Wishing you a wonderful Christmas too dear Martha ~ and believe me you and so many other of my blog friends inspire me each and every day..... it's such a two-way street of inspiration!

I checked out the most wonderful old book from the library. It's all about birds in Georgia ~ here's a little scan of one for you!

I just have to tell you all, I'M FEELING SO MUCH BETTER!!!! Thursday afternoon I'd had enough, went to the doctor and got a BIG OL' SHOT in my backside and by Thursday night I already felt better. A week was long enough of that torture and not even feeling like answering emails or blogging, much less doing laundry and cooking :)!
Thank you so much for your prayers and sweet thoughts ~ you all truly are the best of friends. I want to leave you with a few quotes that I found because I love you all so ~
"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one"
C.S. Lewis
"It is a sweet thing, friendship, a dear balm,A happy and auspicious bird of calm..."
"The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend. I have no wealth to bestow on him. If he knows that I am happy in loving him, he will want no other reward. Is not friendship divine in this?"
Henry David Thoreau
Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief.
Swedish proverb
"Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe unto him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up."
The Bible: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
"We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over."
Samuel Johnson
Wishing you a very happy Friday dear friends ~
xxoo, Dawn
What a lovely blog. I have a Devon Rex cat too and love vintage inspired art.
I'll be following your blog for inspiration.
Please pop by mine and see a pic of Smokey (my Rex).
The girl in sparkly stocking is absolutey beautiful - love it!
Dawn, This is so funny... Whit (my daughter) wrote the same C.S. Lewis quote in her post last night about friends. You can tell that you are a great friend by the friends that you have!
If you have a chance go to Whit's blog and see her art work. See has just started over the past 6 months.http://boundbythelove.blogspot.com/
Love you,
Dawn, what a sweet gift!!! that stocking is just gorgeous, i love everything about it...i am glad you are feeling better...today is my last day on line until after the holidays, so i would like to wish you a blessed and Merry Christmas!!!
So glad that you got the kick in the behind that you needed. Now I'd just love to know what kind of a "kick" it was. Do be careful to schedule some down time, too.
This gift from Martha is just wonderful. I did recognize your little mascot right away.
Have a blessed weekend, Dawn, and keep feeling better.
What a lovely gift! You're right, it has 'you' written all over it:-) Thank you for the congrats sweetie! Have the best Christmas. I am off to see my army son and watch him get married!
Soooo cute all in her little glittered stocking! Glad you are feeling better too!
Have a wonderfully blessed day!
The gift Martha gave you is very sweet, indeed! I don't blame you one bit for hiding her away in your art room where you can see her everyday! I've seen Martha's work mentioned other blogs. Her work is much admired. :)
Hello Dear dawn,
glad you are feeling better. Thank you for all of the beautiful things you post for us. Have a blessed holiday.
Oh Dawn its just beautiful!! Laurie
Glad you are feeling better so you can enjoy the holidays! Love the quotes! ~Mandy
Thats a beautiful gift. Your photos are lovely. Have a Merry Christmas.
I am so glad you are better! That art work looks as if it could have dripped off your fingers, it is so you! I can't wait to visit Martha and see all her wonderful creations! I think you are correct to keep her out on permanent display, she surely is a darling little muse! Have a great weekend!
Dawn , oh how sweet the little angel is , she is so talented -- love her things . So glad you are feeling better -- still playing catch up here - have a blessed day !! kathy - ga
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I have been a fan of yours forever! Have a wonderful weekend!
This gift was so sweet :)
I am glad you are feeling much better sweet friend!
Dawn, the stocking is so pretty! What a sweet gift.
That very bird was in our feeder today! I think it's a wood thrush! We also had a lone robin in the bushes! He must have been left behind when the flock headed down towards your neck of the woods. They do eat seeds if they have to but I'm sure the little fellow is going to miss his bugs!
oh my gosh - folks are so nice out here in blogger land! :)
The gift to you is very pretty, but I'm in love with the print of the wood thrush and have added it to my nice collection...provided by you!
Thanks for visiting my new blog and seeing the little mitten I made. I really had fun making them - about a dozen in all!
You're such a kind woman!
the stocking is sooo adorable. love the vintage feel to it! so you! glad you are feeling better & hopefully it will continue m'dear. always so good to see your blog & having it encourage & inspire others ~ sucha gracious & generous soul you are. have a verry merrie Christmas & may Gods' love comfort & surround you always. hugs & blessings, vikki ♥
Aren't friends good! I love the various quotes you shared. My husband and I had the Ecclesiastes verse read at our wedding. . .
I love the quote about how friendship divides our grief. It is so true.
xoxo Nita
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