Monday, February 28, 2011

Junkin' therapy.....

Images for you ~

Yeah, just when I get everything unpacked and crammed where
I can only HOPE that I remember....
I need a little junkin' therapy!

It's known to be for the soul and lift your spirit!!!
Sometimes when all of my little finds are piled up at the register,
I just stop and look at it ~
It really looks like I found it all at the dump!!!
But it's not trash to me, not one. little. bit.

Look at these little girl shoes, and just get a load of the toes!

A few pieces of old lace, a couple of old baby pics and a very old hinged tin ~

And you know I can't pass up another jar of creamy buttons, right?

This old grandaddy was given to me by a sweet friend....

Well, I found granny this weekend!!!
What am I going to do with them?
I don't know but I just thought they needed to be together.

An old receipt book filled with stubs and incredible handwriting.
Can you believe how old it is??? 1894

A plastic bag filled with loose beads and pearls.
They look wonderful in an old jar ~

The babies ~

More old German trim speckled beautifully from age.

I also found this wonderful box that needs to be altered, don't you think?

A couple of old drawers....
A three bucks each, they had to come home with me!

This small hanging box with four compartments is so neat ~
I think it needs to have speckled eggs and other elements of nature in
each little section!

That's about everything and all I have to say about that is:

Hello. My name is Dawn. I am a hoa....COLLECTOR of cool old junk!!!!

Wishing you a wonderful Monday and last day of February dear friends ~
hugs and love,


Gypsy Heart said...

Great treasures! I love, love seeing the handwriting...that receipt book is awesome. I always wonder about the history of you? Seems like it would be such an interesting bit of information if only we could find out.

Have a great week!

Vicki said...

Hi, Dawn. Welcome to the program! lol I'm so with you. Love your junk!

Amy Kinser said...

You sure found some great things. I love the variety that you brought home. Fun and pretty stuff!

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

I just love the things that you found !
I would rather go junking than the mall
any day!! It is like therapy ~

Thank you for sharing !


Leaping Frog Design's said...

Wow...Looks like treasure to me!!!

Karen said...

Hi Dawn, you always find the most beautiful things and then make them even wore wonderful. Its always a pleasure to visit your nest.

Barbara Jean said...

love it all, but you know all the little boxes, and the little girls worn shoes are my vary fave.

Have a super week.

barbara jean

Christa from Chloe Rose said...

Glad to know that I'm not the only hoa....I mean collector of cool junk!


Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Great treasures Dawn. I adore the receipt book... if only people still wrote like that.

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Great finds, dear Dawn! I would have bought those COLLECTIBLES as well :-). Granddaddy and granny make indeed a wonderful couple. I'm looking forward to seeing what you will create with them.
Have a wonderful week!
Hugs to you,

kluless said...

Oh my gosh, I love it all! The pickings were pretty slim around here this weekend so thank you for letting me junk vicariously through you!

Dorthe said...

Hi sweet Dawn,
You surely did well, I love all the wooden pieces ,to use for new creative ideas, and the recipient book, is gorgeus- the two lonely souls so sweet together....and--and--- everything would have come home with me too- if I would ever be so lucky to find them, sweetheart.Junking is the best therapy endeed, dear friend.
Have a wonderfull monday my dear Dawn---today is Mathilde`s 4 years birthday :)
Love and hugs, Dorthe

Theresa said...

I SO need a little junking too! I call it therapy! When I am roaming around in an antique store or at an Estate Sale, I get away from it all! Realizing that I DON'T have room for what I am about to purchase BUT buy it anyway! Enjoyed your purchases and I know it felt good to load it home! Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!

Karen B. said...

Good morning sweet Dawn,
I just love your findings!! And I also am a ho..
collector just like you and I can't ever get enough of it. Have a wonderful day.
Karen B.~ Todolwen

Debbie Dillon said...

Oh my goodness - I'd LOVE to go shopping with you! (LOL) Those drawers are screaming for little pots of African violets all lined in a row! I love all your finds. Looks like you had way too much fun :)

Sweet Old Vintage said...

Hi Dawn... I haven't junked for awhile... I am still sorting through junk jewelry .... I am slowly picking up more supplies for altered art projects... I just bought a wholesale lot of brown paper bags off Ebay as I love creating for others... I would like to get a small group together early summer and offer a little gathering class and share ideas on memory books... I just gifted a memory book to a sweet senior girl whom we have followed her high school sports for the last 4 years...This little gal had 36 points at our tournament game the other night... I took old pictures researched on late 1800's to early 1900's and mixed the modern pics with the old pics and all kinds of book and song pages and scrapbbok pages and junk jewelry and buutons lace and ribbons... yarns.... all she could say was " it's so cool" over and over... I love gifting... It was so fun... Will be looking forward to some creations with your stuff.... Blessings...

Petit Coterie said...

Wonderful finds! Those old photos are so much fun!


Unknown said...

Wonderful finds! I'm sure you'll come up with a great project for them.

Unknown said...

Hi, your treasures always make me ooo and aaaa, love looking at the cool things you find.
Where do you find these treasures? If it's thrift stores, I need to come visit where you are because ours seem to house things that are somewhat new looking and that's fine but I'd like to see some ol junk every now and then too! haha! I always visit ours and wonder, where are they hiding the old books as I never see them.

Anonymous said...

I needed some therapy last weekend as well.
I think you HAD to get those photos of Grandad and GrandMum together. I am attracted to bits and bobs as well and love how they look in your clear jar.
It takes a true visionary to see the beauty in those shoes, unless of course they were from your child.

Laura S Reading said...

Normally I do not notice ads on blogs but had to chuckle to see the Google placed Junk Hauling ads in your sidebar.

Anonymous said...

SIGH. I'm having withdrawals.... love all the finds!! HUGS

Maple Ridge Vintage said...

Honey...I think we are sisters from another mother! I love all your finds....I have spent the last few days just organizing my..UH.... "collectibles" too. I plan on do'in a little junk'in tomorrow. We are going to Galena, IL. Lots of neat little shops's to more finds!!!! Love ya~Chris

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Hi Dawn....

What wonderful finds! I love the baby cards... I have a picture of my dad as a baby and he had on a dress too.... They sure used to do things differently, didn't they?

Loved your comments about the hard lives the women before us led. I often wonder though.... They had to do everything by hand, and yet made everything....soap, sweaters, tablecloths, doilies..... My grandma crocheted edges on all of her washcloths and towels. I barely have a free did they do it all???

Have a wonderful week...

Warm blessings,

LADY JANE said...

And just when I was going through JUNK withdrawl...thanks for sharing Dawn! And if I could swipe the cubby hole box out of your pic...I would! Hugs!

Jean said...

Fabulous finds - I totally relate to your feeling - I try to resist but I just have to have my "fix" sometimes! Can't wait to see what you put in your sectioned box as I just got one almost like it!!

clustres said...

I am a hoa....collector, too!

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Dawn,
Oh my gosh, I love it all!!! And thank you for this amazing is gorgeous!!!

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Dear Dawn,
Those are some delightful finds! I love collecting little bits and pieces of the past!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful finds!


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