art piece and I know that what it says is the ultimate truth. We already do have it all.
Super good find on that paper storage unit! And I love those sweet Mary Janes!
very nice finds. I miss the thrift store. We are going sooon. Got to get the irs man to get here sooner. Tee hee
Hi Dawn,
Great finds....aren't thrift stores fun!
Always love to visit your page Dawn....your enthusiasm for life jumps off the page!
I'll bet that marvelous paper organizer will have a coat of paint and soft adornments in its future too.
again, you're passing on your compassion~I shall mosey over to our newest blogger friend and tell her you sent me :) have a beautiful Friday, Dawn~
Enjoy the organizing - it's a bit of a grind but it's so worthwhile! Talk about the simple things - just seeing a space that was piled high cleared of clutter makes my heart skip a beat , lol.
I just bought an unused bundle of waxed linen lacing cord at the thrift store!
Glad to have found your site :)
Cheers, Tracey
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