As I arrange the new art space, I keep finding things that I'd totally forgotten about.....I'm trying so hard to place things and group things with like items so I can track them down much easier. It's really coming along and I can't wait to show you the finished room!!
I thought I'd take a few photos of some small things that I love ~ a pair of beautiful cameos, I'm not sure if they are chalkware or not, a gift from my sweet friend Judy ~

The most wonderful fabric that I found just a few weeks ago won't believe, Walmart!! Two different fabrics but they look wonderful together.... it has that speckled look that I love....maybe a little French looking even?

Some lavender buds that I dried from a plant my husband gave me ~ the plant didn't fare too well but I really want to try again....

Beautiful old boxes that contain very functional office items that were popular in their day ~ I love the graphics and their boxes as well ~

I didn't realize I had so many of these Home Companion magazines saved but I'm so very glad that I did!!! I can't wait to pour through them all again ~ I miss the old ME Home Companion

A sweet Clara shot for your Monday ~ she's living the life.....held by her great-grandmother in this photo :)

And a few gifts for you!!! I hope that you can use these in some way ~

Please forgive me if I haven't been able to respond to all of your sweet and thoughtful comments. I do want you to know how very grateful I am that you take time out of your busy day to stop by for a visit and leave a word of kindness ~ thank you so very much!!!
Wishing you a wonderful Monday sweet friends,
xxoo, Dawn