Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My sweet Noah ~

I can't even believe this happened to our baby....he has broken his left femur or upper left leg bone completely in half. He was jumping off of a ramp with his bicycle in our back yard and somehow landed with all of his weight, as well as the bike's, on his left leg. Dennis brought our laptop to the hospital so we're sitting in our hospital room waiting on his surgery which will be around noon. Thank you all so, so very much for your precious prayers and kind words.....I appreciate you all so much!!!!! You are all such wonderful friends that I just have to share what's happening in my life...good or bad ~ Thank you again sweet friends...
Hugs and love, Dawn


Anonymous said...


Becky said...

Oh my! I am praying for a speedy recovery for your sweet Noah. Hang in there Dawn.
Prayers for you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Oh Dawn, bless his heart and all of you!
As a mom, I feel for you in every way. Chris had a similar boy accident.
Prayers for Noah and know you will be in my thoughts and prayers too!


Sue said...

My prayers are with you,Noah and his doctors. There is nothing like our love for our children and I know how helpless you feel as you surrender him to the doctors.

Marcie said...

Ease your heart, he will be fine,,boys do push the limits, I have said a prayer for all of you.

Sandi said...

Oh Dawn!! I am so sorry to hear about your precious Noah. We will be praying for Noah that he will heal completely and fast!

Susie Mitchell said...

Praying the surgery is fast and easy...God guide the hands of those who are caring for Noah. Also praying for a speedy recovery with no complications. God's best blessings on you and your family through this difficult time.
God's angels fight on our side!
Hugs, Susie

Maison Douce said...

Oh, my goodness, Dawn, what a terrible thing to happen!!!! I wish him a speedy and complete recovery...

Laryssa @ Heaven In The Home said...

Praying for a quick and full recovery!

Magic Moonlight said...

thoughts & prayers are with you two! remember the will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you. love, hugs & blessings,Blanca.

BailiwickStudio said...

Ouch! Poor boy. Being young, though, he'll likely heal quickly and be back on both feet before you know it! My prayers are with him. xo Jill

Charmingdesigns said...

Oh Dawn, I am just catching up on your blog and found that you are going through a tough time with your son. I am sooo sorry to hear this. I pray surgery will go smoothly and that he will heal quickly! Take care. Love and Hugs to you dear friend. Laurie

sandra said...

Dawn, I'm so sorry to hear about Noah's accident. I'm praying that God will guide the Dr's hands, that all will go perfectly, and he will heal and recover quickly. And, that God will bless you and your family with strength and peace.

Gail said...

So sorry to hear about this! It's just horrible when our children get sick or hurt!!!!
Please wish him well, give him a big hug, and I'll say a prayer for his quick recovery........

TinaTx said...

Hope the surgery goes well. Having 3 boys (4 if you count the hubby - and sometimes he was worse than the boys!) I am surprised we only had one broken bone. Middle son was 4 at the time - didn't slow him down a bit - within a week I caught him jumping off a chair. (he had a cast on his foot) It is amazing how quickly they recover when they are young - much faster than mom does!
Will be thinking of both of you and praying for a speedy recovery.

Claudia said...

I am thinking of Noah and your family and sending my best wishes for successful surgery and total healing. I'm so sorry to hear of his fall.

Vee said...

Oh dear heavens. Will be praying throughout the day for Noah and for you two parents, too! Not to mention the doctors. Hang in there...

Deb said...

Keeping you and Noah in my thoughts and prayers!

Connie said...

As a mom I understand how devastating this can be, especially since the incident with our son the past few weeks. We saw him last week and took pix of what he looks like now if you'd care to visit the post from yesterday, honey. Our son also broke his femur at age 16 so I know how this can affect their life. Prayers always and for mum too, sweetpea.

Alan & Melissa said...

Dawn, I'm so sorry to hear about Noah! I'm keeping him and your family in my prayers. Boys will be boys, but it's hard to see them hurt. I love ya, Melisa

Journal Swag said...

Oh my gosh. I am praying for Noah (and all of you). I'll keep it up!


The Painted Nest said...

Dawn~ I'll be praying until he comes out of surgery. It's going to be alright sweet Dawn. God's sweet Holy Spirit is right there with you!!! Praying, Deborah

Anonymous said...

I am praying for Noah and for you all. It's hard to see our children in discomfort!

--Vicki K.

kathy said...

Praying for him and the surgeons - and YOu and the family as you wait -- Blessings . Kathy-ga ♥

The Jeweled Postcard said...

Oh no...I missed this and didn't know about the accident ;( So sorry Dawn, sending well wishes to Noah and all of your family. When our children hurt so do we, always told my children....when you're unhappy so am I, when you hurt, do do I......xo candice

Charla @ For the Sake of Time said...

I too, will pray for him and his doctors. God will take care of you all. Please keep us updated.


debi said...

Sending hugs and prayers to Noah, and the rest of you. Hope all goes well.
Hugs, Debi

Lori said...

Dawn, i feel so badly for Noah...i bet that really hurt...sending prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery...and hugs for you:)

Teri said...

I'm so sorry. I'm saying a little prayer for him as I type this.

Jill Bruce said...

Dawn - Saying prayers for Noah. Boys are tough little guys, but it still wrenches your heart strings when they are hurt or sick. Wishing him a speedy recovery. Tease him about doing anything to get our of going to school.

Jill said...

Poor baby! Good luck!

Deb said...

Sending good thought your way! Will keep your baby boy in my prayers! He'll be up and around before you know it! Kids are tough...sometimes tougher than their mamas! Take care of you too!

Christine D said...

OUCH!! I hope he has a speedy recovery and that he will receive excellent care from the doctors and nurses!

Denise said...

blessings and Prayers to you and yours as you all got through these trials and healing process from the greatest Physician above.

kim said...

Dawn, saying a prayer for Noah!

Marilyn Miller said...

Prayers have been sent for Noah. I will pray for a speedy recovery.

Angela said...

Oh Dawn, I am so sorry, I will have you all in my prayers. My husband and boys are in the midst of bldg a BMX track with ramps in our backyard and this freaks me out!!

Angie said...

Talk about a scary parent moment! Yikes! Praying that everything goes quickly and smoothly for all of you! I think Noah is going to have some serious "street cred" with his buddies now, huh! Sending good thoughts your way...

Sandy said...

Oh Dawn, I am so sorry to hear about Noah, please know that I will pray continually for you all and I will check back in to see how he is progressing. Blessings of peace to surround your mother heart as you tend to your son.

sepiadreams said...

Hang in there!!! Give him all our love and best wishes and know that we are thinking about him-and about getting rid of that bike!!!!!Love Tiina...

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Poor little guy! My thoughts and prayers are with him as well- the Angels will hold him close and soothe his pain- you get some rest too, OK?

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said... sorry. Hope the surgery has gone well...
Stay Cozy, Carrie

BellaRosa said...

Dawn, I visit your gorgeous Blog everyday and I read about your son Noah, I hope he has a speedy recovery and is out having fun again in no time. As a mom I know we hate seeing our children in pain, how I wish I could keep my 18 and soon to be 13 yr. olds wrapped in bubble wrap, but unfortunately, they wont let me :)Take care of yourself too, I know sometimes when caring for our families we forget about ourselves, so when he is feeling a bit better and you give him a treat, make sure to get one for yourself too :) Rose

Vintage Papers said...

thoughts and prayers being sent your way for Noah! May Mama also receive peace during his time of surgery and healing! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Oh Dawn! I hope things went well today. Kids are amazingly resilient. Hope we still see you at Tammy's.
xoxo Lee

Bambi said...

Oh,Dawn,my thoughts and prayers are with you and Noah. Please keep us updated.

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Dawn ~
I will be praying for your boy ! It is so hard when our babies hurt ~

nancarts said...

Dawn and prayers are with you all for a successful surgery and speedy, pain free recovery. I will request that Noah will be on a prayer list.
Blessings to you, Nan C

natalea said...

oh Dawn! I'm so sorry to hear this! Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and Noah and praying for his speedy recovery.
Take good care, xo natalea

Dragonlady said...

Oh my, I just came to your blog and found out about the accedent....I am praying that Noah will be fine and God will give you all the strength to get through the crisis..

Desires of the Heart said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your son Noah's injury. I'll be praying for him for a speedy and complete healing without any complications. And also for you as you care for him, that your heart will be at peace and not in worry. Linda

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Wishing for a speedy recovery for your Noah!

Nancy in CA said...

Our thoughts and prayers and with you and your family. May Noah have a quick and painless recovery. Love the baby photo of him. Be blessed....Nancy

SweetAnnee said...

Oh the poor guy.. Just as summer arrives.. but I am SOOOOO glad he's ok now.. I'll be praying for him.

I hope he's home soon..

fondly, Deena

Stephanie said...

Prayers, Positive energy, all that good stuff...coming your way. Hope your all back at home soon!



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