Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring is definitely here!

After painting the chicken coop the other day...
with all of the wind...
and the massive pollen count ~
my head now feels like a block of wood!!

I always forget how bad the pollen is here in Georgia
until it arrives :)

Here are just a few of the guilty culprits:

Off to take more allergy meds sweet friends ~
hugs and love,

~ PS ~

Please look at my precious granddaughter's first haircut!!!!



Beverly Sager said...

Dawn, I feel your pain here in North Carolina! Every year at this time, with the warm days, I am so tempted to go riding topless (in my convertible)! But I learned the hard way that I'll be sick sick sick from the pollen. And for the past few days, my little red car is more yellow/green-ish. But all the blooming things look so beautiful! BeBe

Brenda said...

But it is so pretty! I visited Savannah n the spring with a friend a few years ago. It has been one of my favorite trips ever!

mary beth said...

Oh that wysteria? I am dreading the onslaught of pollen around here, but we can't have the pretty flowers without it, now can we? I just noticed today that the oak trees are budding, and that means allergy season is almost here for me too...oh well, my head's been stopped up for most of the winter, so I'm getting used to it! Thanks for taking a picture of those lovely blossoms while you were out and about!

Vee said...

Get thee some local honey, my dear. It works for me and mine.

Anji Johnston said...

If only! No spring here in Va. In fact we are due to get yet more snow on Saturday - will it never end! I hope you head is unclogged soon dear Dawn and don't let those allergies get the better of you!

Deb said...

sad that such beauty can cause such misery...hope you feel better soon

Createology said...

Oh dear I do hope you feel better very soon. I suppose that is the only benefit to still having a ton of rain and snow falling. The pollen hasn't had a chance to form yet this year. The flowers are lovely...

Beth Leintz said...

That smiles and those cheeks- what a cutie pie!

Debbie Dillon said...

Definitely some beautiful signs of spring - precious granddaughter! :)

At Home in English Valley said...

Happy Birthday dearest Clara. What a treasure she is. All dreams have their cost, and thank goodness your's is just some allergies! Enjoy that precious girl and your lovey farm dear Dawn. Love, Penny

Elizabeth said...

I love the wisteria. It makes everything look so very beautiful. So, are you going to raise chickens? It is such a blessing to live out in the country. We are in the suburbs, but the city here is so small that it feels more country-ish.

When you have time, stop by and enter my Giveaway!

Hope you allergies get better!


Dorthe said...

Sweetest Dawn- I`m sad for you, about the allergy,
I know all about that,too-(not from pollen-but from things I eat)--
Hope the meds. help you throug the coming months...
Your lillac bush is a wonderfull sight--and so is the little new hair-cutted girl :)
Have a wonderfull week-end my sweet and precius friend.

Home and Heart said...

The flowers are lovely, and your grandaughter is too cute for words!!!

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Thanks so very much for your kindest comments Dawn. You are such a sweetie. Fun to catch up here on a few posts, and BEST part...that adorable grandbaby. {okay, I know she's not a BABY anymore!} She truly IS adorable. {just like her grandma}xoxo Lidy

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Hi Dawn, I am So Happy to be back, I have missed everyone, very lonely without all of You.... I love the proof of Spring, we had 2 mild days, then it went to rain, sleet & ice~ it is so cold, but at least today the Sun Is Shining.... Usually I think Mother's Day is safe to think are weather is stable, but then we can go to the hot weather pretty quick after that. I like a good spring, where the temps slowly rise, so we have 40's than 50's then 60's and so on, but here in Michigan we have 50's then back to teens, then 30's then 50 then it just lets go.... The Flowers are Beautiful & the Chicken Coop is Perfect, I'm jealous of your Sweet little chicks! Now for the Princess of Your Life, She is just Adorable, nice hair cut too, My Grandson who is 18 months has a Mohawk & is playing the drums, now how's that for a Grandson.... Maybe when he is older he will be another Justin Bieber & can take care of His Old Bubbie! Miss Ya, Love Ya xox

Anonymous said...

We don't get the pollen as badly up here. My allergies are much better in Maine. Enjoy the chickies.

Lululiz said...

Oh she is such a sweetie, and she looks so pleased with her brand new haircut!

Unknown said...

Such a cutie pie! Hope you are feeling better soon. I am in South Carolina and the pollen has been overwhelming. Everything is that yellowish green color. We just had a few sprinkles a little bit ago. I wish it would rain soft and steady to get some of that stuff down.


Rustique Gal said...

Dear Dawn, I've been ravaged by allergies too, and we don't even have flowers yet. The maple trees get to me as soon as the sap starts running. That is an adorable picture of your little pumpkin. Have a lovely week!


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