Monday, March 21, 2011

I don't know if I'm an "official farmgirl" but...
we've got chickens!!!

I've always loved animals.
When I was just eleven years old I had about five rabbits
and even bred them for a short time!
The baby bunnies would just melt your heart....

Our new chicks (well, they are really a couple of weeks old) we bought
Saturday have already grown like little weeds!!

Here's some pics from Monday afternoon playing under the pecan trees.....

Ellie's being such a good sport and tolerating our new additions to the family!

We purchased two each of three different breeds...
Plymouth Rock and
Rhode Island Red ~

Here's what the little ones should grow up to look like:

Monday, my eldest son Brent and I
headed to Lowe's to buy a little bit of lumber!
You know I'm always trying to watch my pennies so we
ended up spending about 60.00 on lumber
and some metal roofing
to make a coop for them!!

In just three hours Brent finished it!!!!
Here is a photo he sent me with his phone right before finishing the roof ~
I just LOVE IT!!!
He's going to make a plank to go from the ground up to the door ~
I'll show a few more pics as soon as I can of the finished piece.
Now I just have to paint it to protect it from the elements!

Now I need to buy wire and lumber for the protective pen area outside of the coop.
Oh....and look at the eggs these sweet babies are supposed to give us:

Do you think Lowe's could color match that gorgeous shade of blue using an egg????

Thank you so very much for your wonderful anniversary wishes and
sweet words about my altered box!!!!

Wishing you a beautiful Tuesday my dear friends,
hugs and love,


Anonymous said...

I have to admit baby chicks are one of the cutest of God's creatures...I just love their downy feathers! Love the coop to0...your son is quite the handy man...have fun with the coop and the chicken poop and the Tiff

Denise said...

I love chickens!!! We want to build a coop this year but not sure if we are going to get it done.. Maybe next spring...... they are so so cute and how much fun that will be! I will come back often to watch them grown....

Anne Lorys said...

Dawn, they are darling!
I'd have chicken too, if my Huskies wouldn't eat them!!!


Alison said...

We have chickens at our house too! Pullets now and hopefully will be laying in a month or so. My son did a report on the health benefits of eggs from back yard hens vs. store bought eggs then somehow talked us into a coop full! We have 6 varieties including a Polish.

Dorthe said...

They are just too, cute- dear Dawn-
And the house your son built will shelter them over night- and when wether is not good- wonderfull.
And THE EGGS -i HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH COLORS BEFORE- HOW FANTASTIC- - which one of the breads are giving those beautifull colored eggs?
I wish you good luck with this babyes growing big-and giving you joy,also on your table, precius friend.
Sending you much love, sweet- and wishing you a happy tuesday.
OOO -Dorthe

Gloria Westerman said...

Congratulation!!!! Your official now....Your a mother have had 9 total chicken but my rooster became so mean that they were no fun to me.....had them for almost 4 years.....a friend came and got them to put with hers and they have more room now to scratch around.....miss them sometimes....good luck...

Carol Schockling Lawecki said...

Aww your little peeps are so cute! We are getting some new chickens next month. Your coop looks great. Where did you find the plans for the coop? Online or did you get the plans out of a book? We need to build a second coop to put the new peeps in. I'd like something smaller than we have now and yours looks like the perfect size.
Have a great day!

lifespassion said...

When I was little girl, our local feed store would sell dyed chicks at Easter - pink, purple, green, etc. For severl years, my mom would get me one, which we would keep in a box in the house, until it got too big. It would then to go my aunt's house out in the coutry (which is city here now) as she had chickens. Well, fast forward to last year at 51 years of age and I finally got some chicks! They will be a year old here in April and I've so enjoyed every minute as I know you will too! At least you don't have these cold, blizzardy winters at zero degrees(well, hopefully not) where you have to trudge out and take care of the chickens. It was so worth it though. You will have lots of fun with them - enjoy!! And the eggs, yum, so much better tasting!

Unknown said...

May I ask where you purchased your chickens from? They are wonderful and just the combo I've been wanting! Thanks for sharing.

Traci~Moon Gypsy said...

Hi Dawn,

Love your little peeps! There is nothing like a farmfresh egg...we've had chickens in the past and are considering some more this spring. Brent did a fabulous job on the coop! Blessings, Traci

LADY JANE said...

Dawn...I really think this does qualify you as a "farmgirl chic"! Your babes are adorable...and tey are sure tolove the nesty lil' coop your son has created! Thanks for sharing your peeps with us! said...

Hi Dawn:) Congratulations on your little adorable chics. You are going to be so excited when you get those gorgeous colored eggs. I can actually just sit and watch my chickens all day if I had time. They are just so interesting. Have fun! Oh and the house is great too:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens

Vee said...

They'll be beautiful hens! Those egg colors are beautiful, too. Brent did a great job of whipping up a hen house. Who knows where this venture will take you!

Debbie Dillon said...

Oh, how fun!! And I absolutely LOVE the beautiful colors of those eggs :)

Diane and Kelly said...

Hi Dawn,
We have had ours for a year now and are really enjoying being "chicken parents". Just don't let them free range in your veggie garden or there will be nothing left for the humans to eat!

Second Hand Chicks

Anonymous said...

I have a speckled sussex, a Hew Hampshire Red, and 4 Easter Eggers (auracana mutts). Three lay brown, 3 lay blue-green. Each of the blue-green are a different shade.I give my extra eggs to my father-in-law. When he took the blue-green ones to work, they were all fascinated!

QueenBe said...

I've wanted chickens for some time now.... maybe one day. I'm like you, can never have too much of a good thing, and animals are my weekness.

Jamie said...

Oh, Dawn! Having chickens is a great joy! I loved when I had chickens - some of my fondest memories. We had Lucy, Ethel, Ginger, Mary Ann and Lovie... #6 was never named - just 'chickey'... Can't wait to hear more about them as they grow! Jamie V in MT

Vicki said...

I am super impressed that Ellie is not eating them! We have Basset Hounds and I cannot imagine what they would do...well maybe I can. lol Adorable, Dawn. Your son did a great job on the coop too!

Sheila Rumney said...

Love your chicks. I would love to have some. I too can't believe the Ellie isn't eating them!


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