If you visit my blog regularly, you know I have my little tutorial shop
but you may not have noticed in my left side bar
I have a few free tutorials I've offered in the years past ~
They're easy and FUN!!
You can find my rag ball ornament tutorial HERE ~
And my mitten ornament tutorial HERE ~
OK. Seems I'm always trying to figure out
what Blogger is up to with our images....
I like clicking on images and saving them at their "real" size...
and sometimes it's much larger that what you see!
Here's what I've figured out now:
click on an image ~
you will be taken to a "slide show" type of window.
Then RIGHT click on the image and select "VIEW IMAGE" with a left click.
A new window will open.
You may even be able the left click the image again
and it will appear even larger!
THEN you can RIGHT click it and select SAVE IMAGE
and save it to your own computer.....
give it a try ~ I hope it works for you :)
I played with my bottle brush trees again!
I'm not quite finished with them...but I had to show you what
I've finished so far ~ this one is teeny tiny and will be
housed inside a vintage baby food jar!
The tree itself stands only about two inches tall ~
I don't even have the top screwed on all the way but you get
the idea of how it will look under glass. I still want to
add a few pieces of seam binding garland that has been split
and ringlet curled....
What do you think about these blue trees?
They are really beautiful in person!
My decorations?
Broken strands of vintage pearls...I just love them!

Thank you always for stopping by to see me!!
I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday dear friends,
hugs and love,